This afternoon, not only is linglie happy to play, but also your laughter is floating between heaven and earth, crisp and melodious.

Linglie holds you back to the bedroom with a big sweat in his arms and says with a smile: "yes, none of them have been let go, all of them are in the middle of the eyebrows!

Your performance is so good, this small pistol will be given to you! "

You you repeatedly nodded, for the hand of the small gun like tight.

He carefully unloaded the bullets in the gun and kept them alone: "Dad said that weapons and Kung Fu are used to protect dignity and family, not to show off, so I will cherish this pistol! And cherish what you have taught me! "

Linglie really likes you. Some children are born with special love. When they go back to bathe the little guy in person, they also ask Qu Shiwen to make some delicious food for him. Then they go back to the room to accompany Mu Tianxing.

All the people in the palace saw it with their own eyes.

Although the young master took the adopted child, even his majesty taught him how to play with guns. Who can say that the young master was adopted?

I'm afraid it's just the same as my own little prince!

At this moment, Liuguang finally returns to the suite of adoration.

Along with him, there are Qingyu and Xuehao. They look at each other seriously, as if something important is happening.

Admiration was not so sure.

But when he saw the news of Yasi and the news that people of Yasi took Fang Muchuang back, he believed that his later bold guess was right.

Then he looked at the faces of all the people, and said softly, "those two pills are really small ginseng fruit pills. They have no soul component, right?"

Leaning feather took a step forward, holding his hands and admiring: "brother Prince, yes. We really wronged Fang Muchuang. It's real villain ginseng fruit. "

Xuehao also said: "we were afraid of making mistakes, so we went through the ancient books left by master.

There is a record of the peculiarities of the little ginseng fruit trees, as well as the smell, texture, and so on, which are completely consistent with the main ingredients in the pills.

Moreover, as my sister said before, ginseng fruit is like a ginseng doll because it's shaped to complement the shape. After it's made into a shadow, it will move with human's actions, but it's less angry than the real shadow. However, it's more than enough to cover people's eyes. "

Qing Yu let go of his admiring hand and took a step back regretfully: "shall we go to find Fang Muchuang to apologize?"

Everyone is silent.

At that time, there was also a flash of light in his mind. He was always realistic and never wronged people.

It's a coincidence. Who could have thought it would be so? And your royal highness, don't you think the murderer is Fang Muchuang?

He said, "Your Highness, my fault, I......"

"No." The admirer smiled gently and said: "in the world of life, the depth of the Jianghu is deep.

Fang Mucheng knows what he is doing. Our reaction and attitude are what he wants. He will not be angry, will not be angry, and will thank us. "

He didn't explain Fang Mucheng's identity as an undercover agent for the time being, waiting for everyone to know that he has returned to Yashi. The smart man should understand himself.

If you can understand it, your IQ must be very high, so you have the ability to keep the secret. If you can't understand it, tell him that he doesn't have the ability to keep the secret.

Adore think of Jin Rong's phone, let him take good care of her.

However, it turns out that Grandpa Jinrong is outside the Jianghu, but in the Jianghu, he already knows.

Yes, it's said that Fang Muchuang's parents fell in love and got married at that time. Along the way, Jinrong was the witness.

Think of the quadruplets of lajiwen, that should be his babies.

No, it's Fang Baobao now.

"Then I'll divide the pills with my sister-in-law. It's a good thing to have a shadow when you're alone!" Admiring the corner of the mouth with a smile, looking up at the streamer: "if you really feel sorry for each other's bathing orange, please help Guoguo to raise the baby well, quadruplets are not easy."

Liuguang also thinks so. He nods seriously: "OK! I'll make sure she's safe and sound enough to give birth to the children! "

Qingyu and Xuehao have a look at each other.

They heard Liuguang about the children of lajiwen, but they found something else when they checked the characteristics of ginseng fruit in the afternoon.

If you say it, I'm afraid it's not very good.

about to speak, but saying nothing to her, "what's wrong with your highness, princess?"

Leans the feather to spit out the tongue, way: "is like this, the Yin soldiers babies did not take the vagina division birth order, is equal to not the normal channel factory is the same.

Such a child can't escape being born when the moon is overcast and the moon is overcast.

Such children are also easy to provoke those bad things. Even if they are born, they should be careful to look after them. If they can live to be 12 years old, the situation will be better. "

In fact, Xuehao has guessed a lot. He thinks Fang Muchuang has played a spy.

"However, I can ask Wutai Mountain to call my master of Taijiquan all the year round to help me make more peach and wood swords and hang them on the bed for the children," he said

It's hard to admire.

He didn't know the technique of xuanhuang and how to ward off evil spirits.

"All Yin baby, what should I do?" I admire the peach wood to ward off evil spirits, but it's impossible to bring the sword to the child all the time: "otherwise, I'll go to Tibet to ask for some amulets after the mother gives birth."

At the thought of Fang Muchuang's action, I admire where there is still a little resentment in my heart now?

He admired Fangmu orange, his courage, intelligence, vision and layout!

Once these four children are born, Ningguo has four more loyal guardians!

Naturally, it's worth a trip by himself!

Liuguang thinks that if a amulet is used, it can fly to Tibet to seek it, but a child will live to be 12 years old from the embryo, and there will be many possibilities.

The court is the place where the real dragon emperor lives. Those ghosts and gods naturally retreat. But who can guarantee that children will not leave the court until they are 12 years old?

He looked up and admired: "Your Highness, there are purple micro stars in the sky of Taiyu, but now your majesty intends to have Taiyu rebuilt.

Otherwise, it's OK to let the five fruit mothers and children move to Taiyu and serve in Taiyu from then on. "

Admiring Zheng, he suddenly thought of Jin Rong's words: let the Crown Princess go!

It turns out that the real meaning of Jinrong is not only to let them take care of Fangmu orange's children, but also that only Qingmu and Beira can live in Taiyu. The Ziwei star of Taiyu can protect people and protect Fangmu orange's four children!

Adore and take a deep breath!

Luo family gave it to Grandpa Jinrong. It's the right person. Such a thoughtful man is also the pride of Luo family.

"Good!" "I asked the crown princess to come here!

However, I also want to go to the father's study. The father is the center of the whole imperial city and the King we are loyal to. We must inform the father of these things we know now! "

Especially Guoguo is pregnant with the news of quadruplets. Linglie would have arranged for Guoguo's mother and son if he knew.

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