You and you remember a sentence that your father taught him: nothing to be courteous, no fraud, no theft.

Although the eldest uncle and the eldest aunt are not strangers, they did not treat themselves very much when they were admiring the eldest uncle's family for adoption. You can feel it.

At this moment, he was so nice to himself. He was a little strange. He couldn't help thinking of his father's words.

You and you don't buy it, showing no enthusiasm for toys. You are embarrassed, but suddenly you feel something hot sticking to your legs.

When he looked down, Shengning smiled and hugged his legs. His beautiful curly hair was like a doughnut. He looked up at him with a small face carved with Pink Jade. He asked: "uncle, do my new shoes look good?"

Tilt capacity can be considered to find warmth, immediately bow down to hold up Shengning: "nice! However, we'd better watch it one by one! The best in the world! "

"The whole world is so big," said Sheng Ning with a embarrassed smile, but he could not help but rejoice: "uncle, you have more eyes than my father!"

Think about it and smile and open all the gifts to Suning, saying: "all these imported toys, one by one, you see, this is Barbie doll, a whole set of 48, all here!"

Sheng Ning climbs down from his body.

Looking at a large table full of toys, covering a small mouth, surprised.

A pair of black and bright glass big eyes turned, she milk voice milk gas tunnel: "Oh! My god! I don't think you made my dad unhappy, so you want to start from me? "

Lojeb's mouth was drawn, but he thought that his granddaughter was right!

Ni Xiyue also thinks that admiring couples can not go downstairs. It's more than enough to have a couple of children here to help them. The number combination of 22 and 11 can be a teacher.

Sheng Ning reached for a pink and a purple doll, held them in her arms and looked up at them.

Her eyes were filled with tears! Thank you! Don't worry, I know my father is not easy to coax, but it's on me! "

She said, then she gave me a wink: "you are welcome to make my father angry!"

Everyone: "..."

You you step forward, take the two dolls from the hands of Saint Ning, and put them on the table.

Suning looked at him with a small frown.

You smiled and said, "it seems that you haven't asked your mother if your new shoes are beautiful. Let's go up together and tell your father and mother by the way that they are here."

Shengning immediately smiled: "OK!"

You you reach out to embrace her small fat waist, but she is struggling to back away, carrying a skirt very lady to walk up: "I want to step on my new shoes, step by step up!"

So, you and you followed her silently and watched her climb up step by step. He carefully opened his arms to prevent her from falling at any time.

Qushiwen brought up the tea, but there was no place to put it.

Looking at the things in the tea table, she called the palace people with a smile and put the tray in the hands of the palace people. She went up to collect the things of the little masters herself.

These gift boxes are either yours or Shengning's, or yours are all her little masters.

When she's done, she brings the tea.

Lojeb's eyes were always on the two children going upstairs.

Think about it, quite sigh: "in a blink of an eye, one by one is so big, and a head is higher. Once the winter's one-piece suit is taken off, it looks like a small adult wearing a small skirt."

Ni Xiyue said with a smile, "yes, she just started wearing small leather shoes. When she was happy, she liked red things!"

Rojeb also said with a smile: "don't look at the lovely children, but it's very tiring to take them with you. Before your mother and I went to bed one by one, we had to change our diapers and feed our babies in the middle of the night. We had to get up in two or three hours. But although we worked hard, we were our own children. No matter how hard it was, it was sweet.

You see now, she keeps running around the house. How can I catch up with your grandmother?

She is like the sun in the morning. She is always energetic and thanks to you!

You are a good child. How much burden have you reduced for us! "

Lojeb said, glancing at his face, raising his fingers and laughing, "no eyes!"

Shengning just boasted that he had a good eye, but in fact, if he had a really good eye, would he shut you out?

That day, I agreed to adopt you, but you didn't return overnight. He didn't have a phone call, and I knew that he was not interested in you.

"Tilt to allow to think of those, ashamed red face:" yes, Grandpa Huang taught is

"I didn't teach you a lesson," rojeb said with a smile. "Sit down. How are you doing in the military department recently?"

The two sat down on the sofa and chatted with the couple.

Although I grew up here, the dormitories have been completely decorated. The palace is not the same as it used to be. In addition, a lot of things have happened, which makes me feel a little alienated.

He looked at the eye tower, and did not know whether the admiration would come down.

Preach to LOJ: "very good. Recently, my little uncle became the Minister of national defense, and we got on well with each other in our work. "

Ni Xiyue shook his head and looked at qianrong: "I went to Qiao's house with your grandfather in three days.

Kang Kang told us that the old commander of l group army is old enough to retire. He wants to send you to work as a commander for several years. He talked to you about it, but you refused? "

Think of stupefied for a while, looking at incline to allow: "ah? When did it happen? How can I not know? "

"Qing Rong smiled and said:" I don't want you! Besides, l city is the Island border of our country. It's like summer all the year round. It's very hot. Where are the troops in the capital? It didn't matter to me. I could have suffered a little, but you can't! "

He looked and thought, and preached to LOJ: "I'm not willing to be separated from thinking.

My father-in-law and mother-in-law are also old. Xuehao has been cultivating immortals all day long. They are flying from east to west. They'd better follow us to live in the palace and take care of us.

If I go to L City and take my father-in-law and mother-in-law's family there, they two old people can't stand the climate there! "

Lojeb took up his tea and took a sip: "so it is. But Qing Rong, the military command is like a mountain. Yekang has just taken office and has made arrangements for you. You should cooperate with him. If you do, he will not be able to carry out his work in the future. "

"Red Qi has gone!" Qing Rong smiled and raised his hand to beat Luo jiebu's leg: "Grandpa Huang, the letter of appointment of red Qi has come down. He will be appointed for four years. I believe that when he comes back in four years, his father will reward him with a prefecture!"

"I'll give him a prefectural mansion now!"

Suddenly, a frivolous baritone came from the gate of the main hall.

Looking back, linglie came in from the outside in a black suit with an expressionless face: "just now, I had a meeting with Yekang and Hongqi to analyze the national defense importance of L City.

When red Qi understood, he volunteered to stay in L City!

I have ordered to build a prefecture government for him, so that he can become a family in L City!

Four years later, if his merit is higher than yours, your prince may not have to do it. You two change. Even if he is the prince, you should be the princess! "

"Father!" he said

Linglie: "you have no joke!"

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