The Qiao family especially like the little five and actively maintain the pure friendship between the little five and Zhencan.

After the phone call, people asked Zhen can --

"look, Luo Qingsong's classmate gave you a gift. Do you have any gift for him?"

"This is called reciprocity."

"Why don't we Zhen can also prepare a gift for Luo Qingsong to put on the head of the bed. I can remember it every day, OK?"

"Then tomorrow, we met at the meeting and gave it to him," she said shyly

But what to give?

She looked down at the crystal necklace on her chest, which was given to her by Xiao Wu. She wore it everyday.

Of course, she didn't know that this was the request of the little five and the big niece, and the big niece chose one of her many jewelry that was not red to the little five.

So, Zhencan likes this necklace very much. She wears it every day.

She looked up at her family and asked, "can you give him a necklace to wear every day?"

Everyone is happy: "yes!"

Cool night think of what, a bright eyes, said: "I have a way!"

In the womb.

Because just after the new year's Eve, in order to mount the Spring Festival couplets, and the tools and materials of Ni Xiyue's painting in the studio, they were all brought to Xiao Wu by the blue admiring brothers.

The items in the three boxes should be handled by others.

Both brothers were sweating when they stood up.

However, looking at the lovely little brother in front of us, both brothers think it's worth it.

Tilt blue has already taken off his overcoat and put it aside, squatting down with adoration, picking lace one by one, and choosing the flat glass on the calligraphy and painting.

Bella saw a carved face, a sapphire face, and smiled, "this one looks good."

"This is the time of artistic conception painting. In addition, through different cutting surfaces, the original painting itself will be enlarged or reduced, making the painting more artistic conception."

Bella spits out her tongue: "OK. You pick, we watch. "

Tilt blue to find a round flat glass: "this is good, just a treasure word all included."

"But it seems that there is no round frame. Let me have a look."

Little five is also trying to find.

Because the material is not very suitable, so admiration also started to rebuild.

Bella looked at it and thought her husband was invincible!

A lot of small hearts came out of my eyes and I took pictures of them all at once.

During this period, linglie came here once. After all, Dudu just came back. How could he be the granddad of the emperor come here to have a look.

I didn't go downstairs, but came here directly. The door of the suite was open. I saw through the crack of the door that the two brothers were working together.

I don't know what I'm doing, but the atmosphere of unity and harmony makes linglie feel comfortable.

With a smile on his lips, he turned quietly and went downstairs.

He saw Mu Tianxing holding Dudu in the cartoon, and talked with Dudu happily, as if she was a little fan of the cartoon.

Linglie went down to watch cartoons with them.

Qu Shiwen came forward and said, "the emperor called and said that he would eat dumplings in the fantasy Pavilion in the evening. If he doesn't come back, we won't have to wait for them."

Linglie nodded, just wanted to ask Dudu what he wanted to eat, but he heard Dudu belch.

Linglie and his wife both laughed.

Looking at the delicious food of this tea table, although there is still half left, but for such a small person as Dudu, the combat effectiveness is very strong!

Mu Tianxing took Ling lie's arm and said with a smile: "uncle! Good news! "

Linglie eyes light micro turn: "what?"

"Yaya has a little grandson in her stomach!" Mu Tianxing smiled and looked at him: "besides, Yaya said, she is now in charge of the birth control. She doesn't care about anything. The task of naming the little emperor and granddaughter is me!"

Linglie said with a smile, "well, how do you think about it? You can change the longevity, or you can change the longevity."

Mu Tianxing looked at him expectantly: "I think so! It's called Changning! Lo Changning! How is it? "

And Mu Tianxing thinks that since Qinglan has two sons, the prince of Beiyue and the prince of Kangxian can be separated in the future.

The two brothers grew up. One was the emperor of Beiyue and the other was the king of Kang Xian of Ningguo.

She whispered, "Shizi can give Changning!"

Linglie nodded and looked at her gently and smiled: "it's all right. When the baby is born, I'll ask the two of them for their opinions.

After all, the children have grown up. We can't decide everything for them, can we? "

"Also yes," said Mu Tianxing

She got up and put Dudu in linglie's arms. She went upstairs and said, "I'll find out what's better than Changning!"

Linglie looked at her back with tears and smiles: "eat now!"

"Just a moment!" She still ran.

Linglie looked back and saw Dudu raise his head and look at him seriously.

He reached out and scratched Dudu's nose: "what's the matter, dear grandson?"

Dudu asked in a low voice, "I'm a son of the world. Let my brother be in Beiyue, OK?"

"Why? But you are the prince of the North moon. "

"I'm alone. Nobody plays with me."

"You will grow up and play, which is not the basis of your life."

After a long silence, Dudu said, "it's different. I like the feeling here. This is my home."

Linglie's heart suddenly tingled.

Gently kissed the grandson's forehead: "well, since I like here, I will stay for more days before I go."

The next day.

In contrast to the royal wedding in the past.

This time, the wedding is open-air.

In the past, the bridegroom rode the horse and the bride in the carriage and walked back and forth to the people's Square.

Behind the people's Square is the huge palace gate, which directly leads to the Great Hall of the people, the place where the royal wedding was held.

At present, the whole square is decorated with pink, pink and purple heart-shaped balloons floating on the square. The soldiers of honor guard, dressed neatly, arrive first and play a joyful music.

There are 999 loudspeakers around the square, which synchronously spread out all the dynamics of the square.

It's a wedding for everyone to watch, participate and bless.

Linglie and Ji Qingchen stand at the entrance of the square, smiling to welcome the state guest who is received by the special vehicle of the National Guard.

Of course, Luo's family members and Ji's Chinese relatives and friends all took seats from the side of the square, welcomed and entertained by the two brothers, Qinglan and Qingmu.

For the safety of this outdoor wedding.

People's square has been under siege since three days ago.

In order to ensure the fairness of the visit, the security inspection platform is set up at both ends of the square today. All the people, including the media, enter the square after security inspection.

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