Zhuoshi finished regretfully, and did not know whether he was confessing or complaining.

The little people under him listened to him and cried like this.

Unlike in the past, she never said a word. This time, she cried so much!

"Whoa ~! Whoa! Ah Wu ~ "

Zhuo Xi was in a panic. He just wanted to apologize, but saw that she had picked up his shirt collar with her right hand and wiped tears on her face.

His eyes light tight lock her small face, the brow is full of uneasy clearly visible.

She chuckled with a puff.

Bai Nen's little arm pulled down his neck and there was another kiss on it.

The little madman was like a fire. Zhuoshi could hardly distinguish the southeast from the northwest. He gasped and looked away. But he heard her whisper: "Zhuoshi, let's do it!"

Do Do what?

He looked at her in astonishment, and saw that her little hand had begun to unbutton his shirt, one, two, three.

White hands into his clothes, he quickly caught out: "lime!"

She looked at him nervously, her voice like rainbow sugar: "let's do it, Josh! Your grandfather and my grandfather are both officials of the same Dynasty. With the relationship between me and you, you will never be able to get rid of it in your life! I can hear what you said clearly, but I don't think it's true enough. If we do it, you will always be mine! "

Zhuoshi was scared to climb down from her, but the little girl's legs caught him. He could not get rid of her legs. He could not escape. He also made himself in a mess.

Lime felt the change of his body and smiled: "great, do you want to do it?"

"I don't want to!"

Zhuoxi is going crazy: "summer lime, let me go!"

"No! I said it, let's do it! "

"Are you a woman or not?"

"Do you like to do this with men?"

"We can count as the first day of formal contact today!"

"But I've loved you for seven years!"

"Summer lime!"

"Josh, touch my heart!"

During the argument, Zhuoshi had to hold her injured hand and hold it high to protect her. With the other hand holding her waist, Zhuoshi turned around vigorously. When she turned to the side, she followed the inertia and fell back. Her legs naturally let him go.

He crawled down from the bed, gasping and taking a deep breath.

Just want to ask if her hand has met, who knows she is ambiguously to throw an eyebrow eye at him, return oneself to put on a quite tantalizing posture to seduce him on the bed: "little Xi ~!"

Zhuoxi is really broken!

He is that nerve short circuit in the end, unexpectedly can see such a crazy girl!

Grabbing his hair in a frenzy, he stepped back and looked at her seriously: "lime, listen to me, this kind of thing is too early for us now! It's too early! If I like you, I won't dislike you casually. You should trust me a little more. Do you understand? "

"I understand! I'm not that kind of fickle woman either. I'm only treating you like that! "

She sat up, cross legged and looked up at him with her chin raised: "but, Zhuoshi, it's not normal for me to do such a thing between my boyfriend and girlfriend. I just want you!"

How can this kind of words be said casually?

Zhuoxi has never seen such a woman. She cannot cry or laugh: "lime, what we need now is a spiritual resonance. Do you understand?"

She tooted her mouth, but also some grievances: "but I have paid attention to you in spirit for seven years! I've been living for seven years, you know? "

"I......" Zhuoxi really wants to say: I'll go alone

He lives well. Can she not use the words "to live few"?

Lime suddenly knelt up, climbed to the bedside, and stretched out his arms towards him: "Zhuoshi ~! Hug ~! "

Zhuoshi took a look at her, and finally came forward. She was very gentle and cherished to hold her in her arms.

Although she was a little rebellious, his heart was taken away by her. Love is really mysterious. It can't be measured by rational thinking or explained by science.

However, since love has come, we should accept it calmly.

"Lime, I like you." "Don't cry any more. I'll try not to make you cry any more," said Zhuoshi gently in her ear. On the topic of breaking up, don't think about it. If I identify you, as long as we don't have too many principled problems, we can go on forever. So, some things will let us follow the order, OK? "

She seemed to understand, so she asked, "for example, about going to bed?"

“……” Zhuoshi's ears are all red by her: "well."

Summer lime smiled.

She's not stupid at all.

In fact, just now she was just testing. He suddenly said that he liked himself and caught her completely by surprise.

She kissed him just now. He said he liked it, and also after kissing. So if he promised to do that with himself, his love would not be simple!

Most men are animals that can only think with their lower bodies. No matter how humble she loves, she will not let herself become a tool to warm men's beds.

But now, he has repeatedly evaded, repeatedly told her that the most important thing is to talk about feelings.

Her heart is really sweet as honey, like a rainbow after rain, like the grass where the ice and snow melt, everything becomes gorgeous and beautiful.

After holding each other quietly for a long time, the lime couldn't let go.

It was not until the pain in her fingers was too much for her to bear that she nudged Zhuoshi slightly.

He let go of her and saw her pale face. It was tight!

When I was in the hospital, the doctor said that the whole nail had been pulled out and the phalanges had been broken. It was going to hurt for a while, and it was ten fingers linked to the heart, not three or two days. Pain medicine can't be taken all the time. It's not good for the body. It's mainly up to you to endure.

Zhuoshi looked at her hand, held her little face, and said, "otherwise, I will tell you a story and distract you?"

She shook her head and said, "I'm hungry. I'm not in the mood to have a good meal at noon, so I ate a dish and half a bowl of soup."

"Then I'll ask my sister-in-law to bring you something to eat? What would you like to eat? "

"Pig's hoof soup! Just now, the pig's hoof soup made by sister Ashi has been returned by sanshao. "

It's ok if I don't mention it. Zhuoshi's face is black.

Gently pinched her small white face: "throw the flower away! I'll buy you something more beautiful in the evening! "

Smell speech, lime smiled, smile with a flower fool.

So he's jealous, too? Still eat her vinegar!

How do you think it's in a dream: "OK, I'll wait for you to send me flowers! You must count your words! "

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