Everyone knows that you are favored.

He is not only adored by the couple, but also loved by the linglie couple and the luojiebu couple.

What's more, this primary school was Luo jiebu who helped you find it by himself. He left Yunxuan's phone number. Now he really dares to call, which only shows that things are very serious.

Yunxuan dare not delay, go to Chunlei house to find adoration immediately.

Admiring and smelling the words, he said goodbye to Fang Muchuang in an emergency and hurriedly got on the bus and left.

All the way to school, admiring the heart are playing drums.

Thinking that the child is very stable and thoughtful, he should not show his fox tail, nor really use magic.

In my heart, I had some guesses, but I really arrived at the school gate, but I didn't expect that the principal and the teaching director, the group leader of the grade group, and the head teacher were all at the gate, smiling excitedly.

That flattering appearance how to see all don't look like is you you to break into disaster.

Yunxuan has some doubts about whether the school leaders intentionally said so in order to meet the prince.

If it is, the gall is really fat.

Admiring getting out of the car, the leaders immediately swarmed in.

All the way to follow the muyingdui soldiers will go to the front group of adult walls to separate them, but they are moved to retreat by the adoration.

After the principal introduced himself, he introduced his colleagues to adore each other and shook hands.

After they arrived at the office, I saw you sitting on the sofa in the principal's office, with soda and grilled wings in front of them.

Just now, I came all the way to see teachers and children in the teaching building and playground.

How to arrive at you you here, has become such appearance?

"Dad." You you put down the food and drink, take a paper towel to wipe the greasy little hand mouth.

He remembers that you can't use cleaning outside.

A pair of black and white clear beautiful big eyes, a blink does not blink to stare at adoration, innocent and naive.

Admiring and looking at the headmaster in surprise: "headmaster MI, what's the matter?"

The headmaster immediately went to the desk with a smile, took out a thick stack of papers, and said with a smile: "it's like this.

Luo you is a freshman of this year. The emperor told him that he should not be treated specially.

So we arranged Luo you and other students together for the opening examination.

The ultimate goal of the unified examination is to divide classes.

There are additional questions at the end of each subject.

But Luo you is not only all right, but also all the additional questions.

Additional questions are the content of the third grade. We mainly selected new questions for children to practice. Unexpectedly, he did it.

Our grade teacher was curious and gave him the third grade paper.

The result is full mark, and the additional questions are all right.

Simply, the teaching director looked for the papers of last year for Luo you.

At the beginning of last year's promotion, the problem is very difficult, but Luo you's classmates still have no subjects, all of which are full marks. "

After the headmaster explained carefully, you came up to pull the sleeve of adoration: "Dad, I've been writing papers today, and I've written a lot.

Then the teachers let me rest here, eat and drink, and wait by the way. "

Finally, I understood how to admire him. Holding his son's hand, I looked at the principal: "I'm sorry, this boy is more intelligent.

The primary school curriculum was completed two years ago.

But I think he still needs to take classes in school, because many things are not only in the exam papers, such as social relations, hospitality and so on. "

The headmaster shook his head and said excitedly, "Your Highness, not only that!"

He took out the bottom three of the test paper to admire: "the topic of the second year of junior high!"!

Besides passing the examination papers of Chinese and English, Chinese and all science subjects are full marks!

This composition, this composition is simply too good!

We would like to keep such an excellent classmate as Luo you, if he stays, what else can we give to this student?

How can we make him better?

No more.

We can't help him. He's the only one who keeps bringing us surprises.

So we held a meeting. After careful consideration, we decided to invite you to come here and talk about the upgrading of children. "

Adore: "..."

That afternoon, you were taken away by adoration.

His new classroom hasn't stayed for a few minutes, and the students' names haven't been memorized, so there is a difference.

Holding his small schoolbag, he was a little uneasy: "Daddy, where am I going next?"

Adore smile way: "read the second day of the first year."

The primary school before you is a step-by-step, integrated primary school, junior high school and senior high school, belonging to the same school brand: Affiliated School of Capital Normal University.

Therefore, he was promoted from primary school affiliated to normal university to junior middle school affiliated to normal university.

This day's dinner, the palace because of your excellent fried flowers.

But before this, the capital evening news of that day already published the article of talented little boy.

The front page headline is Luo you, his big picture, the appearance of wearing clothes and carrying schoolbag, as well as a full score paper, all spread out.

The headmaster of the primary school also specially accepted the reporter's interview, which made Luoyou boast that he is omnipotent.

At one time, I adored a lot of popular comments on Weibo.

The next day, reporters were waiting at the gate of the junior high school.

I thought it was a legend. I didn't expect that the next day, the soldiers of the muyingdui team opened the way and sent you all the way.

However, your legend did not stop there.

He has a strong ability of self-study. Bella is afraid that he can't keep up with him in some places. After all, it's the second year of junior high school, and the course is deep. So he scoured out a lot of auxiliary materials on the Internet, printed them out and ordered them for him to make a reference.

As a result, a month later, the school will once again adore please go.

The process is the same as that in the office of the principal of the primary school last time.

When all the children are actively preparing for the mid-term exam, Luo you has finished jumping from primary school to grade two, and from grade two to grade one.

Adoration finally felt that it was incredible.

He pulled your little paw and asked, "are you gifted in learning? How can it be so powerful? "

You and you bit your lips and whispered, "I just passed the foreign language test, so I studied it carefully.

I have magic. I can't forget it.

The spelling and grammar of English, as well as the pronunciation, structure of Chinese characters, notes on the origin of poetry, Chinese and so on. I have read them all and memorized them.

Science is even simpler. It's a set of formulas.

I don't think it's really difficult to do the test paper, as long as we work hard to remember and carefully read the questions.

It's just that some people are lazy or don't think about learning, otherwise they can learn well as long as they are willing to spend time. "

He never forgets, so he saves too much time in his study compared with other children.

In addition, he is smart. If he learns a formula or principle, he will draw inferences from others. Therefore, his achievements are like a rocket, and he will keep going up.

In the blink of an eye, it's another graduation season.

Your announced grade is eight years old, and the youngest child to take the summer college entrance examination this year.

I admire seeing him in person and watching him enter the examination hall.

He knows you will be nervous, in fact, he is nervous, the whole people in the bedroom are nervous.

Admiration is to say to oneself, as long as you do well in this test, while Shen Xinyi is in a good mood, incidentally mention the matter of entering the wash pulp pool.

Although he didn't want to, didn't give up, didn't want to.

But Fang Mucheng was afraid that he didn't want to, didn't want to give up, didn't want to, while admiring the couple to take their children to Xinyi palace to live, he went to Shen's house to be a guest himself.

I don't know how Fang Muchuang told Shen and his wife.

Since the adoring couple came back, Shen Dichen found the adoring couple to talk with each other, so that the adoring couple must open this mouth to Bella.

It's time to hold off.

He and Bella are both 23 years old.

Time slips away quietly, recuperates the body, enters the marrow washing pool, prepares for the pregnancy, in October to conceive.

All of these need time to be implemented one by one.

Therefore, in addition to being hard to speak, admiring is also exciting and expectant.

Son, the son who really belongs to him will be born soon.

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