Xun can shrugs and says to Dudu, "you can't divorce after you get married.

But they can give birth to babies, and they also need to drink. You can also be the representative of your family!

Marriage can't be done every day, but babies can be born every year! "

When yewei gave children boys and girls education lessons, he said that when gold in daddy's belly was combined with silver in Mommy's belly, there would be priceless diamond baby. This process is Mommy's ten month pregnancy.

So Xun can also thinks that one baby can be born 12 months a year, so one baby a year is no problem.

The childish words made the teachers in the office laugh.

Cool night thinks Xun can is too sensible. She also wants to have a child every year. She is afraid that Wei Wei won't let Lin Lin suffer!

The wedding of the two princes is at the end of October.

That's 20 days later.

After Dudu told the blue couple in Beiyue, yunqingyi had to come with Dudu.

Not long ago, yunqingyi celebrated his birthday and was honored as Prince Yi by Qingya.

The residence specially given to Yiqin's palace will be moved out of the palace city when he is 18 years old and becomes an adult.

Qing Lan thinks that Qingya used to be strict with yunqingyi, and was afraid of his following yunqingyi's footsteps. But since his father-in-law Sinan went to China on a trip, Qingya has been very fond of yunqingyi and asked for almost anything.

He also advised Qingya.

But Qingya said, "I'm the only sister he has when his parents are away. I'm not good to him. Who is good to him?"

So before, yunqingyi didn't dare to be unbridled in front of Dudu.

The whole family protects Dudu, and Dudu is the prince. No matter what happens, even the palace maids protect Dudu.

But since he was set up as the prince, Yunqing Yi is brave. He can't fight Dudu, but he will fight against Dudu.

For example, this time, Dudu waved his fist to beat him: "what do I have to do with you when I go back to Ningguo? What do you do with me?"

Cloud Qingyi doesn't care: "I'm going to see the fairies! I'm going to marry the fairy back to be my princess! "

Dudu naturally understands that the fairy in his mouth is Shengning.

Qi's hands picked up cloud Qingyi's collar: "I warn you, that's my elder sister. You dare to talk, I will kill you!"

Xu was bitten by Dudu before, and he still remembers it. Maybe Dudu bit him, which left a shadow in his heart for a long time.

To cloud Qingyi immediately shut up, dare not say a word.

The morning after the call, Dudu sat on the special plane sent by linglie and made a video call to linglie.

As soon as he opened his mouth, he said, "Grandpa Huang! Your second grandson, I'm going home! Grandpa! You can reach me in a minute! "

Linglie chuckled: "OK, OK, I know. I've asked your elder brother and elder sister to meet you at the airport.

You can come back when you get off the plane. "

Dudu likes Shengning to play instant transfer with you.

Only they are willing to take him to play like this, with your words: "Daddy knows it will not be happy, we can only quietly take you to change."

So linglie's words are just like a big surprise and reward for Dudu: "great ha ha, I'll wait."

Linglie didn't cheat him.

When the plane stopped steadily at the Capital International Airport, there was a black car not far from the apron.

It's a big one.

Every time Dudu comes back and leaves, he is a big head pickup, so he is very familiar with big head and big head's car.

Smile and run to the other side.

As soon as you open the door, you and Shengning are sitting inside laughing. Dudu's tears suddenly fall down: "I'm back!"

He got into the car and found that there was still a crowd behind him.

Little five suddenly emerged from behind you, making a face at Dudu. Dudu saw that little five uncle also came. He was very happy.

Shengning with Dudu, you you with small five, the moment transferred back to the bedroom.

What greeted them was the kiss that the elders had prepared for a long time, and all that Dudu loved to eat.

At this moment, Dudu felt that he was the happiest person in the world.

Night Wei is taking Yi Lin to his palace.

Hand in hand, they are inseparable. The high-end foreign atmosphere here is well matched with the pavilions and pavilions in the next palace.

Yi Lin was very emotional, and suddenly said: "it's good to live here with you all her life.

I just don't know who will live in such a good mansion after our death. "

Yilin is in the age of sentimentality.

She took yewei's hand and said with a smile: "at that time, let's ask your majesty if we can buy it here.

With the memory of your life, it's better to leave it to our children!

We buy it, and our children can live in the place where they grew up, generation by generation, full of warm memories.

I find that the more people who live in ancestral houses, the more sense of family honor and family concept they have. "

"Night Wei smiles to light her nose tip:" no, I have better way, do not need to spend money

Yi Lin is stunned.

How is it possible?

If the princess dies first, the princess can live until she dies too without remarrying. After the funeral, the descendants clean up the belongings and move away from the house. That's all.

Yewei said with a smile: "the Beira reform has been carried out in Ningguo, have you forgotten?

As long as we add points every year to a certain number, princes can also be upgraded to princes. "

Yi Lin is frightened to cover his mouth quickly: "don't talk disorderly!"

Night Wei chuckled, pulled down her little hand and put it on her lips to kiss: "what's the matter.

If we upgrade to a prince, we will not have to worry about the living problems of future generations, and future generations can inherit titles.

The key is that they must strive for success and not always deduct points.

To the princess, or to the end, then really nothing

Yi Lin looks up at the blue sky.

For a long time, she said, "I adore the princess so much.

Your highness is worthy of her children. The harder you work, the luckier you are. It has been fully implemented in the Bella reform of the crown princess. "

"Night Wei chuckles a way:" Mommy says, crown princess is the virtuous wife that crown prince's highness helps

As soon as the voice fell, yewei turned Yilin's body, clasped her chin and kissed her tenderly.

Yilin is not used to it.

They used to live in a suite the day they took wedding photos and traveled in Europe.

But sleeping at night must be separate.

She had to share the room with him, even if he promised to lay the floor.

Yewei kisses her every day, but it's all indoors, without a third person.

Now, the sun is shining, and in the courtyard of the palace, people have many eyes.

Yilin reaches for yewei.

Yewei's eyes were red, her forehead was on her forehead, and she panted softly: "Linlin, we've got a wedding date, can I..."

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