Ningguo has set up cruise missiles aimed precisely in the North Sea, which is close to the sea area of country K.

At the same time, cruise missiles are also set up in the half sea area of the North moon country.

(in the second half of the previous chapter, country m was mixed up with country K. some readers reminded me on wechat, so I hereby correct that country m is good and country K is bad.)

Yekang himself sits in front of the desk in the royal suite.

On the huge computer screen, the pictures prepared by the two sides are clearly presented in front of his eyes.

He is waiting, waiting for the command of admiration, direct attack!

Admiring from upstairs, I came to the hall of the palace. I saw that the mother and the second brother had left. He slightly pursed his lower lip, didn't go up to say hello again, and left quickly without expression.

Yun Xuan prepared a car to wait outside: "Your Highness, back to the womb?"

Adore nodded to get on the bus. After getting on the bus, he quickly called one of the members of the search and rescue team and explained something.

Everything is waiting.

In the quiet little room, Zhuoshi's hands and feet were handcuffed, obviously severely punished.

He knew that this place was far away from his motherland, and his majesty might not be able to find it to save him.

However, I'm still glad that I left my wife a black box and let her live a strong life. Instead of letting her know that I was tortured to death in the end, it's so cruel, it's better for her to simply think that there was an air crash.

Zhuoshi's wound is inflamed, blood and water are mixed together, the smell in the room is not good, and his own consciousness is gradually weakened.

He was also perplexed by the apparent aim of humiliating him without questioning him.

Saint Ning's flesh cannot be near that house.

However, with the encouragement of streamer light, Zhuoshi was accurately found by using the spirit again.

"Uncle Zhuoshi!" she whispered in Zhuoshi's ear

Zhuo Xi sleeps for a long time. He hears the voice of the little angel. He laughs and says something in his dream: "princess, you are shouting wrong again."

Because Qingxuan is his son, very young, smaller than Shengning, and also in a kindergarten.

There are always no generations in kindergarten.

So Shengning always calls Qingxuan's father uncle.

As before, you look at Liuguang so young, also known as Liuguang uncle.

Shengning is very anxious. If she doesn't put down the God destroying mantra here, her spiritual sense won't last long: "Uncle Zhuoshi, for Qingxuan, for Aunt Lily, you have to hold on. Our people will be here soon, and they will pick you up and go back to China. You have to hold on a little longer!"

Zhuoshi suddenly woke up!

He looked around the dark environment, can't believe: "princess?"

"It's me, Grandpa Huang, who has been crying for several days since he knew what happened to you. You must insist that our people will arrive soon!"

If you say, Zhuoshi, who was not sure before, thought what he heard was a dream.

At this moment, the clear voice of Shengning is floating in my ears, but it is true.

However, after this true word, Shengning could not resist the power of the extermination curse, and the spirit was forced to leave the house step by step.

She and Liuguang are waiting patiently at a distance from the house.

And the soldiers are carrying weapons, all the way through difficulties and difficulties!

The roaring guns and trains and the sound of war exploded in the night. The soldiers of the rescue team were full of blood, remembering that "no one can be less", and fighting with each other sincerely and tacitly.

The enemy is clearly ready.

But they were not fully prepared for the military, when they broke through a barrier and successfully fought to the interior of the house.

Looking at the frightening incantations on the wall, a cold sweat came out.

They did not dare to delay. They quickly found Zhuoshi's room according to the orientation structure drawn by Saint Ning.

Zhuoshi's eyes are wide and waiting.

The soldiers in the front hold guns in both hands, but they listen to the command of adoration and tie their mobile phones to record.

When they saw Zhuoshi, they were very excited.

Several people in the search and rescue team have learned how to unlock locks professionally.

In the process of underwater shipwreck rescue, shipwreck engine room rescue, or various rescue, all kinds of electronic locks, password locks, mechanical locks, etc. need professionals in this field.

At this moment, looking at Zhuoshi's hands and feet, they rush forward to unlock Zhuoshi without anyone's warning.

The video of Zhuoshi talking to diplomats of Beiyue at the UN conference has already been circulated on the Internet.

In addition, the follow-up fermentation of his plane crash attracted the whole country to regard Zhuoshi as a hero. On the seventh day when the plane lost contact, the people gathered in the people's Square to light and mourn for him.

At this moment, the soldiers are very proud to be able to rescue the people's heroes.

Zhuoxi's body is full of stench, but the soldiers don't dislike him. They rescue him and fight together.

Twenty minutes a year in the morning.

The soldier in charge of recording the video sent the video to limo, and called back to limo, reporting that they were safe to evacuate, and all of them had returned to the plane.

Their plane stopped at the airport of country M.

That is to say, with the help of sunning, they have moved away from K country in an instant.

Admiring the news, immediately issued a clear order to Yekang: "fight!"


It was torn like this.

North moon suffered a total of 32 cruise missiles from Ningguo, 23 of which were successfully intercepted by the North moon military.

And country K also suffered the baptism of 47 cruise missiles, because the interception rate is not high, so the loss is much heavier than that of North moon.

Qingya calls Qinglan and asks linglie in surprise. Linglie is already questioning Yekang about this.

In the end, it's all about admiring one person.

Yekang also took it for granted: "Your Majesty, you said it yourself. You need to rest now, and you just want to wait for the news from Lord Zhuoshi. All state affairs are left to your royal highness, and your Royal Highness's order is your order.

In that case, your highness asked me to bomb. Naturally, I want to bomb.

If I don't listen, I will disobey the order! "

Yekang has long been unhappy with the North moon.

Otherwise, it would not be a real bombing just to listen to admiration.

In his words, he did not call for his brother, but for his majesty. He also expressed that he did not regret the bombing of Beiyue.

Between the fingers, North moon, K country, devastated!

When all the accusations and curses were fired at Ningguo, Ningguo officials released a video of the rescue of Zhuo Xi.

Originally, there were also military scholars in Ningguo who said that it was linglie emperor who lost his beloved general, so they vented their anger in Beiyue and K.

But after watching the video, Zhuoshi, who was scarred and in a mess, was bound by handcuffs and foot cuffs and rescued. The scene was just breathtaking.

Ningguo up and down unity, shouting to fight well!

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