Liuguang insists on going: "Xuehao can't wait any longer."

This is true.

Because some of Xuehao's immortal bodies are incomplete now, he can't survive with incomplete immortal bodies for a long time.

He can get along with people normally now because he is consuming his own essence.

Consumption to a certain extent, the same will be ashes.

These days, in addition to checking the event of emperor Wushang, the venerable also found a place in the palace of filial piety, ready to begin to temper the immortal body of Xuehao.

All the necessary herbs and configurations are ready.

You can start at any time.

But once it starts, it can't stop in the next seventy-nine days.

The venerable looked at the streamer anxiously: "if I begin to refine Xuehao's immortal body, in case of something wrong with you, I can't stop to save you."

Streamer smile: "it won't happen, don't worry!

Besides, after all these years, I've been through all kinds of hardships and hardships alone.

You only think that you have never come back and participated in these activities. Help Xuehao wholeheartedly!

Don't forget that the belly of chuiyu doesn't wait for others. Your little apprentice can wait for daddy to hold him! "

The venerable sighed: "OK! Then I'll start to exercise Xuehao's immortal body tonight. Take care of yourself! "

When they discussed the division of labor, they discussed it in the bamboo forest.

Although they are invisible, ordinary people can't see them.

But their dialogue is to let you and Shengning listen to a clear.

This time, however, both children learned a lesson.

They wanted to help, but they didn't act blindly.

It was afternoon.

Shen Di Chen and his wife, Bella are all taking a nap in the afternoon. You and Shengning are holding hands. Qi Qi Qi comes to admire them.

Adoration is thinking about what wedding present to give to Qingyu.

The two families have booked the wedding two months later, just after Bella attended her sister's wedding, another month, it's time to give birth.

In his opinion, jewelry and gold are tacky to Diaoyu.

It's rather nerve racking.

Just then, a pair of daughters came to him.

Admiring and looking up: "what's the matter?"

You you will hear things out, the whole process of Shengning opened his eyes and nodded, very seriously.

Admiring and thinking for a moment, I went up to hold a pair of children and kissed each other.

He said with a smile, "honey, daddy will think about it. When you need help, daddy will tell you."

You and you nodded excitedly: "OK!"

That small appearance, as if to be able to make a contribution to the family, for him is how happy things.

These days, they help the Yunxuan couple with their children, and their admiration is also in their eyes.

With a smile, he can imagine how dedicated you and Shengning will be when their little son is born.

Chui LAN has gone back to the palace of M city with Dudu.

He also received the adoration call after Dudu took a nap.

I admire you for asking him for the latest structure chart, warning chart and all the information of astrologer of Beiyue palace.

Tilt blue really hesitated for two seconds.

After all, he paid a lot of effort to manage the public security of Beiyue palace.

But when I think that adoration is Dudu's uncle, for Dudu's sake, no matter what I do, I will also have discretion.

Think of this, tilt blue still unreserved ground gave data adore.

Adore in the phone, to tilt blue said two words: "thank you."

These two words make Qinglan's heart full of complexity.

The streamer is really busy.

He returned Zhuo Xi's visit, and then flew to visit the room where the venerable should exercise Xuehao in the evening.

And appeased him to think about it.

He flew back home again, talking with the superior officer and talking with Xuanxin.

Xuanxin hugged him every time and asked, "Dad Dad, why is Grandpa, grandma and mom accompanying me every day? Why is Dad so busy?"

Every time, Liuguang said, "I will spare time and accompany you more tomorrow."

However, every time he broke his promise.

Xuanxin sometimes looks at the stars on the balcony and waits for his father.

She had seen her father's handsome appearance as an eagle, and also remembered that her father said that she had no wings like his father's, so she could not fly from the balcony like his father.

Xuanxin is a kind of girl who is very clever and quiet.

The character is very similar to Zhencan, but the appearance is not as charming as Zhencan.

Although Liuguang breaks the appointment every time, she still loves her father tirelessly.

Because mother said: people with wings are angels, angels sent by heaven to save and help others.

She is the most helpful child in kindergarten.

This time, Liuguang is going to Beiyue.

In recent days, he discussed with the venerable about how to break the curse of extermination.

But how many cards does Jun luoshang have? He never knew or met.

There is no bottom in my heart.

But must go.

Because of the relationship between the bamboo forest and the conveyor belt, the small buildings in the bamboo forest are divided in the fuzzy area of this space, which is equivalent to the paradise.

So the little man has no influence on Bella.

But Bella can't live in the bamboo forest all her life.

Jun luoshang is also a hidden danger. Sooner or later, it will be destroyed.

It's better to let him go first, abolish Jun luoshang's sorcery, and then let his royal highness let them kill his people.

Liuguang thinks like this, knowing the danger in his heart, remembering the lovely faces of you and Shengning. He can't bear them to help.

He kissed Xuanxin on her small face and hugged her and said, "Dad will go out for two days. Xuanxin will listen to her mother at home and take good care of her mother."

Xuanxin does not give up: "Dad is going to help others again?"

Streamer nodded: "yes."

Xuanxin was about to cry: "but, in order for Dad to spend more time at home, I've tried my best to help others.

Can't I help you share and reduce my father's time outside? "

Streamer a listen, want to cry.

Holding his daughter's face in both hands: "Xuanxin, my father will accompany you and my mother at home after this time."

Similarly, Xuanxin really listens too much.

She wiped her tears hard: "Dad go, Dad pay attention to safety!"

She turned away from her father's departure.

But she knew that Dad had a pair of wings, a pair of wings from heaven.

Liuguang looks at his daughter's young back and feels like a knife.

Turn around and get ready to fly.

At this time, the adoring phone call.

He answered, "Your Highness?"

"King of merit and virtue," admiring voice is warm and pleasant, with a touch of intimacy: "where is it?

I want you to pick you up.

I have a complete and thorough plan here. I need to discuss it with you. "

Liuguang is stunned: "what's the plan?"

Adore: "abolish the method of the monarch falling mourning sorcery."

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