No one knows when linglie and his wife left.

They didn't even take zhuoran away, only the big head and a team of soldiers.

Early morning.

We got up in order and went downstairs for breakfast.

But in the hall on the first floor, Liuguang is sitting on the sofa with Xuanxin in his arms.

Xuanxin is dressed neatly. She grabs a cake with both hands and chews it skillfully. A bottle of dew is placed on the tea table. The streamer feeds her every now and then.

Lojeb saw it and walked forward with a smile: "Xuanxin has come here early in the morning?"

Liuguang stood up, looked at the crowd and smiled: "yes, after finishing the work in the middle of the night, he dressed her up and carried her to the sun.

She woke up just before dawn.

It happens that your majesty wants me to convey something. I'll take her here and wait for breakfast. "

Mrs. Shen likes Xuanxin very much.

The girl is smart and lovely.

She smiled and held Xuanxin up and put it on her own leg: "welcome to eat often, xiaoxuanxin, how can you grow more and more lovely?"

Xuanxin blushed and looked at you not far away: "Luo you is lovely."

The snow-white fox is really cute.

She asked her father at home, and his father also told her frankly that his highness Luo you is about little Linghu. He can only say it in front of the Luo family, not outside.

Xuanxin just sat here, staring at you all the time.

Look at you you all feel strange, raise a little hand to wipe hard on the face.

He also quietly asked Sheng Ning to do a cleansing for himself.

But Xuanxin still stared at him, as if he was a big fragrant chicken leg.

At present, hearing Mrs. Shen's invitation, she looked up at her father and said, "Dad, can I have breakfast here every day?"

"Yes!" "Of course," laughs rojeb

Without waiting for Liuguang to open his mouth, rojeb has looked at Liuguang and said, "since Xuanxin wants to practice, you should not run around with her. You eat here every morning and just go to kindergarten with us after eating. It's very good."

Liuguang sees that his daughter likes it here, and he plays very well with the two little princes under his adoration knee. He also supports it.

After all, in the future, they will all go to another world together. It's better to be close now.

Xuanxin is so happy that she looks at you: "Luo you, we can meet each other everyday!"

You and you go to Shengning and take the hand of Shengning: "my sister must be happier than me.

Because the mother wants to add a younger brother again. There are fewer girls in the family. If you can come every day, the younger sister will have a companion. "

He has been looking at sunning.

Shengning thinks that today's Xuanxin and you are all strange.

As for what is strange, she can't say.

Adore and tilt feather, one left and one right holding Bella out of the elevator. After greeting each other, tilt feather asked, "why didn't father and mother come down?"

We just think of the words of streamer, and look at the streamer together.

Liuguang smiled: "hungry, sit down and talk while eating?"

The crowd laughed.

In fact, he is not hungry. He is just worried that his daughter is hungry.

No, Xuanxin has been nibbling on the cake.

In a moment.

People were seated in the dining room.

Liuguang told everyone what happened last night and said, "so your majesty accompanied the queen back to the funeral."

In the embedded TV of the wall, this news is just broadcast.

Lojeb didn't have much expression, just slightly pondered, then looked at the adoration: "Xiaolie left alone with Tianxing, in order not to affect us, not to give us trouble.

But it's moyize's funeral. Would you like to go with Qingrong.

Anyway, that's your grandpa.

You've done your best to show your face in the past, to avoid gossiping. "

Adore: "yes."

Bella looked at her father and whispered, "Daddy, are you going with adoration? One by one, it's a blink of an eye. "

"No friendship." Shen Dichen blurted out: "if I really go, people still think I have nothing to do to be courteous, not to be traitors or thieves!"

Lojeb chuckled.

He knows.

At the beginning, I admired Bella's employment. Mu Yize was very stingy, and refused to take out any shares.

Moreover, moyize is the worst to admire, and only Qinglan is close.

Shen Dichen, as a short-term protector, is also a kind person. If you don't want to go, you can't force yourself to go.

Bella bowed her head awkwardly.

Ni Xiyue looks at Qianyu and asks, "Qianyu, do you want to go? It's also your grandfather. "

Although she is pregnant, what she is pregnant with is immortal. She will not be affected by the bad magnetic field.

However, he shook his head: "I don't think I have grandparents. My sister and I have been living in exile for so many years. When you recognize me, which one of you is not holding my sister and me in love and excited?

But when I first met my grandparents, I thought they looked at me just like passers-by.

Don't we all talk about the next generation?

Grandpa and grandma hurt me, and I can feel it.

But grandpa and grandma I really...... "

After thinking about it, the poor poet's eyes suddenly brightened, borrowing Shen's words: "no friendship!

If I go all of a sudden, I will appear to have nothing to do with my gallantry. If I don't commit fraud, I will steal. "

"Nonsense." Admiring and helplessly looking at her: "my father-in-law is indeed several floors away from him, but we are different. We call him Grandpa directly.

It's good to accept or not. If the relationship is here, public opinion will follow.

Where do royalty work according to your own preference?

And all of us, your highness, have passed by, which is enough to make mu Yize look good. Hurry up, and your sister will be born in the morning after tomorrow. "

She still didn't want to go.

Shengning immediately said: "Auntie, I want to go!

The interests of the royal family should be the first priority for royal children. Before that, personal honor and disgrace and personal will are insignificant. "

Tilt feather sighed: "you ah, let your daddy brainwash you!

You're a fairy. You don't have to pay attention to that. "

Shengning shook his head: "daddy said that obligations and rights are mutual.

I am the princess of Ningguo, my highness, and enjoy the support of the people. Then the people of Ningguo are our people, and the royal family of Ningguo is the tree that we will guard all our lives.

Whether I'm a human being or a fairy, I have to think about the reputation of the royal family first. "

You and you also went on: "yes! All our lives, we can only do to protect the reputation and dignity of the Luo dynasty! "

Mr. and Mrs. rajeb were deeply moved, and Mr. and Mrs. Shen Dichen were also pleased.

Two pairs of elders applauded and clapped their hands, while appreciating the two children, they also praised and admired the good education.

Xuanxin looks at you excitedly, and her eyes seem to glow.

She felt that you and your just said words were very handsome.

"Qing Yu sighs silently:" take it, Prince brother Niu, it's a real cow

After breakfast.

Instead of linglie, adoration held a regular meeting.

After the regular meeting, he would leave Qingrong, and then Shengning took their brothers and sisters to m city to help mu Yize's funeral.

Tilt blue is really sad and busy.

When he suddenly saw all the sisters appeared, he spread his legs and ran to them: "big brother! Adore! Feather! "

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