Tilt blue dinner did not eat, so back to the room.

Jiang Xin sat there, choking.

Tilt blue to walk not far, is audible, but did not stop forward.

This moment, infinite desolation spread in Jiang Xin's heart.

Miao Miao feeds Jiang Xin for dinner, and sends Jiang Xin back to take a bath, blow her hair, and send her back to bed.

She has no opinion on the family affairs of Qinglan.

She can only do her best to take good care of the old lady.

The housekeeper, worried that he could not bear leaning blue, went upstairs with some snacks and small dishes and bird's nest porridge.

Sure enough, tilt blue did not sleep, but sat at the desk to work.

"Thank you," said the housekeeper, with a soft face

"You're welcome, Lord. This is what I should have done." The housekeeper brought out a portion of the food, set the tableware for Qinglan, and smiled: "Lord, hurry to eat!"

No matter it's a snack or a small dish, it's all the favorite in the blue calendar.

At this moment, I can see how attentive the Butler is to me.

Qinglan picks up the tableware, remembers that mu Yize said that he wanted to find a relative's child from Qingcheng's hometown to help him manage the Royal Palace, but Sun Weicheng refused. Sun Weicheng says that Ling lie has arranged the housekeeper of the royal palace.

Qing Lan looked at the person in front of him and said in a voice of regret: "you have been with me for a long time.

Since the father gave you to me, you have been willing to work hard. All the major and minor matters in the palace have been done by yourself and in good order.

I never asked you about it.

I have neglected you. "

The housekeeper smiled and shook his head: "no, the Lord's house is kind-hearted and treats me and the people in and out of the house are all warm-hearted.

This is clear to all of us.

No matter how busy the Lord is, he loves us and loves us very much.

In the same way, we should do our best to work for the palace. "

Tilt blue to swallow a mouthful of food, carelessly ask: "where is your hometown?"

Housekeeper: "B city."

Tilt blue Zheng for a while, look up at him: "B city? That's the home of the Luo family. "

"Butler smiled:" in the next ancestor on the orchestra

Tilt blue suddenly stood up and looked at him incredulously: "you don't tell me, you are called winter?

And when Minister Sun introduced you to me that day, he also called you Lin Dong. "

Lin Dong smiled kindly: "yes, Lin Dong is my nickname, because I was born the day before the winter solstice, so my parents gave me such a nickname.

The royal family called me so intimately, even their majesty.

My first name is le, my first name is Cheng Yu, and my full name is Le Cheng Yu. "

"I see!" Leaning blue came forward and eagerly grasped the shoulder of winter, sighed: "you have been with me for so long, but you don't find a chance to break it, so that I can know?"

Lin Dong was surprised and said with a smile: "the work of the housekeeper does not include the work of the people who are next to general Ling Yu.

This is true of our royal family. The more glorious our ancestors are, the more we should be low-key and angry. We can't disgrace our ancestors, can we? "

Blue heart moved.

Fortunately, I didn't listen to moyize at the beginning, so I asked the relatives of Qingcheng to come here to be stewards.

Originally, since then, linglie to him, is father love like a mountain!

Thinking about this, Qinglan was even more alert: "yes, I also want to learn like you and all the royal families!

The more glorious our ancestors are, the more we should be low-key and aggressive, and we should not disgrace our ancestors! "

After that night.

Qinglan's character is more steady and resolute.

No matter how Jiang Xin cries, fights and hangs, he will go to Beiyue, but Qinglan will not pay attention.

In order to avoid Jiang Xinzhen calling and texting Mu Tianxing, tilt blue confiscated Jiang Xin's mobile phone and Miao Miao's mobile phone.

He told Lin Dong, "from today on, no one is allowed to dial the phone for the old lady!

Don't let the old lady call out by herself!

Those who disobey the order will be driven out of the palace without any consultation! "

Qinglan is used to being gentle. He always treats people in the mansion with courtesy. Suddenly, he becomes fierce, which really scares people.

So this time, the effect is particularly good. Jiang Xin has completely cut off contact with the outside world.

"The prescription of King Gongde is the best in the world. If grandma doesn't want to use it, don't use it.

But if you regret later, there must be no regret medicine.

It's like that day when grandma was dying with all her heart, but it was so, and there was no regret medicine! "

Jiang Xin's face turned pale after listening.

Tilt blue but in the shadow of the escort, get on and walk.

The closer he is to Luoxi's hundred day banquet, the more anxious he is.

It's said that Sun Wencheng has arranged the 100 day banquet royal clothes for the emperor's TAISUN. If Qinglan can't catch up then, he will use sun Weicheng to prepare them.

Tilt blue is also anxious.

In private, I talked with Sun Wencheng on the phone, and asked if I could reveal the photos of the backup imperial clothes.

Sun Weicheng refused directly.

Sun Weicheng also said: "this is designed by Jack, the classmate of Princess Qianyu and the son of Lord Zhuoshi.

Jack has a unique design concept and feeling for children's wear.

Therefore, the king really needs to hurry up. The hundred day banquet of the emperor's grandson is a great event. It's impossible for the imperial uniform to wait only for the news from your side.

The spare, if the best, can be qualified. "

Tilt blue not blame sun Weicheng not willing to disclose.

After all, they do their own job.

In order to make a greater breakthrough in Lingyun international, Qinglan has to be innovative.

When Ni Yajun learned that Jack designed and made the spare imperial costume himself, his expression was a little strange.

In the video phone, tilt blue seriously said: "this child is no longer the little fart child of that year. However, when they were little fart children, they were very powerful, let alone now.

The father only said let's try to do it. If we finally do it, it's not as good as Jack's design. I'm afraid it will be compared. "

Ni Yajun thought for a moment and said, "in this way, I'll send a little spy over!"

Tilt blue surprised to look at him: "little spy?"

"My little daughter," Ni Yajun said helplessly, "she has taken a fancy to Jack. She has been talking to jack by voice every night recently.

Although it's not good for boys and girls to talk like this every day.

But if it's Jack, I'll rest assured. "

Tilt blue: "..."

Ni Yajun: "what's the matter?"

Qinglan: "I suddenly remember that there are no girlfriends for the shadow and the winter.

It turns out that a single dog is doomed to be a single dog, each with his own object.

This is how unfair the world is! "

Ni Yajun laughed at the other end of the phone: "do you know?

Jack agreed to Meijing. As long as Meijing liked him when he was 18, and he didn't have a partner, he would marry her! "

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