Such careful and comprehensive design is very attentive at first sight.

Linglie's big hand gently pinched the cloth, looked up and down, and his eyebrows and eyes stretched out: "let Xi'er try!"

"Jack also sent the imperial uniform to me.

However, he was more influenced by the west, and his imperial clothes were more British and aristocratic, which set off Xi'er as a little gentleman.

It's the design of the second brother, which is more suitable for Xi'er to accept the crown of the emperor's grandson at the hundred day banquet!

As soon as this dress is put on, it's like a little brother of the emperor! "

Dudu is excited: "my father is so eccentric. When I was a child, I didn't wear such beautiful clothes for me!"

Xiaowu smiled: "you will return to Beiyue and ascend the throne in the future. You will have a chance to wear a Dragon Robe!"

"Then will you come back with me?" Dudu looks at little five.

"Why do I go back with you?" said the little five grimly. "We go from nap to big. When we grow up, I have nothing new to you."

Dudu is not happy: "then I go back to Beiyue alone, how boring, how lonely!"

Little five has ignored him.

Small five excitedly looked at that small dress: "I feel, I can't put on, touch the head office for me?"

Dudu sighed and lowered his head: "then I won't go back!"

Everyone should change the clothes for Rosie and let him try it on.

Shen Xinyi holds Luo Xi up with a smile: "let's go back to the room. We are little grandsons. How can we get rid of them in public in the living room?"

So, everyone around Shen Xinyi's mother and son, went upstairs.

Not long ago, when Luoxi changed into a small dress, the whole person became dignified.

Although it's still a doll for more than three months, those big eyes are shining.

With luxurious clothes, he is a little brother.

Linglie laughs: "Qingyu is right, like a little brother!

Come, my old emperor hugs our little brother! "

"One way!" When rajeb reached out his hands, linglie was suddenly knocked out by his big body: "I am the old emperor! I'll hug my little brother! "

Ni Xiyue takes a picture of Luo jiebu and Luo Xi with his mobile phone.

It's also interesting.

Originally, Luoxi's expression was very good, and luojeb was also smiling.

Just at the moment when she pressed the shutter, Rosie suddenly made a very disgusting expression to lojeb.

As soon as the photos came out, everyone looked and laughed.

Luoxi became a little red man in taiwomb. Because of his birth, the whole palace is full of festival atmosphere, and taiwomb is full of laughter.

Shen Xinyi sent the picture of Luo Xi in a small imperial costume to her admirers.

Adore immediately called back: "the second brother is back? I'll be right here! "

Shen Xinyi: "no, it's uncle ran. They came back from m city and brought back the imperial uniform by the way. The second brother will wait for the day of the feast. "

"I'll be right back!" "I look at Xi'er in court clothes," adored and smiled

Shen Xinyi hurriedly stopped: "no, you work hard. When you come back for dinner in the evening, you can see it as well."

"That can't be done. The child is too young. Don't spit up milk for a while, or he can't urinate and leak. He has soiled the imperial clothes.

I'll come back to have a look and take it off for him.

The dress is still to be worn for a hundred days' feast. "

Just when Shen Xinyi thought that his admiration was too wordy, Luo Xi suddenly vomited his milk.

The collar of his vomited clothes was full of milk stains!

They were so frightened that they took off the baby and put it in the crib and covered him with a blanket.

"You must have carried him here and there. You have to take photos with Xi'er and pose for him. He's tired!

Xi'er is only a few months old. How can you make such a fuss! "

Mu Tianxing is even more anxious: "that is to say, tilt feather is right, the child is too small, don't toss him again."

Ni Xiyue put hot water in the bathtub and carried Xi'er to take a bath.

A large group of people followed and helped Xi'er take a bath.

Xi'er was in the pool. She was white just now, but now she was playing excitedly. Her feet were kicking hard.

And Shen Xinyi loves clothes. She dare not let people wash them, let alone wash them by herself.

For the first time in her life, she called tilt blue on her cell phone.

Then asked how to clean the blue clothes: "it's just a little milk on it. If it's not dyed, I'm afraid I didn't wash it properly."

"It's OK to wash it with water at about 30 degrees." "Because the hot water will deform the clothes, the detergent will also deform the silk.

It's OK to wash it with water, rub it gently and dry it naturally. "

Shen Xinyi nodded seriously: "OK."

I am eager to rush back.

Just to have a look at the son in Royal costume.

But rushed upstairs to look, but saw that the child has been washed clean, changed into a soft one-piece clothes, is holding the bottle to drink milk.

"Admiration is urgent:" I said to come back to see him in court dress appearance immediately

"Is that what I told my sister? But just now Xi'er has vomited milk and can only take off the bath for him. "

Admiring helplessly: "Alas, I have no such luck!"

Everyone laughed.

Ni Xiyue: "I hold it for you!"

Linglie: "I helped you watch it!"

Mu Tianxing: "I also took a lot of photos, show you!"

These people, don't say it's OK. Once they say it, their hearts are itchy. Why don't they see it?

After all, seeing a picture is different from seeing it with your own eyes.

Rajeb laughingly teased Xiao Luoxi and said with a smile, "let's Xiaoxi, fart is fragrant!"

Luo Xi was full and was adored and held in his arms.

Luo Xi looked at the admiration, and suddenly laughed: "giggle."

He narrowed his eyes and soon fell asleep.

Adore holding the child, turned back to the room: "I accompany him to sleep."

"Father wants to monopolize Xi'er again," said Sheng Ning

In the bathroom.

Shen Xinyi specially adjusted the water heater to 30 degrees, and then carefully soaked the imperial clothes in the pool.

After waiting for a while, she gently rubbed the clothes and saw the milk stains on them disperse and melt into the water.

Then she found the baby's coat hanger, propped up the clothes and prepared to hang them to dry naturally.

Admiring Xi'er who is sleeping, I just saw her such a virtuous scene.

He said with a warm smile, "the crown princess is really smart."

Shen Xinyi took the clothes and smiled: "it's not coincidence that you came here. It's your fault. Crow mouth."

I just wanted to talk, but I saw Shen Xinyi holding the hand of the small imperial uniform, the red coral bracelet on her wrist flickering.

Adoration closed eyes, fixed eyes to see again, bracelet is normal again.

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