Liuguang ate the snake soup, just about to leave, suddenly heard someone outside anxiously calling him.

"King of merit! The king of merit! Come and have a look at the junior! "

Closely followed, the door of the study was pushed open, and the young face of Xiaowu Yingqi was exposed: "Xiaosan has diarrhea!"

The streamer and the adoration immediately stood up grim!

How can a good little doll have diarrhea?

Just as they were going out to find out, Shen Xinyi came running anxiously with Luo Xi in her arms.

She was surrounded by a large group of family members, all with tension and anxiety on their faces.

At the moment, Rosie has changed her diaper.

He was a little pale and looked at everyone with big eyes.

But even if the body is not comfortable, he does not cry or make noise, very quiet and clever.

Streamer took his little body and put it on the crib.

The fingertip gently pressed the child's tender pulse, closed his eyes, not long, he opened his eyes, smiled and said: "eat the wrong thing."

Smell speech, Saint Ning immediately relieved a breath: "boil carrot water!"

You you also forced to nod: "before Xi'er midnight thin, is also boiled carrot water."

Shen Xinyi is confused: "when did Xi'er pull the thin? No! "

Mu Tianxing is already crying: "can Xi'er drink carrot water so small? And how could he eat the wrong thing? No way! "

Everyone looked at each other and thought it was impossible.

But linglie and adoration both stare at Shengning and say together: "Xi'er had diarrhea before?"

Shengning nodded: "it was in the middle of the night. It was all thin. It was several times in a row. Later, my brother found the master!

He also gave Xi'er a pulse, and later said that he had eaten the wrong thing.

He also cooked the carrot water for Xi'er himself, and waited to feed and drink it. He didn't leave until it was no longer diluted. "

You you nodded: "it's like this."

Liuguang also looked at and admired: "that is, the thing I just mentioned about Xuanxin, which the venerable heard when he came back from boiling carrot water."

Admiration understood.

And Mu Tianxing can't calm down any more. She picked up Luoxi and protected her baby in her arms: "it's impossible to always eat the wrong thing properly!

And Xi'er is so small, she has been drinking milk powder!

Who of you mischievously feeds him? "

Adults shake their heads. They can't feed such a small child with food other than milk powder.

After all, Xi'er is expected by everyone. He is the treasure in his heart and palm. Who can feed Xi'er at will?

So, everyone's eyes turned to the children.

You you and Shengning are also innocent, and shake their heads repeatedly: "we have not!"

Shengning is a little anxious because she is taking care of Xi'er in the evening: "I also washed milk powder to Xi'er in the evening. The water is in the thermos bottle at home, and the milk powder is in the can."

You you also said: "the general home to feed Xi'er milk opportunities, are not round me."

Small five also said: "I'd like to feed, but they don't let me feed, mother is also, mother said that I was afraid of holding instability, Xi'er fell."

Dudu also nodded: "I didn't give Xi'er milk once, I only gave Xi'er diaper!

I kissed him several times a day, but if my mouth is poisonous, how can I not die? "

"Don't talk nonsense." Mu Tianxing and Wen Sheng scolded: "you and Xi'er will live for a long time. Children have no taboo. Don't talk about these things."

There was a sound of Hula in the air, accompanied by a stink.

Sheng Ning pinched his nose: "Xi'er is thin again."

Everyone was busy again.

"Don't think about that," Liuguang said in a warm voice. "Cook carrot water for Xi'er, stop diarrhea, and then slowly find out the reason."

An hour later.

Luoxi drank carrot water, took a bath, changed into clean diaper and clothes, and lay quietly in the small bed.

The sofa is full of people, and the chairs in the desk and living room are full of people.

Rosie's little bed is in the middle of the living room.

Everyone is watching over him.

Because we couldn't find out who was feeding Xi'er, which made Ling lie angry.

You should know that babies will not get sick until they are half a year old, because the resistance in the mother's body is enough to support them for half a year.

If a child is healthy at birth but falls ill within half a year of age, the pediatrician will first look for the cause from the parent.

And for babies, diarrhea is a very serious disease. If you can't find the source, you may die.

Ling lie has ordered Zhuo ran to check the surveillance.

But after two hours of investigation, no matter what day they said or today, there was no result.

Just when they were at a loss, he asked, "is the diaper still wet?

Otherwise, send it to the palace hospital and have a test!

Xi'er now has a single diet. He eats formula milk powder. What he pulls out should be the ingredients contained in formula milk powder.

Let the palace doctors go to the laboratory and take photos of the formula for comparison.

Report any suspicious objects as soon as they are found! "

Linglie looked at her daughter admiringly and said to zhuoran, "go!"

Zhuo ran immediately turned around: "yes."

Luoxi's diaper has been tied up and ready to be sent to the hospital. They found it and sent it to the palace hospital with a can of milk powder.

Shen Xinyi looked at the streamer: "King Gongde, I'm really sorry. You were talking to adore, but Xi'er was not comfortable, which disrupted your conversation."

She was mainly afraid of delaying her husband's business.

Liuguang said with a smile, "it's OK. Anyway, it's all over."

Lojeb asked curiously, "what are you talking about?"

Liuguang smiled: "about contraception."

Admiration: "cough."

Indeed, so to speak, we will believe that, after all, he is not willing to let Shen Xinyi continue to be a fertility machine, which is a fact.

Now he is satisfied with his three children.

Just adoration did not expect, streamer lied to, there are so traceless time.

Sure enough, there are many people after marriage.

Shen Xinyi blushed a little, and the elders all smiled and understood.

And the person in charge of the palace hospital, personally received Huang TAISUN's diaper, took the lead to enter the laboratory.

Zhuo Ran has been waiting outside for a long time.

Finally, the result came out, and he called Ling lie: "Your Majesty, there are a lot of indigestible lactose found in the feces of the emperor's grandson."

Linglie has turned on the cell phone speaker.

So everyone can hear Zhuo Ran's voice: "doctors say that there can't be so much lactose in normal goat milk powder.

Generally speaking, babies are the most able to digest lactose, but there are so many lactose here that babies can't tolerate it and can only have diarrhea.

It's early, and later, something big will happen. "

In other words, milk powder has been tampered with.

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