"One by one!"

Xun can looks at Shengning, and the eyes light reveals a surprise: "I know it must be you who saved me!"

watched her son wake up this morning and cried cheerfully: "yes, Xun Chan. You must have a good time this time. Thank you, your highness. If she comes late, your life will be gone!"

Sunning was about to come forward.

She has been very close to Xun can since she was a child.

However, there was a clear voice in my ear.

The meaning of his words is not clear, but she can hear the coexistence of sadness and coquetry.

Heart A moment of panic and tension.

As if a voice said to her: "Che will like you? Is it love? "

Sanning was still in the same place, and his limbs were stiff.

But she gave a big smile to Xun can: "you're ok now. I'm helping you to refine the vitality pill. I'll give it to you after that.

Although you're ok now, you're still in a bad mood. You need to replenish your qi and blood!

Xun can, I'll... "

"Not next time." Chul said slowly: "lovelorn is a stage a person must go through. If you are not cruel, how can he forget you?"

"Then how can you not be lovelorn?" said Sheng Ning

Che: "people will be lovelorn in the process of growing up. I am not a person, I am a God, of course, I don't need to be lovelorn!"

Shengning: "..."

"One by one, come here!" Xun can reached out his hand to her and smiled softly, "one by one, I want to have a good look at you. You seem to grow tall again."

The next second, can't let sunning say anything more, she has been brought to the sea ice spring.

Che clasped her wrist: "why do you always take what I said as a sideshow?"

Shengning: "Xun can and I are relatives. How can we get along? Why should we listen to you?"

"He likes you!" Che is about to jump up. "I said, if you go one step further, I will be really jealous. How can you just be unconscious?"

Shengning: "..."

She opened her eyes wide and looked at him without blinking.

Embarrassment spread.

Shengning's eyes glistened slightly. Seeing the blush behind his ears, he asked cautiously in a low voice, "you..."

Che holds her in her arms.

"You are love to me?" said Sheng Ning

If it was in the past, Che would not dare to act rashly, for fear of hurting her or resisting her too much. He has always been sincere to her.

But that night, even if he forgot, he knew that she had him in her heart.

Che Wen Judo: "little Ning'er, I love you!"

Shengning doesn't know what to do.

All of a sudden, Che's arms are empty. She's gone.

Che looked around and gradually became frightened. What does Shengning mean?

He went to the bedroom without her.

He uses his spiritual power to explore her breath, without her.

He went back to the sea ice spring again, and there was no trace of her.

Che really flustered, should not be oneself say too straightforward, scared her?

Shengning hides in the magic realm of the magic Pavilion, carrying a small basket, picking medicine and scolding: "hum! How about loving me?

Love me can be loud to me, angry to me, let me be obedient to you like a obedient baby?

I tell you, there's no way!

It's because you love me that you want to pet me, listen to me and follow me!

Let me listen to you, I don't want to face ah? "

After picking the medicine, Shengning washed and pounded it very carefully. After that, he planned to add Lingli to refine a small bottle of Yuanqi pill.

Even when she was pounding medicine with a pestle, she also beat and scolded: "it's actually love. It's so deep. It's a trick boy!

No, it's not boy, it's an old man!

No, it's not an old man, it's an old god!

Hum, my newly unearthed young bamboo shoot will be eaten by you, an old man God. Have you built 100000 temples in your last life?

I don't know how to cherish, how to be grateful, how to be cruel to me, and how to be obedient to me. Be careful that I'll let you go! "

Shengning finished refining the vitality pill and sent the small bottle to Chunge, but it didn't enter Xun can's room.

She gave the vitality pill to Zhen can and asked her to deliver it. Pure heart and spirit be clever and sensible.

is also in the room with her son this evening. So she sent her away tonight and knew that she was smiling and "the princess is really a bright and bright girl."

Xun can asked excitedly, "Mommy, you You like 11 now? "

I've always loved her

Xun can said again: "then "Then..."

"But I don't like her as my daughter-in-law any more." "It's impossible," he said bluntly this evening

The light in Xun can's eyes is gone again.

He held Shengning's vitality pill and lay on his side: "I'm tired. I've just finished porridge. Let me sleep."

This evening, I have no choice but to look at him, thinking that there will be love forgetting pill in the future, and she will put her heart down for the time being.

Sheng Ning sang a song and went back to the palace.

As soon as she entered the door, she found a person lying on the bed.

Suning was shocked. He looked at her in a white shirt. When he saw her coming back, he immediately got off the bed and stood up: "where have you been?"

He strode over, but sunning suddenly disappeared.

Che collapsed to the extreme and looked around: "xiaoning'er, what are you doing? You hide from me because you don't want to see me anymore? "

In the air, came her voice: "you apologize to me first, and swear that you will not speak loudly to me again!"

Che: "little Ning'er!"

Shengning: look, you are so loud and fierce

Che: "..."

Shengning: "you should make it clear that you like me now, not me!

Why are you so arrogant?

Be careful I'll get you out! "

"I'm sorry, Xiao Ning'er, Xiao Zu, Xiao Gu'nan. I swear I won't speak loudly to you again."

Chul finish this sentence, palm gently in the air.

Shengning only felt that his waist was buckled, and his body drifted towards the clear arms.

At a glance, she was already in his arms, and she was staring at her like water: "I can depend on you whatever you want.

Listen to you, don't speak loudly to you, be obedient to you, even do anything for you, I will listen to you.

However, if you dare to run again, I will be really angry! "

He can pamper her, no problem.

But it doesn't mean he has no temper and won't be angry.

Seeing that he was so serious, Shengning was afraid and said, "but what you said, no matter how you feel, you are consistent with me.

So even if you are angry, it doesn't matter. Anyway, you will be consistent with me. "

Che suddenly smiled.

Then she pressed her little head into her arms with great treasure: "I'm so lucky."

Shengning: what's the meaning of this

Che: "I can know you in your best years, from when you are not enlightened to when you are enlightened, from when you are now shy and awkward to when you are deeply attached to me in the future."

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