Little five thinks it's time to be a man.

Moreover, his fingertips and Zhencan's fingertips are so stable from small to large, even if the sky collapses, there will be no change.

He opened the closet and began to pick out the clothes.

He even quietly held his cell phone, searched for knowledge about that kind of thing, and learned how to relieve women's feelings of pain for the first time.

Zhencan is his baby. He is reluctant to let her cry anyway.

As for children

He doesn't use contraception!

He was eager for Zhencan to give him a baby, just like Xi'er or Xi'er when he was a child.

And in the spring Pavilion.

Zhen can takes the small book recording the scores to en can and her parents.

Yekang is very excited. Although two girls in his family are not qualified for the No. 1 in the college entrance examination, both of them are not bad, and the No. 1 is still in Qiao's family!

To be on the safe side, Yekang still laughingly calls linglie and asks if it is true.

After getting linglie's affirmation, Yekang was so happy that he contacted yean again and gave the pure score to yean, of course, to several other children.

When night an heard of Qingxuan's achievements, he said with a smile, "Qingxuan is a good boy!

My pure can is a talent. Qingxuan is really smart. It's a natural match with my pure can. Hahaha! "

I can hear that night's heart is very happy.

"When is the celebration party arranged?" Yekang asked

Yee'an: "it's too early now. How can we wait for the day when all the college entrance examination results come out? It can't make people think that we have any special channels. With such scores, we can know the scores in advance. It's unfair for the efforts of children."

To this, night Kang agrees very much: "I also am preparing to tell you, let you keep secret, do not publicize temporarily."

Yee'an: "don't worry, I won't tell Xiaodie!

However, elder brother, it's like this. I'm going to entertain three waves of people in the palace for the celebration.

The first wave is naturally the leaders and teachers of cancan's school. It's not easy for them to cultivate cancan.

There is also a wave of his Majesty's and some officials. I don't have many opportunities to contact them in normal times. After all, I'm just a idle prince in business. Apart from sharing the tax revenue for his majesty, I didn't join the army and politics. I just used this opportunity to contact them.

It can be seen that your majesty has not allowed Lord Zhuoshi to abdicate, just waiting for Qingxuan to grow up.

I have a good relationship with the officials. Since then, Qingxuan has just emerged. I can help with something in the official arena. "

"Good, you have a good idea." Night Kang thought for a while, and said: "well, I'll help you draw up the list, and invite some reliable subjects."

Night an excitedly said: "great! Big brother is willing to help me invite, which is naturally twice the result with half the effort. "

Night Kang curiously asked: "the third wave of people, is relatives and friends?"

Good night: Yes

Yekang said: "well, you plan first, and people help you operate.

If you need anything, say it at any time. I can ask Gu Baifeng to help me at any time. "

After all, Chunge has more experience in holding such a grand banquet. Gu Baifeng is also very capable in all aspects of overall planning and implementation.

The brothers talked more and more closely on the phone, and finally reluctantly ended the conversation.

Yekang suddenly felt that since his parents left, he and his two younger brothers had not been so bored.

When did he call Yenan or yewei for more than an hour?

Either he is too busy on weekdays, or his brothers are too busy, or if there's anything to do with texting or calling for two minutes, it's all done.

When a person's parents are not in the world, he has no way to come, the rest of his life, only the way back.

And the two brothers of Yekang are his hands and feet. The existence of his brothers makes Yekang feel that his way to come is still clear in his eyes.

This warm sense of belonging brings him full strength to continue to live a positive life.

A good life for the past two days.

The wound on Xiao Wu's face, because Mu Tianxing wiped the medicine of this night for him after he came back, his leg was swollen.

He has been inquiring about Zhencan's physiological period these two days, but he is suffering from no way to start.

He remembered that when she was in junior high school, Zhencan took the sanitary cotton to school, because at that time, because she was beautiful, there was always a little boy putting love letters in her schoolbag. Angry little five would secretly go to Zhencan's schoolbag every day and tear up those damn love letters! Tear off!

After all, when he went to school, who knew he was the fourth highness?

In addition, the school is a place for learning. Linglie and his admiring couple also make repeated orders to him. It is strictly forbidden to show too close to Zhencan in the school.

Just, it was junior high school at that time. It was several years ago. Now Zhencan's physiological period is not those days. He really doesn't know.

"Little five, your eyes are black all the time. What are you thinking?"

Shen Xinyi suddenly looks at him.

Small five did not hear the general, still trapped in his own fantasy and mood, sometimes, will snicker, there will be embarrassed expression.

Admiring frown: "this is to want to marry Zhen can?"

Small five one Zheng, the whole person is excited because hear "Zhen can" the name: "what? What did you just say? "

Linglie sighed: "it's me who is not good. My godson is incompetent.

Before, I taught a man who was arrogant, now I teach a man who is dazed and has no positive energy of sunshine that a boy should have. "

Linglie said, looking up at the top, and finally with some satisfaction to say: "Xi'er is about to see the sun again."

"You just don't like me!" Little five got up angrily: "don't eat, you eat it yourself!"

"Stop!" Mu Tianxing called him, "your father said that you have no respect and beat you up. I also love that your face has been beaten into a pig's head!"!

Now it seems that your father's fight is too light!

In terms of seniority, your father and I are still here, so you have to be grumpy and leave the table without rules and politeness!

As for kings and ministers, if the emperor is seated, what qualification do you have to leave? "

"You're not the queen anymore!" said little five coldly! You're the queen! The Empress Dowager is going to cut flowers, feed fish and walk the dog. She has nothing to do with going to a party and keeping her popularity. What do you care about me? "

Linglie has a headache.

When I was a child, I didn't care about the junior five. I didn't expect that when I grew up, it became more and more difficult.

If I had known this, I should have been strict with him since I was young, and I would not be rebellious everywhere now, as if my family were his enemy!

"I've consulted a doctor. Grumpiness is related to hormones. It's also related to hormones.

Maybe it's time to get married.

When he is married, his daughter, like Zhen can, is in charge of him. He will follow him. "

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