Listen to the subordinates of the sea god, admire the couple for a little peace of mind.

Yunxuan waved and dismissed all the people of the palace. He slowly walked to the admiring couple: "I wonder what you are coming to see our majesty for at the order of the sea god."

Ten messengers have turned out a beautiful wooden box. The first one is standing on the side with empty hands, and the last one is holding the gift list and waiting respectfully.

Wen Sheng, the first one, explained: "the Royal servants don't have to be nervous. These palace people won't have memories of us.

I admire the emperor. My family is in the process of healing because of my body. I can recover tomorrow.

Princess Shengning decided to stay with her because she was worried about her injury. She was also worried about her family members' thoughts. So she asked Xiaoxian to come to report her peace.

By the way, I will also bring the dowry of my family to marry Princess Shengning.

Tomorrow, my admiral will come back with Princess Shengning and officially meet and admire the emperor. "

Yunxuan looks back and admires.

The admiring couple was relieved to learn that Che was not coming on purpose because of physical discomfort.

But also worried about Che's situation.

Shen Xinyi asked, "will you recover tomorrow?"

Emissary: "yes, your majesty is the God of heaven. No matter what the injury is, the recovery is much faster than that of the little immortal generation. I hope the queen can rest assured."

"Adore slowly nods:" that is good

The messengers came forward one by one and opened their wooden boxes.

The first emissary also explained in turn: "this is the fairy water in the jade bottle of Avalokitesvara. Only one drop can repair the snow mountain wash marrow pool that adored the great emperor."

Admiring and surprised: "this Great! "

The emissary smiled and introduced them one by one: "This shining ball, which seems to be football, is actually the biggest night pearl in the three realms. It can calm people's hearts, dispel evils, and make them bright forever. It's specially found by my family and sent to adore the great emperor as the treasure of Zhengong."

Where did the admiring couple see such a big night pearl as football?

Shen Xinyi said excitedly, "I've seen a quail egg size one in the spring Pavilion, and it's not so bright.

I used to think that the treasure house of Chunge is the hidden treasure house of Ningguo, which is unique. Now it seems that the storehouse of our dormitory is not weak

The emissary smiled and immediately introduced: "this is an emerald nine section whip, which is specially selected from the weapons room of the emperor of heaven.

It seems that the elder brother of the princess, his highness Luo you, doesn't have a weapon of his own. However, the fox magic is suitable for the use of whip. If the male wants to be stronger, the nine Section Whip is very suitable.

The emerald nine Section Whip is a God that can't be broken in any way. I only know one master in my life.

If his highness Luo you signs a contract with him, then even if there are difficulties in the future, the human whip will be separated, and the hydrangea will also feel the situation of the master and come to the Savior through thorns and thorns. "

Take a deep breath and take the box with both hands: "OK! That's great! "

Shen Xinyi covers her heart and thinks about her daughter. She has mixed feelings: "one by one, it's eighteen."

When the messenger saw that he admired the couple, he was happy for his family.

He opened another box: "this is six jars of jade dew, which can be brewed in thousands of years.

This is the last six altar in the sky. How to drink it? Respect what I said with adoring the great emperor before. I hope to adore the great emperor and cherish it. I will think about it myself.

Because in the next thousand years, there will be no more of this wine!

It's said that the princess's grandfather likes Chinese chess recently. It's a piece and board made of nine pieces of white jade balustrade.

If it works, it doesn't matter.

But, after all, it's a thing of the heaven. If you take it with you or put it at home, you can turn bad luck into good luck without invading all evils.

So, let's give Mr. Shen as the treasure of the house. "

Shen Xinyi was so excited that he even said thanks: "my father knows that he must be very happy.

It's just that I split the white jade railings of the heaven. It's really Is it the destruction of public property? "

The emissary said with a smile, "empress, don't worry, your Majesty the emperor of heaven is very fond of my family."

To admire, to hear, to think.

The emissary said: "this is a soul locking pill.

Before the princess's cousin, his highness Changsheng, because he didn't give up his dog Xiaoliu, I hope you can help Xiaoliu to see if he can practice.

Even though he said no, he kept it in his mind.

When Xiaoliu died, put the soul locking pill into Xiaoliu's mouth, and his soul will be delivered to the dog's stomach by the heaven's own soldiers.

When the sixth child is born again, it will be a magic dog.

Venerable said, will let small six take the memory of the previous life, return to his highness, with his life

I was deeply moved by my admiration.

It's not because of these precious gifts, but because of Chul's sincerity to Shengning.

It seems that these gifts are easy to get, but it must be a struggle to get together.

I don't know if Che's injury is related to the dowry. Now, adoration begins to love her future son-in-law.

The emissary opened another box: "this is the children's Dan, red for the birth of women, blue for the birth of children, five each.

Hearing that Xiaoxian Wang and his wife were worried about not having a daughter, he went to look for it.

After finding it, I asked for several more and ten more.

Here, let the female Dan be considered by the adoring emperor! "

Adore hands take over: "OK."

The emissary said: "this is ten pills of youth, which can keep the human face and body unchanged for 20 years.

This is a Lingtai mirror. It only needs a drop of blood and three pillars of fragrance to read out the life of blood relatives, and then you can see his state. However, you can't talk with him or contact him. "

Admiring to listen, tears almost fall down: "father and mother must be very happy.

They can see them through Lingtai mirror! "

The last box, the messenger dare not open.

He took it respectfully, held it up, bowed over his head and handed it to adore: "adore the great emperor, this is a blank edict that the emperor promised to honor my family.

If you have any wish to admire the emperor, just write it on it and it will come true! "

Shen Xinyi almost fainted excitedly: "that Well... Is it OK for the life lost by the saint's secret skill? "

Adore to stand in the hall stiff!

The emissary smiled: "nature. It's a little secret skill of the holy lady. It's just a matter of HuaQuan and leg embroidery in front of the emperor. "

Shen Xinyi immediately covered her face and cried.

The messenger slowly put the box on the tea table, and the messenger at the end came forward and handed over the complete gift list.

Take it, take it.

The envoys arranged in order and bowed respectfully to the admiring couple: "farewell!"

Next second, they disappear into the hall.

Shen Xinyi said excitedly, "admire, let's write, let's write right away, let's restore your life!"

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