A pleasant trip to New York is about to begin.

The night before the trip, linglie specially talked to Shengning and said with a smile: "one by one, you see, they are going out for graduation travel, and they live in your grandfather's house.

Do you want to go with you?

It's also good to go out and relax and see the scenery of other countries. "

But Shengning shook his head and smiled brightly: "Grandpa Huang doesn't have to worry about me. I'm a little busy these days and can't get away.

They are graduation travel, the first class students go together, very good, my brother and I do not mix in

Linglie respects her granddaughter's opinion, but she is extremely distressed.

After Shengning returned to the room, linglie specifically talked to Qingmu, who was helpless: "she asked for all the information about her newborn.

Although I am at home these days, I am afraid we are worried about her.

But when she doesn't show up on weekdays, she is going to look for them one by one with the information and check them one by one. "

For places that have not been to sunning, it is not able to cast transitory spells.

So in the face of so many addresses, she can only check them in different regions, often by plane or by train.

Fortunately, no matter where she goes, she can go home in an instant.

In recent days, the whole person of Shengning has lost a lot of weight. His small face is sharp, and his black and white eyes are bright and big.

Adore to see in the eye, how can not heartache?

With a twinkling, he looked at Ling lie and said, "well, it's all right.

Xiao Che deserves to rush like this one by one, and his yearning and self reproach will also be relieved between the rush.

Otherwise, if she can't do anything, she will stop to scold herself and cry as before, and only get to the top of her head. "

Linglie wanted to help her granddaughter out of the dilemma, but she couldn't help anything with her emotional affairs: "it's only natural. That's it. It hurts! "

Adoration sighed: "it will be OK. Maybe she will find it, not necessarily. "


Little five is going to New York. Although the trip is ten days, he will come back with Shen and his wife in ten days.

But he still couldn't bear Rosie.

He took you to the loft of Luoxi with his help.

Luoxi is sitting on the floor at the moment. In front of him is a pile of fragmentary parts. He is seriously putting them together.

When you and Xiao Wu arrived, they stood opposite him and saw at a glance that a box was still open beside these parts, which contained several bullets of different sizes and specifications.

Small five surprised: "Xi'er, what are you doing?"

Luo Xi looks up, and her eyes are innocent.

He is wearing pajamas.

But even pajamas are regular shirt collars. The upper and lower sets are all made of brown silk, which makes a 13-year-old look old.

When he saw them coming, he laughed happily: "I learned weapons today. This is the latest Israeli pistol. I haven't played with it.

Grandpa Qiao (Yekang) gave me a pistol of different specifications of this model. I'll take it apart and see what's different, and then put it back. "

That's how Rosie is.

Boys, they need toys too.

Other boys grew up with remote-controlled cars, airplanes, transformers, train tracks and other toys, or soccer and basketball.

Luo Xi can't see these toys. After one day's lessons, his way to spend his spare time is like this. He disassembles the world's top weapons and plays when transformers are assembled.

His pair of black and bright eyes were like adoration, and between his eyebrows, with heroism, he generously spread out his hands and said, "do you want to play?"

Small five corners of the mouth Drew: "I I will not. "

You laugh and sit on the ground in front of Luo Xi: "Uncle Wu has finished the college entrance examination. He will go to New York for graduation tomorrow and come back ten days later.

He couldn't bear you, so he came to say goodbye to you.

What gift do you want? Tell him to bring it back from New York! "

Little five smiled: "yes, little nephew, whatever you like, just say it. I'll bring it back to you."

"New York?" Luo Xi read thoughtfully, and suddenly got up and climbed into the bed.

He lay on his bed and turned off the light in the room.

In a flash, a spinning map of the world appeared on the ceiling.

Luo Xi has a small infrared mouse in his hand, which can control the world map.

He soon found New York, looking forward to saying: "New York, the largest city and port in the United States, the fourth largest city in the world, one of the largest economic centers in the world, has immigrants from 97 countries and regions, and uses 800 languages here."

You you and little five are surprised to see this dreamlike map of the world.

It seems that the whole universe is on the roof of Luoxi's room.

They also felt that in order to force Luoxi to study, they had nothing to do with it!

In the small room, although sparrows are small, they have all five internal organs, all of which are related to learning.

Xiao Wu comes up to Luo Xi's bed and laughs: "Xi'er, Xiao Wu has money. Tell me what you want!"

Luo Xi sat up, looked at him, and said with expectation, "I want the models of the major scenic spots in your trip, as well as the map introduction of the scenic spots."

Small five corners of the mouth took a smoke: "this is it?"

Scenic spot model, there will be souvenir shops operating in scenic spots all over the world.

The map of the scenic spot is introduced. It is free at the entrance of scenic spots all over the world.

Little five rubbed Luo Xi's hair: "you can order something else. By the way, there are still two months to go. It's time for you to go out.

Brother Huang promised that he would not restrain you any more and would let you see the outside world. "

Luo Xi smiled: "I count the days. Don't worry, Uncle Wu. I won't forget it."

Small five nose a sour, smiled: "then I go back first, if let the emperor elder brother discover me to come in a moment, should criticize educate me again, still have to involve your elder brother."

You you are in a hurry: "I have nothing to do with it."

Rosie got up and turned on the light.

The room was bright again. He stood cleverly and waved at them: "I'll wait for you to come back."

You and you leave with little five.

Luo Xi looks at the empty room, sits back silently, sits on the floor, continues to pick up the parts and put together the world's top pistol.

It's light.

He stood at the window of the attic, reached out and felt a section of golden sunshine.

"It's time for them to go."

Luo Xi looked at the brightness in his palm, and could see the straight line of the sun.

He longed for sunshine, blue sky and white clouds, and felt anxious and anxious for the dense crowd.

Murdoch counted the days when he left the customs. He smiled warmly: "I can go out soon and bathe myself in the sun."

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