It is clear to the chief that his majesty does not like social intercourse.

Even the private affairs of zhengyipin in the imperial court have never been done without ceremony, and they will not really be present to congratulate you.

But the big head, after all, is admiring to be promoted. When a family member wants to do a wedding, he must first post to his Majesty's family.

Linglie took over with a smile: "let me have a look."

Take the past, looked at the eye, linglie Mou light a bright: "Yuan Che ah."

Sheng Ning looks at Zhuo ran and says, "big head is still waiting outside?"

Zhuo ran: "yes, I am waiting for an answer outside."

Shengning smiled: "that tired Zhuo ran grandfather told him that since I promised to take his son as an apprentice, his son's hundred day feast whether my father and the emperor go or not, I must go."

"I'll go, too." Admire to come down from upstairs.

With a warm smile on his face, he went downstairs and said, "please tell him that I will go with the queen and one by one."

Linglie looked at the adoration in surprise: "I heard that a few days after the birth of the child, you took one by one to the ward to visit?"

Adore said with a smile: "I promoted big head first. I think when I was Prince, he suffered a lot from virus war. How hard it was.".

I'm sure I'll go to see the talents I brought out with one hand and one foot. Now my family is happy and happy. I'm sure I'll go to see them when I meet the big event of adding new talents. "

Linglie takes a deep look at adoration and Shengning.

At last, when Zhuo ran turned around happily to reply to Da tou, Ling lie looked at the post in his hand again: "I heard that you gave the name to Da tou's child."

I adored sitting on the sofa and took a sip of coffee. I said with a smile, "although the father is not in his place, he plans to govern."

Linglie smiled: "one by one, after you went to the hospital to recognize this child as an apprentice, you stopped searching for Xiao Che's reincarnation, and inexplicably recognized the eldest son Xiao Che as an apprentice."

So, Shen Di Chen and you look up at the same time!

The rest of us still don't understand.

"Admiration immediately said:" the Father knows is the best

Linglie wondered why her son and granddaughter had found Xiaoche's reincarnation but had to hide it?

But thinking that Xiaoche's Yuanshen is the real dragon, he thought again and again, is it to protect him?

Linglie smiled and said clearly: "of course, I understand, because I grew up one by one, afraid that we were worried, I also believe that Xiaoche will take good care of himself, and will not pursue.

And you have the grace of helping the big head. He works for you from the time when you saved the monarch, so the sentiment is naturally different.

Two daughters have been born in front of you. This time, you have a son. Naturally, you're going to take part in it. "

"Yes." Admiring and nodding, looking at the anxious Shengning, he calmed down: "your granddad knows people."

Sheng Ning nodded, "well."

She has left her spiritual power in Che.

In case of danger, even if life and death do not happen, sunning will feel it and rush to Che's side as soon as possible.

In other words, he had difficulty breathing in the middle of the night two days ago. Shengning felt that it was very dangerous to rush over and find that the baby was spitting milk in the middle of the night and the milk rushed into his nose.

She quickly made a clean operation on Che to let him return to normal breathing.

Sanning has no other plans now. He wants to keep him well, watch him grow up healthily and live a safe life.

Lady Shen looked back and looked at her admiration in surprise. "Eh, your majesty asked Xi'er to go up. Why hasn't Xi'er come down yet?"

"Oh, red Qi is telling Xi'er about two games. In a moment, red Qi will take Xi'er to pick out some interesting equipment. Let Xi'er have a fight with the members of Scorpio team of secret service to see how much his adaptability and comprehensive strength of close combat, shooting and fighting ability can be."

Adore finish, drink coffee calmly.

Mrs. Shen was frightened and stood up and said: "the bullet is blind. That's your prince! The Scorpios are trained from a young age! "

Admiring and looking up, Wen said: "this is not what I asked for.

Today, in the car returning to the palace, I asked Xi'er what other rewards he wanted. He asked himself if his ability could be ranked in our own secret service team.

He also said that if we can rank in our own secret service team, then all kinds of secret service killers around the world will not be afraid. "

Everyone: "..."

You and you whispered to Shen Fu, "don't worry, grandma. I will make a contract with Xi'er when he is very young. As long as he is in danger, I will come to him as soon as possible."

Admiring, he raised his eyebrows and looked at Shengning meaningfully: "my uncle said that last time you saved Xun can's life.

But because, you also made a contract with him? "

Shengning confessed: "yes, it was my 10th birthday. Grandpa, they all left..."

She went over the details of the matter.

"Adore nodded:" you are right, Xun can is Qiao's legitimate son, can protect nature is to protect

Luo Xi comes down from the upstairs, and red Qi follows.

All of them got up and looked anxiously at Rosie.

In particular, Mu Tianxing hurriedly catches up with her and asks, "red Qi, it's been a hard day today. Do you want to stay for a meal?"

Red Qi smiled: "thank you for your concern, but red Qi will take the hall down to the secret service."

"Xi'er has been tired all day." Mu Tianxing looks at red Qi and smiles: "otherwise, what's the matter waiting for Xi'er to have a good rest and go tomorrow?"

"Tomorrow Xi'er is going to go abroad. He will go to Thailand with Zhuoshi and Qingxuan for three days."

The crowd gazed at it speechless.

Because this itinerary is Zhuoshi to accompany adore, everyone knows that adore is going to Thailand tomorrow!

Adore to show two lines of white teeth, smile brilliantly: "isn't this let Xi'er exercise?"? After that, we'd rather have Xi'er in our country. Everything is going to be fine. I should stay behind the curtain and stay in seclusion.

If I don't let go one day, when can he fly? "

"Your Majesty..." Shen Fu is so popular that he has a heart attack!

"Don't worry, Xi'er was born to serve the people of Ningguo, so since Xi'er is needed for his trip to Thailand, he is willing to go, and he will try his best to complete his first mission perfectly," said Luo

Everyone: "..."

Dudu looked at Luoxi with a surprised face: "little three, don't you know how to resist?"

"Xi'er has such awareness, it's very good. Dudu, as the prince of Beiyue, you should have such awareness. You are also born to serve the people of beiyuezi. "

"Dudu's mouth corners smoked:" Uncle Huang, I have grown up.

If Xi'er and I were so young, you can brainwash me. Now I'm not stupid. It's useless for you to tell me that! "

Luo Xi will not delay any more, say goodbye to you and leave with red Qi.

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