Meng can laughs to show you around the palace.

At present, all these young men and girls have gone far away. Yilin then stopped yewei: "why is the eldest son so handsome?

And that little day, also very handsome!

How do all the little boys grow now? They are more handsome than each other? "

Yewei was also surprised. Unexpectedly, the two brothers from the sky looked so good.

He turned his eyes and looked at his wife: "it's said that when mengcan was studying these days, he always liked to approach Xiaotian, as if he liked it."

He didn't tell Yilin about Yu's admiration.

In case of future changes.

However, he wanted to test his wife's reaction to see how she felt, despite her illusory identity, only because of Xiaotian.

"Really?" Yi Lin is surprised to look at night Wei: "small dream dream finally the beginning of love?"

Night Wei slightly frowned.

From childhood, her daughter grew up healthy and happy under the care and layers of surveillance of her crazy girl protector.

Many love letters have been received from childhood, but under his severe beating, mengcan never dared or felt differently about a boy.

It's xuancan. When she was in primary school, she was still holding a little girl's hand and yelling to get married. Later, the parents of both sides rushed to the school, crying and laughing, to settle the matter.

I thought that girls are always more precocious, but mengcan is slow to respond to such things.

Nowadays, if there are people who really like it, they should either not like it or like it very much, right?

Night Wei began to worry.

She wanted to keep her daughter in a boudoir all the time, and was afraid that someone would propose marriage to her daughter too early, so she was sent abroad to receive western education, which was also called reluctant to bear her sufferings to calculate the vexed mathematics and chemistry at home.

However, man is not as good as heaven, and heaven is not as good as little heaven.

Yi Lin looks at her husband's sad face and chuckles: "think about how hard you were forced by my father when you chased me. The ladders are used. Forget it?"

Night Wei shakes his head and sighs: "so say, come out to mix to always want to return!"

Yi Lin burst out laughing.

At the same time, the husband and wife ordered the people to clean up the place. At the same time, they arranged tables and cane chairs for afternoon tea. The housekeeper found pink, pink and blue balloons from somewhere and tied them on the back of the seats.

The tablecloth decorated with small flowers, bright flowers, delicate and elegant vases, and brilliant tableware should be complete.

The real cooks in the palace also came out. They set up a working table on the edge, which can be responsible for barbecue or making a fried rice at any time.

After the arrangement, Yilin nestled beside yewei and was very happy: "it's great, just like a little party!"

Yewei kissed her cheek: "if you like it, I'll do my best. Let's have more children. When we get old in the future, we will be able to share Tianlun with other people's families for generations. "

Yi Lin smiled: "I said I wanted to have more, but you won't!"

"I was afraid you would suffer." Yewei sighed: "I used to think that two children, one child and one daughter, were enough.

But now it is found that when they grow up, they will marry again, and then they will have their own small family. We are still the two of us.

So, there is the idea of having children. "

Yi Lin also sighed: "yes, time flies.

I used to think that the children have been growing up. Now in a blink of an eye, dreamcan has people he likes. "

What does she think of? She turns around to circle yewei's waist and asks with a smile: "Your Majesty can make Xiaotian study in the Royal Palace of merit and virtue. She must value Xiaotian, and the people recognized by your Majesty must be infallible. Since that's the case, let's ask our daughter what she means and explore Xiaotian's voice. If it's appropriate, we'll find the eldest brother to check! "

"Check?" Night Wei Leng: "check what?"

"Look up the family's history!" Yi Lin said seriously, "even if you don't find elder brother, you can find Xun can!"

Night Wei loses his smile.

Patted his wife's shoulder, he soothed: "let it be, but you are right, your majesty is right, that is right."

Night Wei suddenly thought a little: adore all willing to love a daughter to marry small Che, then he should naturally also willing to dream can with small day just right.

Young men and girls are wandering around the palace.

Xiaotian and mengcan are walking side by side with the big army, chatting as they walk, as if the scenery is cloud and smoke in their eyes.

Xiaoche and Shengning want to take pictures, and ryin helps them take pictures.

There was a pair at the front and a pair at the back, and ryin was full of bitterness.

She took the time to send a voice message to Luoxi, and she said plaintively, "ah, it's all a pair. It's really killing me. Where are you!"

At this time, mengcan suddenly said to ryin from behind: "xuancan should come back from school in a moment! Let him play with you and take pictures of you, Ryukin! "

It's a coincidence that all of them have been recorded!

Ryin didn't think so.

Xuancan, his relative, mengcan's younger brother, what does it matter.

But Luo Xi replied in three seconds: "wait for me for 15 minutes."

Ryin smiled, waved his cell phone and said to them, "Xi is coming. Let you abuse me, ha ha ha! I'm not alone! "

Everyone is talking and laughing, but ryin suddenly finds out one thing: Luoxi seems really sensitive to xuancan!

Luo Xi is with you this time.

Ryin takes Luoxi to play and take photos everywhere in the palace. You are willing to accompany and help them take photos with a smile.

Even, you will give advice on actions and expressions, very seriously.

Rying had an idea. Suddenly she came to Xiaotian and asked, "young master, when is my big brother's marriage coming?"

"Ryukin!" You are helpless!

Xiaotian was stunned at first. When he saw your angry expression, he began to gossip with it. He pinched his fingers in a proper way.

Ryin looked forward: "how is it? "What?"

Xiaotian: "the sky cannot be revealed. But it will come! "

Ryukin: said with did not say the same

After taking pictures for Shengning, mengcan came over with a smile and said, "what are you talking about? It makes ryin depressed."

Rying ran away as soon as she saw it. She didn't want to reveal that Xiaotian was the emperor's secret.

Small day sees dream can forehead has sweat, stretch out a hand to go, wipe gently: "nothing, she lets me write composition to run away from topic intentionally next time, let her take first time, I did not agree!"

Ryin is dead!

Mengcan felt the coolness coming from his fingertips, and only felt extraordinarily comfortable.

She thought of meeting in the early morning. He had already sat on her seat. When he saw her coming, he moved away with a smile. She went to sit down again. His seat was very comfortable.

Dreamcan's heart is sweet, and he has no city. He asks, "do you deliberately control your temperature and cooperate with me?"

Xiaotian looks at her nervously.

Seeing that she has only one self in her pupil and is full of shyness, she said softly, "just want to give you the best."

Whether it's temperature or something.

Of course, it's OK to eat, because he can't rob Xiao Che.

Everyone tired of playing, back to the original lawn.

The night Wei and his wife exchanged greetings with each other. When they watched such a small party with such an atmosphere, their mood became better.

"Try the rainbow cake I made myself." Yewei had just pushed the cake over and was going to cut it for everyone. He was interrupted by a voice: "wait a minute!"

Ye Wei and his wife are stunned!

They looked at Xiao Che incomprehensibly, and saw that he was walking towards them with great seriousness.

All the people on the table, like those who have done something bad, either cover their faces, or hold their foreheads, or ask the sky without words

"This is a beautiful design. I want to cut it off for Luo Yi!" Xiaoche said, snatching the knife in yewei's hand, and began to cut it as if it were.

Meng can applauded immediately: "good! Progress! You still know the explanation! "

You you chuckle: "don't be surprised, Prince and princess. Xiao Che is a doting wife and a maniac. If you meet someone to eat, the best one must be picked out first."

Luoxi: "if you don't give, you'll fight."

Ryukin: "it doesn't work even if she has been educated many times!"

Shengning: "cough, sorry."

Yewei and his wife finally understood that they could not help laughing, and then explained: "Rainbow cake, which is the same, which is the same."

"It's not the same," Xiao Che said solemnly to Shengning, holding the cut firmly. "There's a red pattern on it!"

Yi Lin understood: "Princess Shengning likes red!"

"Hey!" Yewei is finally amazed by Xiaoche's way of doting on his wife: "I haven't eaten dog food for more than ten years, and I have eaten it again today!"

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