It's sunny and sunny.

This day's imperial study ushered in a big test.

The content is the content of Ningguo's senior high school entrance examination. The researcher who is responsible for setting the questions for the senior high school entrance examination in the past years is responsible for the examination paper No. 41, with 100 points for each subject. There are 8 subjects, including Chinese, mathematics, English, physics, chemistry, biology, politics, history, with 800 points in total.

The order of admiration is that no division of Arts and Sciences is allowed.

So the students have to complete all 8 exams. The rules are very strict.

The examination place is in the small conference room next to the imperial study. The reference personnel are Xiaoche, Xuanxin and ryin.

In order to ensure the fairness of the exam, you, Sheng Ning, made a letter of guarantee and could not help. Luo Xi also forcibly removed the hairpin of ryingbabe.

After a whole day's hard work, as well as the professional teacher's careful marking, the final results came out.

Xiao Che: Chinese 94, mathematics 100, English 91, physics 100, chemistry 100, biology 96, politics 85, history 73, total score 739 points.

Xuanxin: Chinese 96, mathematics 81, English 97, physics 82, chemistry 73, biology 71, politics 82, history 97, with a total score of 679 points.

Ryukin: Chinese 97, mathematics 100, English 76, physics 100, chemistry 100, biology 100, politics 98, history 98, total score 769 points.

The scores are registered by the teachers and handed over to Yunxuan in person, and then Yunxuan gives them to adore.

At present, the children are sitting, eating, drinking and chatting in the imperial study.

See adore take over the score, everyone is nervous.

Adoration chuckled: "ryin is the first, Xiaoche is the second, Xuanxin is also very good.

After Xiao Che, he can study part of high school courses and major in science.

Xuanxin cultivates arts.

Ryukin's words, arts and sciences are very good, but English needs to be strengthened, so Ryukin has to work harder, arts and sciences are all repaired! "

Xuanxin blushes all the way, and dare not speak.

She didn't dare to ask how many points she had got in the exam, because she knew that the only two subjects she had learned well were those two, and the scores of those two subjects were not among the top three.

She looked at ryin admiringly: "ryin, you are so wonderful!"

You and other people rushed to see the specific scores, but they were adored to open their arms, not let them see.

However, Changsheng hid behind adoration and quickly took away the note.

He was a little embarrassed to open it.

Chang Sheng and Xuan Xin haven't seen each other for half a month. It's rare to see each other today. They wanted to find a top subject and boast about her.

As a result

Adore shook his head and smiled bitterly: "what are you robbing? Their children's bottom examination is only for the purpose of verifying their achievements in the past. As long as their scores are good, they can do so. "

Ryukin is very anxious: "how is it?"

During this period, she really worked hard.

Especially two weeks ago, she said she was going to have a test for them.

Ryin couldn't sleep well, so he took Luoxi to help her make up lessons.

It's a little exaggeration to say that it's true to fight at night. She has done almost all the eight subjects that she can do.

She finished her test today, and she felt pretty good.

Listen to oneself again test first, she is more happy, think to see oneself each branch exactly how many points.

Chang Sheng looked at her, hooked his lips and smiled: "it's all very good! Very good! "

As soon as ryin was in a hurry, he would go to catch him, but Luoxi held him down.

She looked back puzzled: "Xi?"

Rosie looked at her strangely and shook her head slightly.

Ryin didn't understand, but she followed Luoxi's eyes and looked at Xuanxin. Suddenly she understood: "everyone is fine!"

Xiao Che, no matter how much, just looked and admired: "you let me study, and I also learned; let me take the exam, and I also took the exam.

Now you let me study science, no problem, I study!

So, when on earth can I marry Luo Yi? "

As soon as this remark came out, the whole imperial study was silent.

Even ryin's uncontrollable chuckle echoed in people's ears, tickling and tickling.

Adore the severe headache, helplessly looked at him: "the lifeblood of loneliness and old age, is not what I gave you, is what you set before your own lower boundary, pit you is yourself, not me!"

Xiaoche wants to pester him again, but Shengning blushes, grabs his hand and disappears into the office.

You you get up and smile: "father, I'll go back to Qingqiu first. I'll come back at night to worship the moon and have breakfast with you tomorrow morning."

Adore smiled and nodded: "OK, go. But also pay attention to your health. "

You you: "I will."

After you left, Chang said grudgingly, "father, sister Huang and brother Huang are gone. Let me send Xuanxin back to the palace!"

Adoration also knows that it is not easy for the little couple not to meet for a long time.

And Xuanxin didn't play well in the exam. Maybe it was related to the uncertainty of love. He said with a smile, "go ahead. But I have to be back by nine o'clock in the evening! "

This means that he can have dinner in Gongde palace.

Chang Sheng grinned happily: "yes!"

He went over and took Xuanxin's hand in a big way.

Xuanxin's face was buried lower, and her ears were all red. Changsheng led her out of the Royal study. Before leaving, he left the paper with scores on the carpet behind him.

When they left, ryin hurried to pick them up.

"Hahaha ~ hahaha!" Ryin looked at his score and was very happy.

The little rabbit jumped to the front of adoration and asked with a smile, "father, my son did so well in the exam this time, can father have a reward?"

"Yes." Adoration seriously pointed to Luo Xi: "I'll give you my son and play! You have to be back by nine o'clock in the evening! "

Ryin couldn't laugh or cry. Finally, he held hands with Luoxi and left happily.

It was late April.

It is known all over the world that the grand wedding of his Royal Highness Prince Ning will be held on May 20.

This is also the reason why adore ordered xuancan to finish teaching their junior high school courses quickly. After learning this stage, let ryin settle down to prepare for marriage, or let Xiaoche and Xuanxin have a rest, and then according to their own examination situation, find out and fill in the gaps.

Shang Sheng leads Xuanxin to get on the car.

They went towards the direction of Gongde palace.

Chang Sheng presses a key, and the curtain around him is lowered, even the curtain between the front and back seats.

His position with Xuanxin seems to be a small world.

Chang Sheng holds Xuanxin's hand and looks at the lines in her palm. Xuanxin is embarrassed: "I didn't do well in the exam, right?"

"Your grades are really good." Chang Sheng chuckled and looked at her: "I'm mainly responsible for this. Xi'er cooks a small stove for ryin every day. Xiao Che also has the emperor's elder sister's personal instruction. Naturally, it's not the same.

As the saying goes, no pains, no gains, they have extra pay.

And I, as soon as I have time to hold your video chat, send text messages and so on, what I say has nothing to do with learning, so you are not interested in reviewing. "

Xuanxin took back his hand and said seriously: "I didn't do well, I know.

When I was in a different world, my ancestors taught me Italian and French, which I could not learn.

At that time, lady rugo said that although my talent is moderate, it is also precious to have a childlike heart. So I am not as intelligent as Ryukin and Xiaoche, I really know.

You don't have to put the blame on you. If I don't do well, it's none of your business. "

Chang Sheng is half embracing Xuanxin now.

Seeing her in her arms, the little mouth moved and looked serious, and his Adam's Apple also moved.

"Xuanxin, since we've been in love, there's something we haven't done yet."

Chang Sheng's eyes are like fog, a little on the tip of Xuanxin's heart.

"What's the matter?" she looked in a trance

The ears of Shang Sheng are red.

But the first kiss, he was embarrassed to say: "you close your eyes."

Xuanxin looks at him. Suddenly, he is far away from him and looks out of the window.

Chang Sheng swallowed his saliva and called her pitifully, "Xuanxin?"

Xuanxin did not look back, but said: "I Whether it's the first kiss or the first night, I want to stay until the wedding night! "

"Ah?" Chang Sheng was a little confused: "but..."

Xuanxin looks back and smiles at him: "if you treat me sincerely, you will agree!"

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