Qingxuan arranges the case information in the office.

He tried to find all the evidence for the good of night, and he didn't go to see night butterfly until he saw the letter of repentance.

Because if night butterfly picks up night safety directly in the letter of repentance, then the question of night safety interrogation by Qingxuan, or even the place, can be changed.

An hour later.

The record official came up and said, "Lord Qingxuan, it was written by night butterfly."

Qingxuan takes over.

His face was a little white for a moment, and his heartache for Chuncan surged up like a tide.

"I want to see my brother."

The night butterfly leaves only five words.

Qingxuan took a deep breath and decided that he would slow down again. He also hoped that Qiao's side could put forward some evidence beneficial to the night safety: "try Qiao's night safety again tomorrow."

The recorder frowned: "then, is it suitable to wait so long?"

Any evidence is put on the surface. Judgment is a matter of one sentence.

It is reasonable to say that yesterday Qingxuan changed the final judgment and issued a notice of sentencing.

Because there is no need to hear the case at all.

Qingxuan calmly said: "I'll try Qiao yean again tomorrow. I'm the final judge. Listen to me."

"Yes," the official replied

At noon.

It's heaven's will to deliver the meal to Qingxuan.

Qingxuan is buried in a pile of documents, busy head can not lift.

He takes out the key points of every briber's record, and then enumerates them, because these points confirm that it is night butterfly's unilateral bribery.

So far, although yedie and Qiao yean are husband and wife, there is no evidence to prove that Qiao yean has the suspicion of shielding and connivance in the process of her bribery.

It's heaven's will that Qingxuan is so serious that he can't help saying: "uncle, please calm down. I violated your idea yesterday.

But I really care about you.

Otherwise, your face will not be so good.

Don't be angry, eat, you love to eat, beauty and beauty

Qingxuan finally looked up at him and said in a warm voice, "I'm really busy. You put it there and I'll eat it later."

Heaven sees Qingxuan treat each other tenderly, understand that he is not really angry, but busy.

At that time, he didn't have anything important to do. He sat on the sofa and helped Qingxuan arrange the food.

Qingxuan had to put down her work and wash her hands to eat.

That's when he went to the bathroom. His cell phone rang on his desk.

It's only Providence to pick him up.

"Hello, Lord Qingxuan is not here now. You can leave a message if you have something." Tianyi said: "I am Qu Tianyi, his nephew and the imperial servant of taiwomb."

The other side was silent for a long time, then said: "heaven, I am pure can.

Please tell Qingxuan that I have received all the dishes and soup that Aunt Li made for me.

They took pains to send them to the army for me.

So that they don't have to bother.

I'm fine in the army, and there are people cooking. "

Chuncan doesn't mean anything else.

But the providence is specially short of a child.

He was not happy at once: "something like this happened in your family. My little grandma will cook for you and send it to you. I'm afraid that you won't eat well and you won't be in a good mood.

But what about your mother?

Yesterday's hot coffee, your mother didn't say anything during the interrogation, just poured it on my uncle's face!

My uncle's face is full of blisters, and his face is rotten. He can't even hurt. He still protects your mother and refuses to let the doctor show him. I'm afraid that you will hate your mother even more if you know!

In the end, I couldn't help saying that it was the king of merit who came to cure him!

Princess Chuncan, you are not a princess now.

My uncle likes you. He's stupid!

He is so infatuated with you, but you always insist on breaking up without reconciliation. What do you mean?

My little grandma has worked hard to send you the prepared food to the army. Isn't that what my uncle meant?

He is so true to your heart. How does your family treat him?

He hasn't eaten until now. He's busy in the dark, so he thinks of a way to get rid of your father's guilt!

You even told him not to give you any more food. You asked him not to give you any more food. You even gave You are so ungrateful! "

I'll be dead when the heaven says it!

Providence is also carefully cultivated by the family.

So he came here. When he saw the things in front of Qingxuan and the items listed separately in his notebook, he could understand that Qingxuan's intention was to pick out the night safety.

He is actually a very stable child.

Especially when the womb is working.

But he has his own weakness: he can't see his family being bullied.

Qingxuan soon came back and sat on the sofa to eat: "God, there are too many meals. If you don't eat, let's eat together."

Providence: "no, Xiaofu is still in the womb waiting for me to eat together.

She's dead set. I won't eat until I can't wait. "

Qingxuan chuckled, "you two have been very close recently."

Heaven's will: "Your Royal Highness has handed her over to me. I am teaching her to read and write recently. After all, she is also the person beside the crown princess. Everyone is a colleague in the future, so take care of her if you can. "

Qingxuan nodded: "well, you're right to give someone roses and keep fragrance in your hands."

Heaven will not leave.

What does Qingxuan finally realize? "What's the matter with you? Do you have anything to tell me? "

Tianyi grabs her hair for fear that Qingxuan will be angry.

But he is not a kid who can lie. If you dare to do it, you have to admit it. He grabbed Qingxuan's mobile phone and handed it up: "Chuncan will call you, I'll take it."

Qingxuan: "..."

Tianyi head also did not return to run: "I went back to eat, can starve me!"

Before leaving, I still remember to close the office door for Qingxuan.

Qingxuan turns on her mobile phone and finds that Tianyi has been chatting with Chuncan for nearly two minutes.

If he just told her that he went to the bathroom, it would be only a few seconds at most.

Qingxuan's eyes are moving, thinking of his nephew's unreliable behavior last night, he quickly dials Chuncan's mobile phone.

"Hello," he said

"Pure." Qingxuan put down the tableware, a little nervous: "that, heaven said you just called me?"

Chuncan said, "Oh, yes. Aunt Li cooked a lot of food and sent it to the army for me. I want to say thank you. "

"It doesn't matter." "My mother remembers all the flavors you like. If she sends them to you, you can just eat them. If there is any inconvenience, you can tell me directly. "

"No, No." Pure can's voice suddenly choked.

Qingxuan takes a deep breath: "Chuncan?"

"Qingxuan," Chuncan said seriously, "in my mother's case, you can judge as you like. Everyone has to pay for what they have done, and so does she.

As for my father's business, you should not have pressure.

If he's really innocent, I'm sure his majesty will spare his life.

If he does participate, it's no pity. He must pay for his behavior.

And that's good. The final verdict. Let me know.

I, I am the eldest daughter, and must shoulder the responsibility of dealing with their future affairs. "

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