Ze Jian immediately clapped his chest and said, "if your Highness has something to do, I will do my best, and I will not slack off at all!"

So did the three of Yu 411.

For a while, the scene was warm and moving.

Luo Xi said sincerely, "however, Xi'er only needs three brothers to help me with this."

Everyone was stunned.

Luo Xi smiled again and said: "the rest of them are the sons of Xiaoxian palace. In the future, Xi'er will have other important roles!

Xi'er has already thought about it. The red Qi Prince has three tigers in his lap. He recognizes three of you as the commander in chief, and each performs his own duties. He works for me, the royal family and Ningguo!

So, Xi'er only needs three people!

As for the other elder brothers of Shizi, Xi'er has some ideas. We will discuss them later! "


The whole hall is as quiet as ever!


This seems to be a taboo topic in the palace of filial piety!

ZeJian has always felt that he is the eldest son, and that he has absolute advantages in establishing a legitimate or a leader. Moreover, he has made great achievements since he was young, and has never made any major mistakes.

So Ze Jian always thinks that he is the most important person in the world.

But now, if you don't want to be a son of the world, you can have a tiger general as your deputy commander. ZeJian hesitates in his mind.

White tiger, what a majestic image!

He can also be used by Xi'er to be Xi'er's confidant, to make great plans and to exert great talents!

Isn't this better than being a famous son?

So, ZeJian tangled up.

The rest of the three boys got tangled up.

Inclined to allow two people to look at each other, also don't speak rashly, afraid to speak, on the contrary, say more wrong.

Luo Xi smiled: "my brothers don't have to tell me today. You can think about it. Xi'er is waiting for your answer."

Think of sending tea to Luoxi: "prince, drink tea."

"Thank you, aunt." Luo Xi took a cup of tea and took a few sips.

After dropping the cup, his eyes were smooth, and he said quietly: "in fact, I appreciate the ability more, just like the pure can princess.

Nothing can affect her position in the royal family, whether it is the prince's residence or the prince's residence.

Because she is a capable person.

Just like Joe San's grandfather before, when he came out of Chunge, he was able to set up a Weilin group by himself, and finally put together a meritorious king. It's not too cool!

I secretly tell you that I also told my father and emperor in private. I think grandpa Qiao San's meritorious king is even cooler and contains more gold than the hereditary prince in Chunge!

This is the real long face!

So, all good, all good, all in their own good.

How was Prince an's mansion before?

Now I'm not striving for success, and I've never been able to recover?

Life can not only look at the immediate interests, but also see their own ambitions, see their own ability and moral character!

Speak with ability!

Serve people with morality!

Anyway, when I succeed in the future, if I meet such a powerful person, I will make him king!

I appreciate this kind of person! "

Luo Xi's words are ready to move!

They suddenly felt that the position of son of the world was really nothing!

If I follow Luo Xi and do well, if I can stand out with my own ability and become king, that is the real scenery and face!

ZeJian suddenly rose from the ground, and tiger body shook: "I'm not the son of the world! I'll do my best with the prince! I'm one of those three! "

His voice is loud and powerful!

All the people present were shocked. Even Rosie didn't expect him to make such a solemn statement!

But the two of them could not believe that Ze Jian was willing to give up the position of son of the world!

They know that Ze Jian wants to be a son of the world!

ZeJian looked at the couple: "Daddy, Mommy, I want to make my own way to fight for my ancestors and myself!

Moreover, I am the eldest brother, I should love my brothers!

I've decided that we should choose one of the three younger brothers to be the son of the filial piety

Luo Xi gently covers his lips: "cough, brother Jianjian is really brave!"

Luoxi can't praise others.

This boast, poked the hornet's nest!

The remaining three are fighting for each other -

"I don't want to be a son of the world!"

"I don't want to be a son of the world! I will follow his royal highness to make contributions and live up to the name given to us by grandpa Huang! "

"I also want to follow his Royal Highness Prince. I think it's best to be the eldest brother! Since ancient times, there has been a tradition of establishing a legitimate leader. Elder brother is good at everything. I have no choice. I choose elder brother as my son! "

It is proposed that the position of son of the world should be given to Jianjian. Now, everyone has reconsidered.

four sons are as like as two peas, so they are making a mess in the hall. They are surrounded by the couple, who are clamoring to be "the son of the world".

At last, Jianjian was angry: "I don't want to be a son of the world! Don't make any noise! "

I feel pain in the brain.

Before, who has heard that Princess Ryukin has the ability to say the dead are alive and the living are dead, just like hypnosis and brainwashing.

Now seeing the crazy appearance of his sons, Qingrong suddenly understood why Luoxi and ryin would become a pair.

Not a family, not a door ah!

Originally, all four children were covetous for the position of the son of the world. Now, all four don't want to be sons of the world.

Luo Xi took two more sips of tea calmly.

When the two of them were quarreling wildly, their eyes were black and their eyes were clear, and they calmly said: "by the way, I heard that when the ancestors dealt with the different opinions of their family members, they all voted, and the minority obeyed the majority.

Xi'er is rarely seen in the dormitory. I have been staying in the attic in the past. When I come out, I have made decisions about all the big and small things at home.

But Xi'er thinks we can follow suit today.

Let's have a vote.

Grandpa, grandma, Grandpa, grandma. Anyway, they are our own people. Let's have a little vote.

No matter what the result is, the selected one or the one that can't be selected must accept the result.

Thinking brothers, what do you think? "

After four people tiny Leng, one after another nods, the same voice: "listen to the prince's highness!"

Luo Xi looked at the couple: "uncle, what does the eldest aunt think?"

They also said, "let's do that!"

Lozzi smiled and connected the family members' videos.

They voted for the luojiebu couple, linglie couple, Qinglan, admiring couple, three members of Qingsong family, Youyou, Shengning, Changsheng, Luoxi, and seven members of the Xiaoxian palace. Even Xiaoning was eligible to vote.

Soon, everyone voted.

Zeli, with the highest number of votes, was elected the son of the world.

Everyone applauded, except for Zeye's own unhappiness, the rest of the people were smiling and cheering.

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