In the conference hall, countless flash lights came one after another.

They sang two songs in a row, which means that good things are in pairs. Then there are four folk performing families to perform on stage.

When eulogy stepped down, he went straight to the lojebs.

Everyone stared and saw eulogy embracing Ni Xiyue and kissing Ni Xiyue on his face.

Before he picked the wheat on his collar, he gently called out: "grandma Huang" ~ "

this is the voice of the little grandson and grandmother, just like the grandson of ordinary people.

The staff came forward and helped to collect the wheat.

Mr. and Mrs. rojeb looked at eulogy fondly, and the little girl who presented the crown before also extended her arms to eulogize and embrace her, and eulogize the great square to take her to their arms.

Originally, song is really the prince!

Looking at his interaction with the elders of the royal family, it is clear that his status in the royal family is not low.

Guobin district.

Zhuoshi sat with the head of state at the first level, admiring the fact that the two often came to the same table.

Qingxuan sits with the second level head of state and is responsible for accompanying the reception.

When Qing Xuan was explaining the way and meaning of one dish to the guests at the same table, a pretty figure quietly approached Qing Xuan.

The guests were amazed in their eyes.

Qingxuan has no idea.

When he put a heat preservation cup in front of him, he froze, turned back suddenly, but met with a pure bright smile.

Pure can is wearing a wine red dress, slim, elegant and atmospheric, without any exposure.

Qingxuan looks up and down at her, but she has an impulse to hide her shoulders and toes.

Chuncan patted him on the shoulder and said in a warm voice, "drink first, warm your stomach, husband!"

She left the thermos and turned away.

Qingxuan Jun's face is red.

Looking at her distant and graceful figure, I can't help thinking of the ultimate Chan cotton last night.

Swallowing saliva, Qingxuan takes back his sight and looks at the thermos cup in front of him.

This cup is not suitable for the state banquet, but it makes Qingxuan feel precious.

"Husband?" "The beautiful lady just now is the wife of Vice Minister Yu," said a smiling Chinese speaker at the same table.

Vice Minister Yu is so young and promising and has such a beautiful wife. He is really a winner in life!

Deputy Yu, I'll give you a toast! "

Qingxuan suddenly realized that when Chuncan left just now, he called his husband.

He wanted to deny that he was married.

But listening to others saying that Chuncan is his wife's words, it's really very beautiful.

He smiled and admitted: "yes, she is beautiful and perfect."

Take up the glass, he and the state guest touched a glass, drink in a big way.

Looking at the thermos in front of him, he thought it was sobering tea and so on.

After opening, a strong smell of fish soup came.

Under the gorgeous light and shadow, the stewed white soup is so attractive.

Qingxuan has a taste.

It's a bit fishy.

But it's delicious.

This kind of imperfect taste will be known as soon as you taste it. It's made by Chun can himself.

At the thought of her sleepless night last night, tired and tired, she still had the strength to call the police in the morning. Now she has changed her dress and stepped on high-heeled shoes to attend the state banquet. There is almost no time for rest.

Qingxuan is very distressed.

Her face must be pale after removing makeup, and there must be dark circles around her eyes, right?

Qingxuan Gulu Gulu drank a lot.

Send a message to Chuncan: "go back to have an early rest today."

Chuncan replied, "do you love me?"

Qingxuan has not returned.

He soon found out that Chuncan was as careful as dust.

Because the performance on the stage, the dishes on the table, and the surrounding guests, all need the detailed explanation and introduction of Qingxuan.

While listening, the state guest asked questions and enjoyed eating and drinking.

And green Xuan's mouth has not stopped, keep saying, from time to time to accompany drink some wine.

If he didn't have pure fish soup to cushion his stomach, he would not only be hungry, but also have stomach ache.

The luncheon didn't officially end until 1:30 p.m.

Some of the clans were taken to the Zun Palace by the luojiebu couple, and some were taken to the palace by the linglie couple.

In previous years, the spring pavilion was the place where the clansmen would go to get together.

This year, no one in the family even mentioned going to the spring Pavilion party, and no one mentioned the spring Pavilion.

The two of Yekang waited for a moment, and saw that their clans left again and again, and they also turned away in a lonely look.

The couple held a press conference on the wedding.

Admiring couples also has a lot of work to do.

For a while, everyone was working step by step.

Yekang was sitting in the car, and suddenly he didn't know what he was going to do when he went back.


He's been losing sleep lately. He doesn't get that much sleep.

Listening to music?

He can't listen to the current pop music at all. It's still old songs.


Tonight, she got up early to prepare. She was tired and should be sleepy.

With children?

McDull was held by ljeb and took to the Zunwang mansion to ride the crane.

Night Kang nose a sour, suddenly asked: "tonight, just now the emperor is not to let Wei Wei they go to respect the palace?"

What do you think of tonight? "Oh, yes, because Meng can and Cheng can are all back. I want to go and have a look."

Yekang: "Your Highness's housewarming happiness, we have spring Pavilion, right?"

Tonight, he smiled: "don't worry. We have all the etiquette we should have. We have already sent it.

You forget that there were not many relatives and friends in Shengjing at that time. When your highness moved, let's go to warm his new house!

So we have been to the Lord's mansion, and we have also sent gifts. "

Night Kang deep breath, looking at tonight, there is no reason for a grievance: "just now why no one asked me to go to the Zunwang mansion?"

Tonight: "here..."

Hearing her husband's pain, I suddenly didn't know what to say tonight.

Night Kang asked again: "how can no one follow us to spring pavilion?

Is it not the place where the ancestors of Luo family lived?

Isn't that pavilion in the middle of the lake where general Ling Yu works and deals with important military affairs?

Don't they all like to go to our palace to remember the past?

Why don't you go all of a sudden? "

This evening, with a smile, he explained, "don't argue about this.

I think it's good to go to Zunwang mansion.

They always go to Chunge. I guess they're tired of it. Besides, they don't go today. They don't say they won't go tomorrow.

It's a fairyland in the end. The scenery in it is unique in the world. It's normal that everyone wants to see it. "

The couple finally returned to Chunge.

She went into the bathroom this evening, took off her makeup, took a bath and changed clothes. There was a palace banquet in the evening, but it was arranged at seven o'clock in the evening. Now she can take a bath and take a nap.

However, when she entered the bathroom, Yekang began to be restless.

He called Xun can.

After playing three times, Xun can said, "Daddy, what's the matter?"

Yekang: "after the lunch, what are you doing? I'll tell you, this kind of large-scale state banquet, the whole peace and order of Ningguo...... "

"Dad, you told me seven or eight times when I was at home. I remember it very well," Xun can said helplessly. "I still have to work, and the workload is really heavy. Hurry to wash and sleep!"

Xun can hung up the phone without hesitation.

Yekang sits at the head of the bed and suddenly wants to cry.

He flipped through the phone book.

Names flitted before his eyes.

There are so many people, but I don't know who to call.

He called en can.

EN can said, "I'm with Wen Chen! We are all in the royal mansion! Dad, go to bed first. There is a palace banquet in the evening. Hurry to have a rest! "

EN can also hung up in a hurry.

Jane can didn't call.

Because Yekang saw lojeb leave with McDull.

Jane can is with eulogy.

Although the royal family is conscious of protecting their relationship and will let them walk separately before the official announcement, McDull and Qingsong have gone. Zhencan hasn't returned home yet. Where else can Zhencan go?

It must also be the royal residence!

Come out of the bathroom tonight.

She dried her hair and was about to ask Yekang to wash it.

But I heard Yekang sitting at the head of the bed crying.

I was so scared tonight that I rushed forward and hugged Yekang: "Kangkang! Kang Kang! "

"I was wrong! I'm wrong! " Yekang wailed: "I'm really wrong! Tonight, I'm really wrong!

I have failed to live up to my parents' trust, the royal family's trust and the original intention of guarding the royal family.

All my family members are disappointed in me. They are all disappointed in me

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ~ tonight, I was wrong! "

On this day, Yekang cried in her arms for 40 minutes.

It's hard tonight, too.

However, there is only one time in life. What happened can't be changed, can only be made up, can only be repented.

The mood of waiting for Yekang gradually stabilizes, holding him tonight, gently coaxing: "Kangkang, it's OK, life is still long.

Maybe Xun can has made great contributions to our spring Pavilion.

Mom and dad will understand you, understand you at that time at all costs also want to protect the family mood.

Although you used the wrong method, we all understand.

But if you use the wrong method, you will bear the responsibility. You are an adult and can't escape any more.

It's not terrible if we make a mistake. We'll correct it and admit it. "

He was coaxed for a long time this evening.

Yekang finally fell asleep in her arms tonight.

The other side.

Qingxuan is finally free.

Because after the luncheon, it is to admire the couple to lead the state guests to visit the Grand Palace and the palace afternoon tea, and to meet with the top talents from all walks of life in Ningguo.

This link is in the charge of the adoring couple themselves, and also followed by Zhuoshi.

Qingxuan only needs to wait until 7 p.m. for dinner, and then be responsible for the reception as at noon.

After the lunch, he was very tired. He took the car and drove home.

Halfway away, I received Chuncan's call.

He answered, "Chuncan?"

"Qingxuan, I have a stomachache." Chuncan said: "I don't know why I have stomachache. I have already returned to the princess mansion. Can you come here for a while?"

Qingxuan immediately turned to the front of the car: "wait, I'll come right away! By the way, do you want to buy you any medicine? "

Chuncan gasped with pain: "no, it's not necessary. You come here first. You come here. Boil me some hot water. I'll have a rest and see if I want to go to the hospital. "

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