Beside LiuDi lake, the gentle and melodious flute voice is refreshing the loneliness of the world, and quietly surprises the world of mortals.

Sitting in the boat, Maureen was full of tenderness. All he read was Ni Yajun!

Under the sun, the boat gradually went towards the direction of the Lake Pavilion under the control of Zhuang Xue. When it landed, she turned around and called mollin out of the cabin.

Just as the little bamboo curtain opened, a warm jade like hand reached out and stopped in front of her: "I'll help you."

The pleasant sound is like a big Pearl falling on a jade plate, clear and melodious.

Molin looked up and saw a good-looking face. His eyes were narrow and wise. His pupils were like paint. His features were sharp and angular. He seemed to feel a little more calculating than the men she had seen.

"Are you a father?" he asked calmly

Lingyun takes a deep look at her and chuckles, "HMM."

Then she put her little hand in his big palm heart and jumped out of the boat smoothly with the strength of his hand.

Looking around, the scenery is very beautiful. Maureen was led by Lingyun and didn't walk a few steps forward. Before the beautiful courtyard, rows of people bowed to Maureen and shouted: "welcome home, little Lord!"

Maureen looked carefully and kept everything in mind.

She only remembered coming out of Ziwei palace, being taken care of by others, blindfolded by others, tossing and turning several times, until the boat drifted to the middle of Zhuang Xue before she took off her blindfold.

Besides the small island under her feet, there was a lake.

Where the hell is this?

Can grandpa send her a signal?

Clear big eyes are full of innocence. The man on her side suddenly stops walking. His eyes are sharp and he looks at her with some exploration.

Maureen jumped with her heart!

She didn't want to be found on the first day, and then she was chopped by Lingyun and thrown into the lake to feed the fish.

It's just that there seems to be something missing in such a large lake!

"There are no ducks or egrets in the lake."

The man on the side of the body suddenly opens his mouth!

Maureen raised his eyes to meet his eyes, silent.

He chuckled, "because they are all eaten by crocodiles in the lake. In this lake, I have hundreds of fierce crocodiles, big and small. Anyone who wants to cross the lake, except my boat, will become a snack for the crocodiles in the lake! "

Maureen subconsciously goes to Lingyun's side for a step. His clear eyes are full of innocence and faint panic: "will they climb up? I'm a little scared. "


Lingyun smiled: "what are you afraid of? You are the little master here. How can these crocodiles eat you?"

Lingyun waves his hands, and his men disperse. After Ling Yun stepped into the courtyard, Mo Lin found that the courtyards here are all quadrangles. When he entered, he followed him and carved beams and painted buildings, pavilions and pavilions everywhere. They are ancient and fragrant.

"You live with me, in the room opposite me."

Led her to the second floor, her luggage was all carried by Zhuang Xue, followed into her room.

Lingyun took her chin, looked at it carefully, with a trace of surprise in her eyes: "you are not like me."

Four words, almost let the heart of Maureen jump out of the mouth!

Lingyun let go of her: "have a good rest and have dinner together later. There are many things I want to ask you, and I want to explain to you. Since you have learned a lot of skills since you were a child, it's up to you to deal with Citi. "

Zhuang Xue approaches Lingyun's ear and whispers.

Lingyun's face was startled, then he looked at Maureen with some affection: "you silly child, knowing that there is no result with Ni Yajun, why do you need to build yourself?"

Maureen was pale!

She made it so secret that she took off her earrings and bracelets and made sure that she carried any communication equipment with her body. That's why she mixed into Ni Yajun's room!

But how does Zhuang Xue know?

Zhuang Xue immediately explained: "when I helped the little Lord to take the boat, I took the pulse of the little Lord. You just broke your body. Some of your body is empty. You need a good life and rest."

Lingyun sighed and turned back to the room.

However, Maureen suddenly split Zhuang Xue and rushed to Ling Yun's back. He pulled out his hair and put it into his pocket quickly between the lightning and flint!

Lingyun turns around angrily, grabs her neck with one hand, but doesn't use too much force to say: "are you crazy?"

Looking at him, Maureen cried out and was extremely wronged: "you bastard! You're crazy! You say I'm your daughter, I'm your daughter? Why use me? Why let me do things for you? The pitiful appearance of sobbing "

makes Lingyun frown.

Maureen backed back a few steps, took out two hair threads from her pocket, and watched Ling Yun approach to her expressionless step by step. She cried in a hurry: "I just pulled out two of your hair, and wanted to have a test. Sob ~ don't kill me!"

Lingyun came to her, her back against the corner.

Four eyes relative, she also did not know where to come the courage, unexpectedly is pounces on, holds Ling cloud's arm to open the mouth to bite!

Lingyun watched her go crazy quietly, watching the red blood burst from the white skin.

Qi Qi, one of his subordinates, came forward and watched with Zhuang Xue, but he didn't dare to go forward.

After a long time, Maureen's teeth were all sore. Lingyun's gentle words came from the top of his head: "can you relieve your Qi? My father knows that you are wronged in your heart. It's been many years since you left your baby in the palace alone. Now, aren't you back? Dad will treat you well. After that, dad will give it to you. "

She opened her mouth and looked up at Ling Yun.

Lingyun raised her hand to wipe away the tears on her face: "don't cry."

She tried to calm down for a moment, raised her hand and held up her hair. "I want to make DNA."

She pulled out her hair and gave it to Lingyun: "you, I can't go out, I don't know people here, but don't take a fake report to cheat me!"

Ling Yun takes a deep look at her.

In a flash, he gazed at the hair in front of him, reached out and took it: "it's good to do one thing!"

Zhuang Xue went up and said, "master, even if you don't do DNA, you can judge. Please wait a moment with me. I'll get ready and come back soon. "

Lingyun nods and trusts Zhuang Xue.

So the atmosphere froze.

Maureen stared at Chuang Xue doubtfully: "you trust her so much. I met her in Ziwei palace again. Maybe she is the spy of Ziwei palace?"

"Ha ha ha..." Ling Yun smiled like a flower: "Zhuang Xue is my eldest master's daughter. My eldest master's medical skills are so excellent that no one can match them."

Maureen's heart thumped. Zhuang Xue's life experience, this strange Lake Island and Lingyun's real body are here. She must try to tell Grandpa!

But in two minutes, Zhuang Xue came back.

With a faint smile on her face, she held a test tube filled with half transparent liquid in her hand.

"Master, little Lord, just crush your hair and put it into the test tube. If there is a close relationship, the liquid in the test tube will appear purple, otherwise, it will remain unchanged! "

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