Sunning gazed at the hand that Che extended to her, and moved forward gracefully step by step.

The flaming and beautiful wedding dress set off her as the red plum blossoming in the snow. She is proud and pure.

She came to Che and put her hand in her palm.

The civil servant holding the Phoenix crown shouted: "the queen kneels down to worship the emperor of heaven and receive the crown!"

Shengning slowly lowers herself in accordance with the words, holds her by the big palm of her small hand and holds her firmly. Shengning looks up at Che in surprise.

Che didn't look at her.

With one eye and anger, he looked directly at the civil servant in front of him.

Civil servants trembled with fright, holding the tray to death, not daring to move at all, not daring to say a word.

Sunning understands the meaning of Che.

He would not let her bow to anyone, even to him.

However, now there are three gods and spirits behind her. If she is the queen of heaven again, the rules will still be obeyed.

Taking advantage of Che's efforts to put pressure on civil servants, Shengning's wrists are flexible and out of Che's control.

Che was surprised to see that Sheng Ning had flopped down on his knees.

"Little Ning'er!"

Che looked at her heartache, but a etiquette, but let him feel that his wife suffered a great grievance.

All the immortals looked at it and said it was amazing.

This princess is really gorgeous, but it's amazing that she can make the emperor fall in love with her so much and hurt her so much.

Senning ignored his call, the beautiful swan neck slightly lowered.

She beckoned him to crown her.

Che chest heaved two times, suddenly, the tall and proud body also followed poo Tong to kneel down!

All the immortals trembled with fear. They got up and left their seats one after another. They were arranged in order like the pilgrimage. They knelt down!

Sheng Ning looked at him in surprise, his eyes full of disbelief: "what are you doing?"

Clear sidelong, stare at the civil servant.

Civil servants have already knelt down in fear.

Che reached for the Phoenix crown, even kneeling, it was higher than Shengning.

He carefully put the delicate and dazzling Phoenix crown on the head of Shengning, took her hand, stood up, and said to the fairies, "I am the same as tian'anluo, and I have the same respect and value. I don't want to repeat it again and again! Next time, I will punish those who are disrespectful and disrespectful to her! "

All immortals: "please obey your Majesty's holy will!"

Li Cheng, the Phoenix hovering in the sky before, suddenly becomes larger, carrying the pure and the holy peace to roam in the sky.

Xian'e dances beautifully. The gods show their skills.

The relatives in the circle, seeing that Che loves Shengning so much, are relieved, happy and relieved.

We played for a long time in the heaven. When the party was over, everyone moved back to the world.

And say Phoenix carrying Che couple disappear.

They came to a fairyland of green mountains, wild beauty and water curtain.

Che takes her hand and stands in front of a small and delicate palace beside the spring. Shengning can feel the spirit of every plant and tree here, especially the butterflies, rabbits and deer in the mountains, which seem to have opened the spirit.

Some small animals even know that they are newly married, and they specially bring the most beautiful flowers from the grass to the bride.

Sheng Ning happily took the flowers and asked, "Che, where is this?"

"This is the place where many years ago, I, my father, my mother, and Hao, the four members of our family, lived," Chul gazed at her tenderly

Sheng Ning opened his mouth and felt that it was inconceivable: "a place more than a hundred thousand years ago?"

"Yes." Che took her hand, looked around, and said softly: "I protect this with spiritual power, so it's more than a hundred thousand years ago, there is no erosion from the outside world, like a paradise.

In my heart, I have been thinking about here, but I dare not come back to have a look.

I'm afraid that when I see it, it will become fragile. "

Shengning stepped forward and held him tightly: "not afraid, isn't there me? No matter heaven or earth, no matter where I go, I will accompany you and we will face it together. "

Clear eyes have a crystal light flash, pure mist washed eyes, gently like a clear spring around.

He joyfully embraced the saint Ning in his arms, closed his eyes, mobilized all the spiritual power, and said gently to every living creature, every plant, every flower and cloud in this world: "father, mother, che'er is married today, and che'er is back with his daughter-in-law."

Such an important day.

He's coming back.

Pieces of peach blossom flying, Che holding Shengning's hand, here again worship heaven and earth, and to once lived in the small palace, kneel down, worship the high hall.

Che leads Shengning to stand up, faces her, two husband and wife worship.

He suddenly held his lips and smiled, saying, "I've been waiting for this moment for too long."

Shengning: "hmm?"

Chul whispered: "next step: into the cave."

Shengning's cheeks are red, but he hasn't said a word yet. He has been cuddled in his arms.

The wind swept by.

There are no two people on the grass just now.

Rabbits, deer and marmots all looked at the little palace. They felt that the wind was blowing in that direction.

Che took the bride, into the chamber, three days and three nights did not step out of the door a step.

This time, Shengning knows that this is the way it is when he gets married, even though he has not yet opened the God of meat.

And their three days and nights in the secret place, outside, are long half a year.

In this half year, no one has found Che and Shengning.

Every time you go back to dinner, the elders at home will ask.

This is not, Ryukin is five months pregnant, with a big stomach, taking Zhaozhao for a walk by the lake. She looks at the stars on her head and asks Luoxi: "mother complained again today, do you hear?"

"What do you complain about?" Rosie asked

Ryin said: "a man's mouth is a deceitful ghost! As my brother-in-law said before, even if I get married, I will live here with my sister Huang for a long time. Anyway, it's just a nap time in the sky. It's OK to leave a small job to see my family. As a result, it has been six months without any news. "

Rosie was also a little angry.

He also really miss sister Huang: "in another month, McDull will have another little brother. In another four months, you will have a baby. It's just so many days since sister Huang left this time. Next time, she will come back. I'm afraid her father and mother will be furious. "

"Who is angry with me?"

A woman's playful voice floated in her ear.

Ryin and Luoxi are very happy. They hurry to look for it.

They soon found that Che and Shengning were standing not far away from them. They were wearing a couple's windbreaker, a dignified gentleman and a beautiful woman.

"Sister Huang!"

"Sister Huang!"

Shengning saw ryin's belly clearly and was shocked.

It's only three days. Why is your stomach so big?

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