
Bai Shao thought he had heard it wrong, but he asked again.

Bai Luoyou's eyes are fixed on him, his tone is a little unhappy: "leave tomorrow. Don't let me say it a third time. "

Bai Shao: "..."

Since the little kids who trained Bai family to have children last time lost the bet with Bai Luoyou, he should return to the family.

Just suddenly found Zhaohe.

Although she is young, she has a fatal attraction.

She is like a gem or a treasure house. She can find surprises in her every hour and every minute. He forgot that he was going to leave.

At the thought of leaving, Bai Shao was reluctant to leave, but he had to clean up.

Bai Luoyou sees his loss in his eyes.

However, he is not the real white family young master. He will leave after all. Bai Shao is the real white family straight line man.

Bai Luoyou also plans to cultivate Bai Shao. In the future, even if he takes Long'er back to a different world, the Bai family will have Bai Shao, which is the return of his borrowing the identity of the white family's young master.

"You go back." Bai Luoyou said: "I have sent a telegram to Uncle San. He will arrange you to go to city C. you go back to your clan for a few days and then go to City C to show your strength."

The night deepened.

Zhaohe and Shen Yuying both eat rice porridge and Wowotou made of coarse grain in the evening. Wowotou pricks their throat, but they are used to it.

The rabbits that we caught on the mountain together with Xu's brothers have been raised and eaten slowly.

Last night, in order to entertain them, the best food in the family was all made, almost the best meal of the year. They dare not waste it.

At present, Shen Yuying has already cried. She is in a good mood, sitting in the yard and weaving straw mats by moonlight.

Zhaohe picked a kind of herbal medicine on the mountain and chopped it into grass mud. There was a special smell in the air. However, snake, insect, mouse and ant turned around and left. Shen Yuying was not worried about mosquitoes in the yard.

Zhaohe advised her several times: "ah Nai, it's dark. I'd better make it up after dawn!"

"It's been a long afternoon today," Shen Yuying sighed and looked at Zhaohe lovingly. "There won't be any pie in the sky. Zhaohe, if milk doesn't work, she can't save money. How can you do it later?"

Shen Yuying knows.

Her body is getting worse and worse. Today, when she learned that Li Chao had an accident, she was dizzy and dizzy. She felt that her chest was swollen and a stream of Qi went straight to the forehead. She almost fainted.

She's alive, and she's got a pension, though not much, to eat a little.

But she died, no pension, no one to make straw mat, Zhao he is only six years old, how to live? Do you hunt in the mountains every day? It's also dangerous on the mountain!

Zhaohe could not persuade him, so he took out a large enamel cup, poured hot water and stirred it with a spoon.

A wave of sweetness came.

Shen Yuying looks back.

There is a lack of materials in the mountain. If there is a little good smell, it will be very obvious.

Zhaohe stirred it, went back to the house and found a cup. He poured one for himself. The rest was handed over to Shen Yuying: "ah Nai, this is the cream from Miss Bai. I made some. Let's drink together."

Shen Yuying saw that she had made a large enamel cup, but she was sad, but she smiled and said: "ah Nai didn't drink it, Zhao he drank it, and Zhao he drank it all. When ah Nai didn't retire before, she saw it in the town. It's very precious, nutritious, and Zhao he is still growing. Zhao he has to drink it."

Zhaohe smiled, and his young hand was still holding a large enamel cup, coaxing softly: "ah Nai, there is nutrition, Zhaohe will drink with ah Nai! Zhaohe is small and needs nourishment to grow up. However, as she is getting older, she is also prone to lack of calcium and needs to be nourished. Ah Nai, drink it, drink it, you are in good health, so you can accompany Zhaohe more! "

Shen Yuying's nose is sour.

Zhaohe also advised: "ah Nai, drink it, drink it."

Shen Yuying answers. Zhao he grins. He looks like a child. His eyes are bright.

She turned around and ran back, holding her own cup, smiling and drinking with Shen Yuying.

On the night of midsummer, the bright moon is in the sky, and the stars are shining. The grandparents and grandchildren hold the wheat milk essence, and sit in the yard and talk without a stubble. Occasionally, they hear the dog of whose house call twice. The bamboo bars, rattan leaves and semi-finished straw mats of the small half yard are scattered in disorder.

This is the eternal quiet time in Zhaohe's life.

That night.

Coax Shen Yuying to sleep, Zhao he leaves the bed lightly.

She found a sickle in the kitchen, grabbed it in the palm of her hand, carried a super large bamboo basket on her back, and set off at night.

Her tiptoe is light, and she flies all the way to the direction of the back mountain. She doesn't even need to borrow force in the middle of the way, because she doesn't practice Kung Fu. Flying is her own skill, just like walking.

To say that six-year-old dolls are afraid of the dark is naturally afraid.

When Zhao he was very young, he saw a mess floating in the air. No one else could see it. Only she could see it.

She cried twice in fright, but every time she saw those things, they would also look like something terrible, screaming, running around, some of them could not escape, on the spot turned into a wisp of smoke, as if they were burned by something.

Zhaohe told Qinghe twice.

Qinghe didn't believe it at first, but he said with a smile, "you think you are Zhong Kui. When the demons and ghosts see you, they run away?"

However, since Zhao he was three years old, he believed that his body would become scales of snakes.

So every July half, or winter solstice, when every family wants to burn paper money, or when they have to walk on the night road to pass through the cemetery, Qinghe must drag Zhaohe.

As long as Zhaohe is there, he will live in peace.

As time goes by, Zhaohe is six years old now. At first, everything floating around in the village can't be seen at all. Let alone the whole mountain. If you want to find some ghosts, you can't find them.

Zhaohe also thought that one of her parents might be a doctor and the other a devil killer.

Zhaohe came to Houshan, and finally saw a nest of wolves at the entrance of the cave.

The wolf cubs are now two months old. They look like puppies. But a big wolf lies on the body of an animal that can't be seen. He opens his mouth and eats it.

Zhaohe's eyes were sharp, he waved a sickle and killed the past.

Not far away, a pair of green eyes witnessed the whole process.

It had come up with a voice to dissuade.

He wanted to help.

However, looking at it, it gave up. It found that the dragon was the dragon. It had the ferocity of the Dragon nationality, but the scene was a little bloody.

Not long ago, six-year-old Zhaohe, carrying a basket of wolf cubs, swept up the cave gate and left the back mountain.

Bai Luoyou followed her until he saw her sneaking into the burning dormitory door, grabbed a wolf cub and threw it in, grabbed a wolf cub and threw it in. After two seconds of shock, he finally returned to his mind and went back to sleep as if nothing had happened.

However, what he didn't know was that Zhao he went to Houshan mountain again after delivering the wolf cubs.

And this time, it's about him.

The next day.

It's not all light yet.


The burning voice pierced the sky!

There are kerosene lamps in his dormitory. In the middle of the night, I only feel that there are some things crawling on the ground. Sometimes, they cry loudly, which is different from the dog.

At first I thought I was dreaming.

But sitting up in a daze, I found something wrong.

Reach out to light a kerosene lamp at the head of the bed, but see a room of five or six eyes will be reflective of the little fuzzy thing aiming at him!

He was confused for a while, but found his feet could not get down, because the cubs were all around.

They can't jump up, but they are around the bed. Their hind legs are on the ground, their bodies are straight, their front paws are on the edge of the bed, and they stare at him one by one.

Bai Shao thought, whose pup has come to his house?

Until, he heard a cry like this: "Ouch!"

Baizhu can see clearly!


This is not a dog, this is a wolf!

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