Zhaohe didn't understand the word "hospitality" for a while.

But she has a lot of trust in Bellevue.

A group of people moved out of Cheng's house and finally arrived at bailuoyou's yard.

The place of bailuoyou is very large. The courtyard is divided into inner courtyard and outer courtyard. It seems that it was built temporarily a few years ago, but the geomancy and structure are very good.

He gave Shen Yuying and Zhao he a separate room.

They all face north and south.

It's just that Zhaohe's room is a little bigger. In addition to the bed and wardrobe, there are also desks and bookcases.

There are many books on the bookcase, which are suitable for Zhaohe's age. There are many children's stories with color pages, which Zhaohe has never seen before. It's said that book tickets are also needed in big cities to buy them.

Zhaohe's textbooks are black and white. There are colored brushes in the school, but they are only given to them for a short time every week. Every time they get a brush, the children will rush to add color to the paintings in their textbooks.

Zhaohe likes this place very much.

She put down her clothes and went to Shen Yuying's room next door.

An old man was sitting on the edge, taking a medicine and wiping the wound on Shen Yuying's face.

The old man brought his own daughter. She helped Shen Yuying to check her body. Fortunately, it was all skin injuries, but not real injuries.

But the old man also found that Shen Yuying's lungs were not good. He suggested that she go to the big city to have a look. He also said that she had better not delay.

Shen Yuying knew that she just nodded, but she didn't make a sound.

She can't collect all the travelling expenses in the big city, let alone see a doctor. Although she has a retirement salary, she can't be so troubled. Zhaohe is still small, and Qinghe will have a dowry in the future.

Shen Yuying only hates how she gave birth to a son like Cheng Baozhu. With Cheng Li, she has gone with Chang Wai.

She repented, but could do nothing.

The old man went out of the room and told Bai Luoyou about Shen Yuying. Bai Luoyou's eyes flashed and nodded slightly: "I know."

Zhaohe has been taking care of Shen Yuying.

After such a toss, the sky darkened.

There are several kerosene lamps in the room. Shen Yuying looks at them and quickly says, "Zhaohe, Zhaohe is going out. It's too expensive. Mr. Bai's students are kind to us and polite to us, but we can't do this..."

"Cheng's milk, it's OK."

White Luo you slowly pushes open the door, the complexion is gentle to walk in.

He took a tray with the fragrance of food floating in it. Looking at Shen Yuying, he said with a smile, "the most important thing in my white family is money. You have a good rest. Don't care about these common things. "

When the food was on the table, he looked at Zhaohe and said, "let's have dinner with ah Nai. When you have finished eating, just bring it out and put it at the door. Someone will clean it up. I found you a exercise book. Come here and I'll teach you how to do it. "

Zhaohe nodded, "thank you."

Shen Yuying looked at the young man in front of her. She was grateful for many times. She wanted to bow to him and thank him, but her body was getting more and more painful. After being beaten, she felt like drinking wine. She had a lot of stamina. She couldn't move.

She could only stare at Bai Luoyou: "child, I I venture to ask, what is your relationship with Mr. Bai? "

White Luo you smiled: "I am his uncle."

Zhaohe: "ah?"

Shen Yuying was also shocked.

Bai Luoyou looked at Zhao he's dumb and dumb, and chuckled, "I'm older than him. I'm my father's elder son, and my elder brother is more than 20 years older than me."

Shen Yuying: "so it is. I heard that Mr. Bai is from the Bai family, isn't it?"

Bai Luoyou thought a little, knowing that the old man was not at ease, he went up to sit by the bed and said softly: "ah Nai, all the people in my Bai family are family children, which is a secret that everyone knows.

However, there is a secret that we all don't know, that is, after the survival of the fittest in the family, there are too few outstanding people left.

So I and Mr. Bai are around, searching for all the good children who are kind, honest, diligent and progressive, and want them to contribute to my family in the future.

That's why we chose Qinghe.

Zhaohe is also a teacher before leaving, thousands of exhortations million charges let me follow.

Moreover, even without the advice of Mr. Bai, at the moment when Qinghe volunteered to join the Bai family, Zhaohe has automatically become the son of the Bai family. No matter from which angle, I will protect Zhaohe. "

We all know that the bailiffs protect the short.

When Shen Yuying heard this, she felt more secure and said: "thank you, thank you!"

White Luo you saw the eye Zhao he, turned to go out.

Dinner is very rich for our grandparents.

There are chicken porridge, white bread, four fried eggs, and two pieces of braised fish in the middle.

The grandparents and grandchildren are full of food and dare not waste it at all.

After eating, Shen Yuying urged: "Zhaohe, go quickly, go back to study quickly. Grandma doesn't need your care here. You are good at studying. If grandma needs you, grandma will call you

It's in the next room. As soon as Shen Yuying shouts, Zhaohe can hear it.

Zhaohe came out with the tray, and a servant took the tray in her hand: "Miss, give it to me."

Zhaohe went back to his house.

There were many lights in her room. They were bright. She had never seen so many lights at night. She felt wasted and yearned for them.

Bai Luoyou sat quietly at her desk, holding a pen and writing something.

When he heard the news, he looked up at her and smiled softly, "are you here?"

Zhaohe has some ideas in mind. She doesn't want to do her homework. She wants to go to Cheng Baozhu's daughter-in-law's mother's house and bring back white noodles, chicken cakes, wheat milk powder and so on.

That's Mr. Bai's intention. Why did he get rid of those thugs for nothing?

Besides, those people all bully Shen Yuying. She hasn't had time to teach her a lesson.

She stood by the door, two steps in, but not near bailoyuan.

Lower your head and hold the clothes in your hands.

White Luo you saw her not to speak, looked up again at her, smiled: "you look at your bedside cabinet."

Zhaohe "Yi" a, quickly walked over, looked down, white teacher's blue cloth bag!

She checked it carefully, as if it were there.

Even if the chicken cake seems to be one piece missing, there is also a little bit missing in the milk.

Zhaohe looked up at Bai Luoyou and said, "did you ask someone to find it?"

Although less, but can take back, already very good!

Bai Luoyou gazed at her tenderly, and smiled helplessly: "if I don't speed up my movements, you will kill her again in the middle of the night and make a big scene, don't you want to waste your energy again?"

Zhaohe is holding things. He is very happy.

However, her face was flat again: "they also took part in the fight, they also have a share!"

Bai Luoyou nodded: "I also know that I have been taught them, you can rest assured."

Zhaohe went over, looked at him, and stared at him with some surprise: "why do you know all that I think in my heart?"

Bai Luoyou put down his pen and pinched her face gently: "the world seems simple and honest, but there are also wolf hearted things wandering around. If I don't protect you, who will protect you?"

Zhao he grabbed his hand and asked, "you protect me because you want me to work for the Bai family?"

Bai Luoyou was stunned. Then she thought that she should have listened to what he said to Shen Yuying.

He smiled helplessly, eyes full of doting: "I protect you, because this person is you. Zhaohe, I know you have many questions in mind, but you should believe that no matter what happens, I will protect you. "

He swore to Suning that the egg was in him, and the egg died.

For the sake of Long'er, he has given up all his accomplishments and Nine Tailed Fox's real body. He has died once.

"Zhaohe, I'm not even afraid of death, but I'm afraid I can't protect you."

Bai Luoyou's gentle words, I don't know what it's like to listen to Zhaohe.

She just felt that the bitter and hard life in the past was gray, even black. Now, it can have a little light and become color.

Her eyes were red and she asked, "in case I can't leave you one day, will you leave me?"

Bai Luoyou: No

He said in his heart: my uncle will protect you and take you back to find my parents.

Zhaohe writes quietly for 40 minutes. Bai Luoyou takes care of her eyes and won't let her write.

He found a set of clean pajamas and put them on the bed. The housekeeper brought a super big bucket and poured a lot of water back and forth.

Before Bai Luoyou left, he said with a smile, "take a good bath. Don't worry about the bucket. Tomorrow you go to school, and someone will come in to deal with it."

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