Bai Luoyou takes Zhao he to school.

Just out of the yard, he took the initiative to take Zhaohe's schoolbag and put it in his hand.

Zhaohe looked at him and giggled: "you don't need to spoil me like this, I will be spoiled by you."

"No way." White Luo you smile, their Luo's child, will never be spoiled: "moreover, I don't think this is spoiling you."

Zhaohe purses his lips, and his eyes are bright.

"I just want to do it myself," she continued

On the way to school, Zhaohe walked along and suddenly caught Bai Luoyou's hand.

Bai Luoyou looks down at her eyes, dotes on a smile and holds her small hand instead.

At school.

Zhaohe studied hard as if he had beaten chicken blood. After class, he went to the toilet to practice on his desk.

Several students gathered around and asked her why she was always with Bai Luoyou recently, and she didn't eat lunch in the canteen.

Another one looked at Zhaohe and asked, "have you eaten anything good recently? How do I feel that you look much better, and your chin is a little bit fleshy? "

Zhaohe thin Baba's little hand is covering the calligraphy, thinking about the recent ones he ate, which he couldn't eat in the past.

When she was silent, the children in the mountain were greedy, staring at her one by one, and even began to smell the taste of her body.

"What a nice shirt you have!"

"Your pen is very special. What pen is it?"

"There are half classes next door. They are like pens. They need tickets to buy them!"

"What is a pen? What an expensive look. "

"Eh, your hair is so dark. Zhaohe, isn't your hair brown before? It's very dry. Why is it black and bright now? "

"Must have eaten something good!"

Soon, Zhaohe's little figure was drowned by a group of dolls.

White Luo you sits on own position did not move.

At noon, when school was over, Bai Luoyou took Zhao he home. As soon as he entered the yard, he heard the servant come over and whispered, "little Lord!"

Bai Luoyou is slightly surprised.

Why are these people so unruly, blocking themselves at the gate of the hospital?

Zhaohe didn't take himself as an outsider at all. He raised his small face and said, "you say it!"

White Luo you hook lip: "say."

The servant said: "young Lord, in the morning we go back with Cheng's milk to get things, but Zhang Daping has occupied Cheng's milk's house.

The kitchen over there, the bacon in the cellar and so on, all occupied.

Even the straw mats and bamboo baskets made by Cheng's a'nai were sold for money by Zhang Daping.

There are still bamboo sticks and reeds left, which are missing.

Cheng's milk was so angry that she cried. When we came back, she fell ill on the bed. The doctor showed her that depression was a heart disease.

We have two brothers who have gone up the mountain to cut bamboo, and two brothers who have gone to look for reed grass for her. The bamboo sticks have been chopped out and put in the yard, and she has been invited. She is in a better mood. She came out of the house, took a small bench and sat down, and began to make it up. "

The housekeeper is also afraid of bailoyou's blame. How can they still let the old lady do the rough work?

So helpless, only in white Luo you go in to see before, hurriedly make clear the original reason, also save them to be misunderstood.

Zhaohe heard that he ran in without a wrinkle.

White Luo you light way: "I know, prepare lunch."

On the way back just now, Zhao he said he was hungry.

Bai Luoyou went to the yard and watched Shen Yuying make baskets. He got along with Shen Yuying for a few days and finally found out her character.

This old man has a strong sense of integrity and self-esteem. He is not willing to owe people, or he will always feel sorry, for fear that he will not sleep.

Thinking of this, Bai Luoyou came to say hello to Shen Yuying and said with a smile: "ah Nai, can you make a curtain? Sometimes I think my wooden door is too heavy and I want to breathe, but I feel uncomfortable when I open all the doors. If only there were a soft curtain. "

As soon as Shen Yuying heard this, her eyes were shining. She clapped her thighs and said excitedly, "I will! I will! I'll make it up for you in the afternoon! Custody is what you want! "

"Good." Bai Luoyou's expression is a little embarrassed: "I'm sorry to bother you."

Shen Yuying said: "don't worry! No trouble! Do me a favor, heh heh heh! "

Zhaohe squats beside his grandmother and looks up at Bai Luoyou. The sun just comes from behind him and sets him off like a golden boy.

Naturally, she knew that he was there to let her live in peace.

The worship and gratitude in Zhaohe's eyes are so strong that they can't be covered for a while.

White Luo you a bow, just see, under the heart helpless, toward her moved mouth.

Zhao he, who has not learned lip language, actually understands it.

He said: Yes.

It should be

He should take care of her and treat her well. He wrote her a letter, prepared rich meals for her, gave her new clothes and shoes, helped her with her schoolbag, and even treated her grandmother well

In his eyes, it's all right.

Zhaohe is warm in the heart. He lowers his head and chuckles.


Today, three people have lunch in Zhaohe's room.

Red oil pig ears, stir fried bean sprouts, braised chicken wings, three bowls of fried noodles, three bowls of vegetable soup.

Zhaohe licked his lips, greedy.

Thinking of what the students said around her today, she knew that these days she seemed to grow some meat, because she ate well, so she grew meat.

Bai Luoyou took chopsticks with a smile and stirred the noodles in front of him. Then he handed them to Zhao he: "this is the way to eat in the city. It's called fried sauce noodles. You need to mix them before eating."

Zhaohe looks at the cucumber shreds, small diced meat, big sauce, peanut, sesame She swallowed hard.

White Luo you hook lip to smile: "small greedy son, eat quickly!"

She must be too ashamed to know what to do if she says she is greedy.

But Bai Luoyou said it with a kind of indulgence and sweetness, which made Zhao he think he liked what he said, not just to laugh at her.

She took the chopsticks and said, "ah Nai, you can eat it, Bai Luoyou, you can also eat it."

Then, as soon as she bowed her head and opened her mouth, she bit it down.

The good taste of fried noodles made her squint incredulously. She chewed it quickly and swallowed it. She exclaimed, "it's so delicious. Ah Nai, it's really delicious!"

Shen Yuying also learned to mix it. After tasting it, she was very surprised: "I have never heard of such a face in my life! It's dry. There's no soup, just sauce. It's delicious! "

Bai Luoyou smiled: "eat more if you like."

Half eaten, he suddenly proposed: "by the way, I'm not going to let Zhaohe go to school. I'm going to let her study at home. I'll teach her myself. When she gets to the age of college entrance examination, I will arrange her for it. Although I am young, I have learned everything, and I am also good at it. I am confident to teach her well. "

White Luo you says, in the heart some are uneasy.

He's only nine years old. I'm afraid Shen Yuying won't trust him.

Even Zhao he doesn't know what he will think. He hasn't seen Zhao he for the time being.

Who knows, Shen Yuying rejoicing way: "that is too good!"

Bai Luoyou hurriedly looked up and welcomed the old man's happy eyes: "great! Great! "

She is old and ill. Her doctor has given her a physical examination and said that her lung is not good. She told her to go to the big city to see a doctor, and she knew it.

She is worried about her death. Zhaohe doesn't know what to do. Now, Bai Luoyou is willing to be Zhaohe's teacher.

These two days, she lived in the yard, and she was also very clear. Bai Luoyou was the little master of Bai family!

Bai Luoyou accepted Zhao he as his apprentice. In the future, Zhao he and Qing He will not ignore him. Both of them have become members of the Bai family. They will take care of each other in the future. What's more, when she worked in the town in the early years, she knew the influence of the Bai family in the world.

Her excited eyes burst into tears, and she hurriedly looked at Zhaohe: "promise! Be good, and promise! "

Zhaohe smiled: "I naturally want to promise!"

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