White Luo you hears words, the heart suddenly flusters.

Just now, all the white family members were ordered a drop of Zhaohe's blood on his forehead.

Besides, there are some blood of Zhaohe in the bottle that hasn't been used up, which he put on the carriage to ward off evil spirits.

If everything green fox said is true

If the blood of the young dragon's first son is a great tonic for the monster

Well, he may have done a very stupid thing - he may have exposed Long'er, and he is leading her to this carriage!

Bailuoyou was shocked, but also calmed down in an instant!

He's a green fox emperor, but he's afraid of a monster that doesn't get the right way?

Since it is a real species, not a monster, not afraid of dragon Qi, then it must be physical. Instead of escaping, it's better to catch it!

Isn't this species the same as mosquitoes?

The only food in the world is blood. Isn't this species a pest?

Pest, catch and kill!

Bai Luoyou's eyes are fixed on the small treasure bottle, thinking about the beauty of the lake he dreamed of in this period of time, and not from the slight anger.

Once again, a line appeared on the fingertip, asking, "how do you enchant me in the vase?"

Green fox cried out wrongly: "immortal! I really don't! Now that I'm in the vase, and you're taking me as a prey, where can I dare to do these things? "

Green fox seemed to think of something, and said: "however, it can parasitize in the human body. It is only as small as a spider. After living in the human body, it penetrates into the lungs of the human body in the daytime, the host sleeps well in the night, and then comes out to suck blood.

Once it goes out, it will release the hallucinogenic fragrance and make people hallucinate.

Besides, it will start from the people around the host!

It will also release gas when the host's mind is weakest, making the host hallucinate and controlled by it. "

The reason why Bai Luoyou tolerated the green fox again and again is that this is a treasure vase given by Shengning, a thing of jiuchongtian, not a small porcelain vase.

It's a law that once a demon touches something in the sky, it will turn into smoke.

Although green fox is suspicious, it is very unlikely to cheat him.

The train left the platform and went on.

The body that was just sucked up has been sent down, and the police have also asked the conductor to make a record. This station, originally a very small station, according to the regulations, only stops for five minutes. But this time, due to the homicide, it took 40 minutes to verify the identity of all passengers on the train, check and make a record.

The night in front of you is like the situation of bailuoyou now, which is unpredictable.

He quickly disposed of the rest of Zhaohe's blood, went to other carriages stealthily, and performed cleaning skills for all the servants.

When he returned, he appeared in his carriage. When he thought of the green fox, he couldn't let go of it.

He got up and gently pushed open the door of the carriage between Zhaohe and Shen Yuying.

Shen Yuying's body froze for a moment, as if frightened by Bai Luoyou.

White Luo you is sorry to say: "milk, frighten you."

Shen Yuying sighed and said softly, "I saw Zhao he kicking the quilt. It was cold at night on this train, so I got up and covered it for her."

Shen Yuying didn't turn on the light in this carriage.

There is a clear moonlight outside the window, you can roughly see the outline of people.

White Luo you conveniently pressed the light, small yellow light warm, sprinkled here.

Shen Yuying sat down beside her bed and said with a smile, "it's hard for you all the way. Why don't you go to rest?"

"I can't sleep." Bai Luoyou steps forward and looks at the sleeping appearance of Yan Zhaohe. His eyes are spoiled.

For some reason, Bai Luoyou suddenly didn't want to leave.

He had to be here with his own hands and keep the two grandchildren, so that he could be at ease.

So he took off his cloth shoes, climbed up with the handrail, and lay on his side on the top of Zhaohe.

Shen Yuying looked up at him and asked in surprise, "how did you sleep?"

Bai Luoyou explained mildly: "I always feel insecure in my heart. Moreover, I promised Bai Shao that I would take care of Zhao he personally. After dawn, I will be in the capital. If Zhao he has something good or bad, how can I explain to Bai Shao?"

Shen Yuying was silent for a while and said in a small voice, "I know if you don't say it. Just now, the train stopped at the platform for a long time. Many policemen were outside. Something should have happened. Young master Bai, I'm not sure. You say that we've managed to escape from the mountains. We'll never, never have any evil. Why don't you follow us? "

Bai Luoyou is afraid of Shen Yuying's wild thoughts, afraid of scaring her. That's what he conceals.

Now when I heard what she said, I knew that she must have seen the outside world, and must have been dreaming.

Bai Luoyou smiled: "ah Nai, don't worry. I will protect you and Zhao he if I am here."

Bai Luoyou closed his eyes and rested.

Shen Yuying also lay down slowly and covered the quilt.

After daybreak, everyone washed and cleaned up step by step. The train terminal, capital city C of Xia state, arrived.

Shen Yuying was so excited that she didn't forget to look back at the family members: "bacon and Dachshund, please put them away for me. Don't forget!"

Zhao he grinned: "ah Nai, let's eat this by ourselves. Go back to see my sister and give her some to eat at school. This is something from the countryside. I'm afraid the Bai family can't see it. Let's not give it to my sister or to Bai Luoyou. "

Shen Yuying laughed, hugged Zhao he and said, "silly girl, ah Nai naturally knows."

White Luo you see this pair of grandfathers and grandsons look good, his complexion also followed to ease a lot.

But But he didn't dare to relax for a moment.

In this strange world, there is no flower temple to worship, no fairy friends and colleagues, no brother-in-law, no queen's sister, nor the Luo family who calls the wind and rain in the world. There are only endless confusion and risks. If you are a little careless, you will lose the life of the Dragon!

Bai Luoyou was worried. His soul was a hundred years old.

But they are in the open and the strange is in the dark. It's really annoying!


Bai Shao is there with a team of people.

Seeing Zhaohe and them coming out, he went forward excitedly.

Bow respectfully to Bai Luoyou: "uncle!"

Bai Luoyou answered gently, and Bai Shao looked at Shen Yuying and Zhao he again: "Cheng's milk and Zhao he, I received your telegram to the capital two days ago, and I'm still excited and surprised. Now I see that you are coming safely. I'm so happy! Let's go home. I'll have Qinghe called. You can have a good reunion now! "

Zhaohe saw Bai Shao and burst into tears in his eyes: "Miss Bai, Zhaohe wants to die for you. The white noodles, wheat milk powder and Zhaohe left behind are not wasted. They have all eaten and drunk!"

Bai Shao looks at her, feeling surging and cherishing in his heart. He can't help but stretch out his hand and pat her on the shoulder: "Zhaohe, Miss Bai will take good care of you in the future. Don't worry! In the future, we will not only eat white noodles, but also rice. It's commercial food, prawns and sea fish Zhaohe, miss you very much

Bai Luoyou twisted his eyebrows: "get in the car!"

The motorcade left from the platform and left the railway station.

Bai Shao wants to have a good chat with Zhao he. As a result, Bai Luoyou pulls Zhao he into a car and tells the driver to leave immediately.

So Bai Shao had to take Shen Yuying to the car and follow him.

Along the way, Zhaohe was on the window, looking out at the building, excited and broken: "what a tall house! Ah, the bank? Bicycle! Bai Luoyou, there are many bikes here. How many tickets do you need to buy so many bikes? "

When Bai Luoyou saw her go to the city for the first time, it was like Grandma Liu going to the Grand View Garden. She couldn't help laughing.

He pointed out of the window and gently explained the buildings and streets to her, and introduced her to the plants and trees in the big city.

Although the world is far less modern than Ningguo's, it is far more advanced than the mountains where we lived before.

Zhaohe looks at bailuoyou with adoration and starlight in his eyes.

Bai Luoyou, you know so much.

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