Little fawn is flying straight into the air!

The original body expanded a hundred times and a thousand times in the moment of leaping. It was like a dark cloud that covered Zhaohe and you!

Countless antennae dance like octopus, but each antennae is covered with white fluff and sharp spikes under fluff!

Just at the moment when she was about to plunge into Zhaohe's body, Bai Luoyou held Zhaohe and disappeared instantly!

Fufang monster pounced on the sky, and suddenly became smaller and fell into the world.

It's like a flea, gone.

Bai Luoyou is holding Zhaohe, hiding behind the strange Fang just now, and watching it disappear.

Look for a drop in the sea.

It's too hard!

Zhaohe doesn't know why, she can see the border set by Bai Luoyou, the scene in her sister can also be seen, and she even finds that she can go in and out freely.

It seems that her body was born to be accepted by all spells and breath of bailoyuan.

Or, as if she were part of him.

This feeling is very delicate. Zhaohe doesn't know how to explain it. She looks at Bai Luoyou in a dazed way, and thinks, maybe this is that he didn't repel her when he was practicing?

"What about the meat sauce?"

Zhaohe looked down and saw the clear and boundless mulberry fields.

But she was like him. She saw the underground border.

White Luo you slightly a startle: "can you see?"

Zhaohe also asked perplexedly, "didn't you let me see it?"

Bai Luoyou thinks deeply and finally understands that: because Zhaohe has absorbed the whole body he once had, most of the arrays and boundaries he has laid down now can only be seen by her, because she has his breath, and all his magic magic illusions have spiritual power, and those spiritual powers regard her as him. (it seems to be a little complicated, maybe you will understand it after reading it twice)

Bai Luoyou took her with him and drifted stealthily for a while, standing on the border.

He unleashed his powers to test.

Finally, I understand that the whole group of the Kuifang monster is extinct, only the one just missed.

Although the most important one has not been captured, but the single wood does not become a forest. Bai Luoyou is not afraid of it at present. If it dares to come, it will be destroyed.

Fortunately, the insects of this entire race are almost destroyed, which is also a good thing for the world and dispels the hidden dangers.

Bai Luoyou takes Zhao he back to his study.

Zhaohe felt surprised.

When she was pressed by bailuoyou to take a seat beside the bed, she suddenly realized: "it's not a mirage, it's really back home."

Bai Luoyou smiled and looked at her: "there are some things in the Bai family that need me to deal with. You practice your illusions, and I 'll take care of it. "

Zhaohe asked again, "when can I learn your blinking skill?"

White Luo you smiled: "the spiritual power is enough, do not need me to teach, you can go to any place you want to go by concentrating your mind."

Zhaohe bowed his head in shame: "I know, I will intensify my cultivation."

The two changed their positions very tacitly.

Bai Luoyou is sitting at the desk dealing with many affairs of the family.

Zhao he is sitting cross legged on the bed, practicing magic.


Everyone was immersed in the joy of the birth of the youngest son.

With a stroke of his pen, linglie gave his name to Qianyu and gave his grandson a Qianyu island he bought overseas as a birth gift.

Adore personally selected an old pit glass float orchid's jade spy for it, and ordered the Ministry of internal affairs to finish it within 24 hours.

Therefore, before Zhen can was discharged from the hospital, the jade spy of the little Shizi had reached Zhen can's palm.

Yekang and his wife are also overjoyed. They are eager to leave xiaoqianyu.

Zhencan's moon is also served by a special person, and Ningguo's news department has also released a good news about the addition of new members of the royal family. Fans of song have expressed their blessings, and people at home and abroad have sent congratulatory messages through the Ministry of foreign affairs.

And sun Weicheng was still preparing for the wedding ceremony of the eulogy couple, but preparing for it, but it was difficult.

Because in the morning, the palace hospital gave birth examination to the crown princess. Even the king of merit entered the palace and asked for pulse for the crown princess. At last, the expected delivery date predicted by both sides was the same day, which was the day when the couple got married.


All things, meeting the great event of the emperor, we have to move back. This is the tacit etiquette of everyone.

Sun Weicheng pondered a little, then hurriedly prepared the proposal, during the morning meeting, put forward this matter.

Cabinet members and ministers of the State Council all said: "the wedding of King Gong Xian must be postponed. No matter how, it can't be a day to do big things with the prince. His Royal Highness's child, that is, his Majesty in the future. When his majesty is born in the future, it is naturally that all people pay attention to him. It is natural that he should not do other things. "

Adoration also did not expect, how can things be so clever?

If ryin is born with a child, but everyone attends the wedding ceremony of eulogy in the auditorium and doesn't go to the door of the operating room to guard ryin who has a child, it's impossible to say.

He blinked, at that time asked Xun can: "what does chief Joe think?"

Xun can's answer is very simple: "brother Huang, everything is done according to the etiquette system."

After admiring the morning meeting, I asked Shen Xinyi to go to Qingsong couple's side together.

Xiaoqianyu is white, tender and tender. Zhencan loves her children and has to breastfeed herself. Yekang is very opposed to it.

He advised his daughter: "no matter it's milk powder or breast milk, the child will grow up healthily and healthily. Instead, it's you who take care of the child's affairs on your own. In the future, you can't smoke anything and die tired. Shouldn't you take good care of yourself and have a good rest? A child will not become a genius because of your breast milk, or an idiot because of your milk powder. It doesn't matter how he grows or how he grows. In fact, it doesn't matter how he grows. Don't immerse yourself in excessive maternal love. "

In fact, Yekang loves her daughter.

The first child was born in a foreign country. She didn't even have a baby. How hard she suffered alone and how many tears she shed.

Now I have a baby at home. The night Kang couple would like her to have a good rest, to have a good month, and to support all the bad health problems before.

When the admiring couple came, Yekang was arguing with Zhencan.

The whole process of eulogizing is silent.

He was afraid of standing in the wrong team, which made the father-in-law or his wife unhappy.

Night Kang helplessly let pour song help advise, pour song only way: "I listen to treasure."

Yekang looked at the night again: "you also advise me. I am a big man who is a father. It's really inappropriate to tell my daughter about this problem!"

Tonight I was a mother, knowing that once my daughter had a child, she would concentrate on her child: "listen to Zhen can's, don't let the child have regrets."

"What's the matter?" Shen Xinyi came over with a smile: "I've heard your argument since we adored each other. Zhencan is still working as a moon child. The puerpera can't hear the argument and will have a headache."

Everyone hurriedly saluted: "see your majesty, see the queen!"

Admiring and waving his hands, he said with a smile, "what's the matter? I don't have to be embarrassed. I'm a family. Let's talk about it and solve it together! "

Yekang looks embarrassed.

Eulogize and smile and tell the story again.

Admiring and laughing, looking at the bedroom door.

The door is closed. Both Zhencan and xiaoqianyu are inside. They adore each other and say, "I just have something to talk with you in the study."

So they moved to their study.

I don't know how to open my mouth. Because of Luoxi's wedding, it took the couple a year to get married.

Now it's because Luoxi's baby is about to be born, and the birth date is the same as the wedding of the eulogy couple, and they are required to delay.

Adoration is also felt, strange, how so clever?

"Brother Huang, what's the matter?" "Just now you didn't say that we are all one family. If you have something to say, let's solve it together?"

Shen Xinyi suddenly said, "your brother and I mean, your wedding with Zhen can, or it will be held a week in advance."

This evening, I immediately turned over my cell phone and said, "but that day is a good day for the Ministry of internal affairs. It's not easy to change it at will."

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