Bai Shao intentionally let Qinghe out.

Because he found that Qinghe knew some secrets of Zhaohe, but it was inconvenient to say because Shen Yuying was present.

They left Shen Yuying's room, but did not leave the suite, but went to the next room.

Bai Shao stared at Qinghe, always feeling as if this girl had not been the one who had seen in the mountains, would fish in the river and cook in the yard.

Her new bread clothes, called duck down jacket, are just popular in the capital this year. Even last year, they haven't been popularized. Only import shops sell them.

And her hair, also less original green astringent feeling.

Originally precious, she was put into the vast sea of people and even lost her unique recognition.

Bai Shao suddenly has a feeling: can she still believe her words?

When Qinghe was looking at him, Qinghe was also looking at him. He was dressed in a black cashmere coat, long and shiny leather shoes. The whole man was full of energy. There was no kindness in the mountains at the beginning, but he was more noble. Such a man, even now in the capital, is also the best in the sky, and there is no better one.

Qinghe can't help but rejoice that she didn't succumb to fate and stay in the mountain.

Otherwise, she will be in the mountains all her life, looking for a wimp man and giving birth to a litter of children, which will be ruined and unable to come out.

Remembering the pain she had suffered before, and the ridicule and contempt she received at school, Qinghe secretly swore that she would never go back to the mountains and live like that again.

Bai Shao asked: "Qinghe, are you Zhaohe's secret? Let me know if you know. "

Qinghe looked at him, and there was a bit of embarrassment on his face: "I But this is Zhaohe's secret after all. If I said it, I'm afraid she would be angry with me. "

Bai Shao said in silence, "tell me, I will not tell her. Qinghe, she lives in Bai's house now, because the origin is unknown, so my grandfather is also very vigilant. If there is any secret in her, I'd better prepare in advance to prevent others from hurting her. "

In fact, Bai Shao thought, it's just a little girl. What's the secret?

Is it related to Zhao he's life experience?

Zhaohe has no father or mother. Her life experience may be her biggest secret.

Qinghe pondered and said softly: "Mr. Bai, you Zhaohe is not a person If you don't believe me, you pour a basin of water on her. As long as her feet are wet with water, she will become a snake spirit. But I know that Zhaohe is a kind-hearted child. She has never harmed anyone. Although her identity as a snake spirit is somewhat terrible. "

Bai Shao: "..."

He was shocked!

Want to indignantly blame Qinghe, why do you want to pour dirty water on your sister like this, but what Qinghe said is also reasonable: Yes or not, just pour a basin of water on Zhaohe.

Can he believe it or not? He'll try, and then he'll know.

Qinghe finished, and also lowered his head. He betrayed his sister in a very uncomfortable way.

And Bai Shao sees her like this, can't help but think of Zhao he on the mountain, unexpectedly can fly!

She can fly and catch many wolf cubs overnight!

The wild wolf is very ferocious, let alone the mother wolf who just had a baby. The instinct of protecting the calf comes up. Who dares to hurt the wolf cub? The mother wolf can tear the person to pieces!

But Zhaohe's a little man, but he has done it!

His face was white and gray. He didn't want to believe that Zhao he was a monster. In his mind, he could not help thinking of the female snake in the playbook. That play was about the story of the female snake spirit and the mortal love.

Bai Shao tried to calm down and looked at Qinghe: "you know what I know. Don't tell the third person for the moment! Do you know? "

Qingheman was worried and said, "I know, but Miss Bai, you won't hurt Zhaohe, will you? She's so kind, she's just not like us! "

"I will not hurt her. I believe that Zhaohe is a kind-hearted child, but this is too sensational. I still need to make sure."

"Well." Qinghe is grateful on his face: "with the white teacher protecting me, I'm sure. In fact, I've been the only one who knows the secret. I'm also very afraid."

Baizhu soon left.

The hospital suite is the best. He ordered three meals a day for Shen Yuying's grandson. There will be a chef in the canteen pushing a snack cart to come here. When they hear a cry on the porch, they will come out to fight for food.

Washing clothes, toiletries and daily necessities are almost all available.

Bai Shao tells Qinghe to take good care of Shen Yuying and leaves.

At the same time.

Baijia has a hot spring pool, which is the size of a small pool, just in the back garden.

At the beginning, the ancestors of the Bai family bought this place to build a mansion. One of the reasons was that they took a fancy to the hot spring here.

The night is rising.

Bai Luoyou coagulated a border on the hot spring pool, and then led Zhao he to the pool.

The moon is continuous, and the breeze is caressing the border.

Zhaohe looks up nervously, but Bai Luoyou looks calm. She lowers her head and blushes. She stares at the shadow of two people standing side by side on the water by moonlight. It's as beautiful as a flower in the water.

There is also a curl of smoke in the water, and the light damp lingers between them, twining them, and the heart seems to be closer at this moment of the night.

White Luo you releases her hand, Wen Sheng way: "go down, don't be afraid."

Zhaohe nodded, walked forward a few steps, closed his eyes, and jumped!

A small red and gold dragon is swimming happily in the hot spring. The smart and powerful dragon head, as well as the scales that are as bright as jewels, make bailuoyou see them.

Long'er is so beautiful!

It's so beautiful, beautiful crying

When he first saw Zhaohe, he felt that the child was thin and his face was very clear. Later, he gradually fattened Zhaohe, white and tender. The whole village said how beautiful and lovely Zhaohe was, but he couldn't see it.

I grew up in Luo's family when I was a child. Looking forward to it, I can see that it's all the best looks in the world.

So, to say how beautiful the human skin bag is, Bai Luoyou is really completely numb. Even the charming green fox is, he can't see where it looks blind.

At present, when Zhaohe becomes a golden baby dragon, like a fish swimming in the hot spring, he realizes for the first time that the dragon is beautiful!

Zhao he swam around for several times and didn't want to come out comfortably.

It slowly swam to the pool, came to the foot of bailuoyou, looked up at him: "master?"

Bai Luoyou bowed, reached out, and stroked her beard, her tap, her eyes, and her scales.

Dragon is not a dragon.

It's art.

How can it be so beautiful?

One hand becomes two hands, and Bai Luoyou hugs the head and neck of the young dragon.

The young dragon suddenly sank, swam far away, and appeared not far away: "don't you want to teach me magic?"

Bai Luoyou realized that he had lost his temper just now. It was all because the dragon was so beautiful: "HMM."

He stood up and carried his hands behind him.

The fingertips are still whirling, just touching the scales.

"Zhaohe, I'll teach you a spell. You hold your breath and concentrate, just like practicing turning an apple into an orange and turning you into a human in the water, you know?"


"As long as you can become a human in the water, once your feet touch the water, you will immediately use magic to keep yourself in human form, so that you will never expose your identity."


This is Zhaohe's biggest trouble, so Zhaohe has been using his mind to learn.

It's not hard to memorize spells. She has a good memory.

It's really hard just for illusions.

Bai Luoyou is also standing beside the pool with a headache, watching him turn himself into a duck, a frog, a dragon and a man, shaking his head and sighing, crying and laughing.

Bai Luoyou changes into a Nine Tailed Fox, falls into the hot spring and climbs to the head: "Zhao he, take a deep breath, concentrate on your human appearance, and then recite a mantra."

Zhaohe: "OK."

All night, Zhaohe didn't succeed once.

Bai Luoyou is afraid that she is too tired. Seeing her chagrin, he comforts her not to rush. He will continue to practice with her tomorrow night.

They went back to the room hand in hand.

Zhaohe looked at him embarrassed. "Bai Luoyou, aren't you afraid that I will become a snake?"

Bai Luoyou rubbed her hair, and her young dragon's real body appeared in her mind. She spoiled her smile: "Zhaohe is so beautiful, why should I be afraid? Every scale on you is as beautiful as a jewel. "

Zhaohe smiled, jumped up suddenly, kissed him on the cheek: "Bai Luoyou, you are also very beautiful!"

After the kiss, she bowed her head and blushed and smiled.

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