Zhao he is only six or seven years old. His half body is fishtail. After being picked up by Bai Shao, he can hardly see the quilt.

He took Zhao he directly to his bedroom, put him on the bed, and brought many bath towels.

Zhao he covered his face and cried sadly.

She's in trouble.

She shouldn't have listened to Bai Luoyou. Before he left, he told her not to go anywhere and waited for her at home.

But she can't resist the temptation. She wants to see how ah Nai's body is. She wants to see her sister who hasn't been seen for half a year. She doesn't listen. She just doesn't listen to Bai Luoyou!

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to frighten you. I'm sorry for that."

Zhaohe sobbed.

All she thinks is that she's finished!

Bailuoyou can accept her, because bailuoyou is not human.

And Baizhu is a human being. Can she stay here in the future? Will Baizhu send her away? Would you kill her as a monster? How can she explain that she is actually a snake fairy?

The sudden change completely disrupted Zhaohe's expectations of reuniting with Qinghe and others.

She stayed in bed shivering.

And Bai Shao also carefully pulled open the quilt at her fishtail and gently wiped the water stains on her scales with a bath towel.

When the water stains were all dried, he watched Zhaohe's tail change to the little girl's white and exquisite feet.

Every toenail is like a crystal shell, crystal clear and lovely.

Bai Shaojun's face is red, and Wen says: "Zhaohe, don't be afraid. I will help you keep the secret. Don't be afraid. First of all, wipe yourself. "

He went out and said, "I'll get your clothes from your side."

"Miss Bai!"

Zhao he stop him!

She didn't expect that Miss Bai was so good and would keep it secret for her.

Looking at the water stains on Bai Shao's back, she quickly said: "Mr. Bai, I will not be cold when I get into the quilt. Change your clothes quickly. You change your clean clothes, and then go to help me get my clothes."

When Bai Shao heard Zhao he's voice, he felt soft and soft.

She's concerned about herself.

Bai Shao doesn't regret it at all. He found out today that Zhaohe is a mermaid's secret. In fact, before he did this, he had tangled up repeatedly, and finally lost to curiosity and chose to test.

Now that she has been tested, she is a mermaid, and he will spend his whole life guarding her.


Baizhu retreats, opens the wardrobe, takes a suit of clothes to be changed from inside and enters the bathroom.

He quickly came out of the bathroom and looked at Zhaohe, who was holding his quilt on the bed with only one head exposed. His pity was overwhelming: "Zhaohe, I will be back soon. Don't move in the room."

Zhaohe nodded: "Miss Bai, I believe you."

Bai Shao walked step by step, and there was a little guilt in his heart, which spread across the heart lake.

He quickened his pace and ran towards the house.

Seeing him go back, Bai Xi was curious: "shaoshao, what's the matter?"

Bai Shao: "Zhaohe accidentally fell into the hot spring pool in my yard. I will bring her a suit of clothes."

Bai Xi looks surprised. "Is Miss OK?"

Bai Shao: "it's OK. I'm holding it up."

However, what Baixi thinks is that Zhaohe is really amazing. At a young age, he actually caught bailuoyou, and now he catches Baizhu?

I lived well in my uncle's house and went to my nephew's yard to have a hot spring?

It's so good!

Waiting for bailuoyou to come back, he must talk about this matter well in front of bailuoyou!

Bai Shao drives back with Zhao he's clothes.

He put his clothes beside the bed and said in a warm voice, "Zhaohe, I'll wait for you outside. If you are OK, please let me know."

Zhaohe's face is still a little white: "OK."

She never doubted that Bai Shao would calculate her. Even after Bai Shao said that she would keep secrets for her, she believed completely.

It's just that she doesn't know how to communicate.

She only hoped that Bai Luoyou could come back soon.

After Bai Shao went out, Zhao he put on his clothes quickly, opened the door, and looked at Bai Shao carefully: "Mr. Bai, I have changed my clothes."

"Zhaohe, I want to talk to you, OK?" she said

Zhaohe looked back at the bedrooms with disordered eyes. He was embarrassed: "my dirty clothes, wet sheets and bedding, and..."

"It's OK," Bai Shao smiled. "The most important thing for the white family is to clean the servants. I'll let them clean it later."

Zhaohe nodded, "OK."

Bai Shao's study.

He made a pot of hot tea and brought it to Zhaohe. He put a cup in front of him.

Tea is fragrant and smoky.

Zhaohe did not dare to move for a while. He blamed himself and looked out of the window from time to time.

Why don't you come back?

"Zhaohe, I I'll keep the secret for you later.

But there are too few people you can trust in this world, and not all of them will trust you unreservedly like me.

So I suggest you move out of the main house and live in my yard. "

Bai Shao said this, thought about it, and said: "Bai Xi is the housekeeper of the main house, but also the general housekeeper of the whole white house. He can do this because he is smart and capable, and deeply trusted by my grandfather.

Zhaohe, you are new here. You won't show your horse's feet for a while, but he will surely find out after a long time.

At that time, even if the little uncle is willing to protect you, I'm afraid he can't.

The little uncle is in his position. If he wants to wear his crown, he must bear the weight. Many things cannot help himself.

It's impossible for him to give up the position of head of his family for one of you. "

Zhaohe was worried that Bai Luoyou was not back.

But she was quiet.

But when Bai Shao talks about Bai Luoyou, Zhao he is not happy: "Mr. Bai, I believe that Bai Luoyou will not let me be bullied no matter at any time or under any circumstances."

The little guy's voice is childish, but his tone is firm.

Bai Shao had expected it for a long time, but when he heard Zhao he said it, he was still sad: "Zhao he, you are still young, and you have some people who don't know clearly. In the world of life, many things can't help themselves. I'm different from my little uncle. I don't have the burden of little Lord Bai. I'm more arbitrary than him. "

Zhaohe shook his head: "teacher Bai, let's talk about something else. If you have to leave me here, I can't."

Bai Shao: "you are still young. You should listen to me. I am your teacher. When did I cheat you?"

Zhaohe: "Miss Bai, I'm not going to see ah Nai and her sister today. I'm a little tired and want to go back."

She stood up and bowed to Bai Shao seriously: "Miss Bai, Zhao he is very grateful for your keeping secrets for me. Zhao he trusts you and respects you. Zhaohe is back. Take care of Miss Bai! "

She turned to go, Bai Shao reached out to pull her, but Zhao he was alert ahead of time, nimbly avoided, and quickly rushed out of the study.

When Baizhu chases out, Zhaohe has run out of the shadows.

Baizhu still refuses to give up.

He knew that bailuoyou was really busy, but he would not be busy every day, nor would he be outside every day.

Waiting for Bai Luoyou to come back, it will be more difficult to bring Zhao he back.


With the determination of potential, he kept running in the direction of the house.

At last, he saw the small figure hidden in the door of the house, and made every effort to catch up with it.

Zhaohe goes upstairs, returns to the room, closes the door.

Baizhu catches up, slaps the door, and calls her name: "Zhaohe! Zhaohe, open the door, and I'll show you them! "

Zhaohe: "I'm not going! I'm tired today. I don't want to go! "

Bai Shao: "Zhaohe, there's a new seafood restaurant in the city. You can't eat seafood if you live in the mountains. Let me accompany you to lunch!"

Zhaohe: "Miss Bai, I really don't want to go out. I'll be at home and I won't go anywhere."

Bai Shao: "but this is not your home. Zhaohe, are you sure you want to live here? Come with me, I can protect you! "

Zhaohe stops talking.

No matter how Bai Shao beats the door, Zhao he stops talking.

Bai Shao was tired, so he sat on the sofa in the living room and waited patiently.

Bai Xi came to the door with a tray. "Miss, lunch is ready."

Bai Shao hurried forward: "I come!"

Zhaohe: "I won't eat it! I'm not hungry! "

Baixi: "..."

Bai Shao: "..."

Zhaohe is actually hungry. She has been growing up all morning. She has never cultivated before. Now she has no psychic power in her body, which is not enough to make her reach the state of Valley breaking at a young age.

But she didn't dare to open the door.

She really don't want to leave bailuoyou, and really don't want to hear Baizhu say bad things about bailuoyou.

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