Luo Xi is a man of his word and faith, and he also loves Zhao he very much.

In the womb, I immediately asked Tianyi for the key to the storehouse, and let Tianyi take Zhaohe to choose a gift.

Ryingba stared at the direction that Zhaohe left.

Luo Xi and you sit on the sofa and chat with her.

You and you suddenly read a poem: "I'm born to be useful, and I'll come back when all the money is gone.

Ryukin, you will be the mother of a country in the future. In the future, there will be more treasure for the birth of the little emperor and grandson. Plus the national day and other things every year, the rest of your life will be very long. You will receive a lot of treasure. Don't worry about these gadgets in the warehouse. "

Although ryin is the crown princess, you are the eldest prince, and your royal highness is also respected. It will not exceed the moment to order her as an elder brother.

Rying nodded: "well, what the big brother said is."

On the face, elegant and clever, in fact, heartache dripping blood!

She has no heart or eyes. She's not happy. It's all written on her face.

When you see her like this, you smile and say: "no matter what Zhaohe chooses in it for a while, I will give you a better gift when the little grandson is born."

In this way, Ryukin's heart was balanced, and he thought about it carefully, but also wanted to open it.

She looked up at you, smiled generously, and then said, "it's my little financial fan, my accomplice is confused.

In fact, I should not be stingy because I am the future Lord mother of Luo family.

Luojia is like a towering tree with huge underground roots, numerous offspring, and numerous human contacts.

If you give it to a distant kinsman, you have to give it up. What's more, it's for your sister's daughter, which should be treated like your own daughter. "

"Xi'er has a good eye and married a good wife," you exclaimed

Luo Xi also agreed: "Baobao is very righteous. In the past, even if she stole the immortals, she only did things that are just as good as stealing. She never broke the foundation. Don't worry, elder brother. When she treats my Luo family, she will take care of the jade pot with one heart."

You you: "I believe ryin is a good girl."

In the kitchen not far away, Mu Tianxing and Shen Xinyi have been busy for a long time.

Xiaofu came to report: "Your Highness, the food is almost ready. You can wait another half an hour for the meal."

Xiaofu has been washed away by Luoxi for three months and sent to have a rigorous training.

When she turned into white paper and was left in such a cruel environment, she had to act forcefully, coldly and rigorously to survive. Otherwise, she had to die. Unconsciously, that style of acting had become a school of her own.

Back to ryin, she didn't remember everything.

Including Providence's affection for her.

At that time, God saw her and cried. She didn't understand.

Later, with the passage of time, her memory revived a little bit. She remembered her dependence on ryin in modern times, the confession of Providence to her, and many things.

She also finally understood that, in the Imperial Palace, the side of the future mother of the country could not tolerate her past kind of pompous personality.

She knelt on her knees to thank Luoxi for her hard work, and also for her efforts to survive after losing her memory.

Now, she only thinks that she is both gracious and dignified in the face of Luoxi. She knows that Luoxi gave her a chance. If she makes mistakes again, it's not as simple as washing away memories and sending them out. It may really abandon her.

Ryin looked at you: "in the kitchen, in addition to the emperor's grandmother, mother and queen, there is also an Alain girl. It is said that she has been taking care of Zhaohe in a different world, so she is very familiar with the taste that Zhaohe likes? "

"Miss LAN?" You are confused.

Only when he thought of the fact that the orchid essence had not yet been cultivated into a fairy, and that he was not a man or a woman, did he chuckle: "mmm."

Put the cup down, he asked ryin, "I heard that you were suffering a while ago. You can't eat anything, and you can vomit when you drink water. Now it's better to look at your appearance."

Luo Xi suddenly thinks of something, excitedly grabs your arm, approaches, and asks mysteriously: "big brother! This matter matters to you. I almost forgot to tell you! "

You you: "what is it?"

"Mengtaizu!" Luo Xi said: "at first we didn't know. Later, sister Huang guessed that she went to ask her brother-in-law again. The brother-in-law pinched his fingers and thought it should be."

You and your eyes reflect thousands of lights: "great! Excellent! So, is mengtaizu coming back? How long after he was born can he become a fairy? "

The Luoxi couple couldn't laugh or cry.

This question, ask them, rather ask sunning.

Ryukin said: "sister Huang came to me in the morning to check my pulse, so she went to the star hotel to find a professional chef to learn from him. She said that she would go back to the dormitory in the afternoon to make dinner for Zhaohe. Why don't you ask sister Huang in person at night? "

You you nodded: "well."

"He won't be a fairy. He's just an ordinary member of the royal family."

Behind me, there is a clear voice.

You you look back, his face can not help embarrassed, up to see: "Your Majesty."

Luoxi and his wife also smiled: "brother in law!"

Che nodded to the Luoxi couple and looked at you meaningfully: "today, Long'er recited the growing up mantra. I sensed it there and came to have a look. Her fairy is in the womb, how can she not be seen? "

You and you: "..."

Che waited for two seconds, you don't answer, ryin quickly asked: "brother in law brother in law! Why can't my son become a fairy in this life? I want him to be a big brother! "

Che's eyes finally moved away from your face, Wen Sheng said: "the sky is gone.

Mengtaizu's accomplishments were exhausted. He was supposed to die in the dust. However, the heaven gave him a chance to be reborn because of the great merits of saving the people.

I specially asked the Si Ming to check. This child has nine imperial orders, each of which is one emperor for thousands of years.

The emperor's life of the first generation needs 100000 years of merit and virtue.

Nine times, it's because of his great merit and virtue. That's what he got.

As for whether he will become an immortal or not, it is necessary to wait for all the nine generations to go to see whether his accumulated merits and virtues are enough to soar. "

Ryin lowered his head and looked at his stomach. "One emperor from all ages?"

The emperor of Luo's family is stronger and stronger. Lu Yin looks up at Luo Xi and says, "our son is stronger than you. Do you have any pressure?"

Luo Xi said with a smile: "I won't have pressure. The stronger his ability is, the better. Then, I will meditate early, or directly let his father meditate for him. Shall we go around the world together? We also have conveyor belt at Luo's house. You can go to any world you want! "

Luo Xi said that Ryukin could not help being moved: "it is too."

You, you and your forehead can't help but begin to love the reincarnation of Meng Taizu.

"Dad! White Luo you! "

Behind him came Zhaohe's happy voice.

Che turns around, stares at the lovely daughter, squats down directly and holds her in her arms: "darling, where did you go just now?"

Zhaohe held a bag of things and said: "my uncle told my aunt that I was a junior. I saw you for the first time, so if you want to send me a gift, you can take me to the warehouse to choose."

Che looked at the bag and asked, "what is this?"

Don't say Che is curious. The Luoxi couple and Bai Luoyou are also very curious.

Zhaohe opened the small bag and found the colorful gems. He smiled and said, "I found many gems I like. Some of them are on the chain, some are on the sword, some are on the wall. I picked out what I like and cut them all!"

Heaven's forehead is full of sweat.

The Crown Princess of his family is the biggest fan of wealth. I'm afraid she will throw up again after losing so many treasures.

Luo Xi was also afraid that ryin would faint. He extended his hand to hold her. "Baby, you see how lovely Zhaohe is. Just like our daughter, we should hurt her more."

Those gems, lying in Zhaohe's palm, pass by her fingertips. She grasps them and plays with them. She loves them.

Ryin tried to stabilize his mind and raised his voice. Then he asked, "Zhao he, how did you pry these jewels off so firmly?"

Zhaohe grinned: "some of them tear directly, some of them bite directly. Little aunt, don't worry, I'm not hurt, because I'm not human! When I took off these gems, I also used spiritual power! "

Needless to say, the cleaning or furnishings that she has bitten or broken must also be discarded.

Metal recycling, maybe someone wants it.

Rying's face was white, and she kept telling herself: magnanimous, magnanimous, this is her own sister and child, and also her own daughter.

Seeing her so sensible, Luo Xi was also distressed, but due to the presence of Che and Zhao he, it was not easy to comfort her, just holding her hand with a smile, and said in a very small voice: "horizontal and vertical are external things."

However, who are you and Che?

Zhaohe has a shallow experience and won't think much when he hears it.

Chul goulip a smile, stood up and looked at ryin: "little Ning'er has been urging me, saying that your parents and younger brother in Dongzhao country are all the knots in your heart. If you can tell you their news after you give birth or 100 days later, you will be very happy as a gift. "

Ryin's body trembled. It never occurred to me that Shengning was so careful and remembered her!

"Che said again:" I let people check, and you can rest assured that there will be news

Ryin fell into tears: "thank you so much, brother-in-law! Thank you, brother-in-law! "

Chul smiled and touched Zhaohe's head: "I want to go back to deal with the government affairs, and then come back to accompany you to eat with your mother in the evening."

Zhao he nodded, and Che disappeared.

Ryin threw himself into Luoxi's arms and cried with emotion, "you are so kind to me, sister and brother-in-law. It's so nice."

She thought of something and looked at Zhaohe, who was showing off the jewels to bailuoyou, and said, "Zhaohe, I will have these colorful jewels again and keep them for you!"

Luo Xi and you both laughed happily.

Zhao he nodded: "don't worry! I'll come as soon as my little aunt calls me! "

At the door, admiration comes.

In the kitchen, Shen Xinyi and them also came out. They exchanged greetings and went straight to the restaurant for lunch.

Set your hands on beef, fried lamb chops with lemon and vanilla, sweet and sour sirloin, prawns in tomato sauce, goose paws in abalone sauce, braised fish with plum vegetables, braised fish, Squirrel Fish, pickled fish, boiled fish, three kinds of cold mix, assorted vegetables, braised cabbage roll, stir fried peas, braised mustard with scallops, fried rice with pineapple.

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