After you fled, you quickly moved back to the imperial study of Qingqiu.

He was sweating on his forehead. Even though there was no shadow of Zhaohe in front of him, Zhaohe himself had never been here.

However, you opened your eyes and closed your eyes. It was Zhao he who just teased him.

Every sweet word she said was like arsenic wrapped in sugar, which made him know that it was poison, but it could not be shielded and indifferent.

"The fox emperor."

The clear voice rang not far away.

You look up abruptly, but see Che standing in the center of the hall of the Royal study, his eyes are staring at him with inquiry.

Deep eyes, as if to see his heart.

You you set your mind, hurriedly came down from the throne, and went to the front of Che to worship: "Bai Luoyou to see your majesty!"

"The fox emperor is my family, so I don't have to be so polite," he said

When you get up, you ask, "what's the matter with your majesty coming here to see me?"

"Three things." Chul walked slowly to the main position, sat down on the Dragon chair of the fox nationality, with the palm of his right hand facing up, he imagined the spirit jade of you, which swept straight to you: "this is your spirit jade that I came to find when you are in a different world.

It's also because of this jade that I know you've come back from the dead and helped you rebuild your golden body. "

"Thank you very much," he said

In a different world, he also had a strange experience. His Nine Tailed Fox's real body clearly needs to be repaired for about ten years to be complete.

Why is it so long in advance?

He also thought that there must be clear help in this.

I just didn't guess it had something to do with Lingyu.

Che looked at him in his spare time: "how many days after you came back, did you not find that your spirit jade was missing?"

You you face color unchanged, but under the heart panic: "I have not yet entered the chamber of investigation."

Suddenly, you have a kind of illusion.

Just cope with the small, old again, worthy of father and daughter, are so difficult to give birth to ah!

Che looked at him in silence for a while, then said, "the second thing is that you have made great contribution to saving Long'er. I just had a meeting in jiuchongtian, and all the ministers agreed to seal the middle God for you."

You are surprised!

He opened his eyes wide and bowed down in panic: "Your Majesty, think twice! The queen just got married. It's not suitable for her family's influence... "

"That's enough, my own daughter-in-law, she's protecting herself. What are you going to do for her! Hu Di, remember your identity! Even if you are the adopted son of Luo's family, even if you have had a little relationship with xiaoning'er, she is now the queen of heaven. You don't need to worry about it! "

Che congealed eyebrows, said displeased, words and sentences with dignity and domineering.

You and you are rare to be true, straighten up to face the clear eyes, do not let the path: "your majesty!

Queen of heaven is also Chen's sister!

I am a very important family member!

No matter who she marries, no matter what step she takes, it is impossible for the minister to ignore her or ignore her safety! "

Che Qi stood up and pointed to him: "you!"

You and you finish quietly, and then bend down, keeping the same posture of worship.

Chul took a long breath, forbeared and forbeared, and said: "in a word, I am not here to listen to your opinions! I'm here to inform you! Jiuchongtian, Jinluan hall, I have already said a thing! True dragon, never break your promise! When the ritual Department has determined the date of God sealing, I will ask God Tianlei for you! You are ready! "

You and you are in a dilemma: "but The cultivation of Ministers I'm afraid the little god Tianlei is sad, let alone Zhongshen. "

"Are you stupid?" Che finally can't bear it!

He came down from the throne, angrily came to you and stared at him: "I will let you go!

You just have to stand there and wait for the thunder!

I want you to be canonized. Can I still watch you die?

White Luo you, is your brain filled with paste? Why are you getting more and more stupid recently! "

Still don't say, since knowing that baby daughter likes bailuoyou, Che stands on the overall situation is to support, but in the heart still looks at bailuoyou everywhere is not pleasant.

How can the two most important women of their own have such deep feelings with bailuoyou?

It's really Sin!

You and you hesitated: "but, your majesty, this..."

Che said angrily, "shut up! Thank you! In addition to that, say another word, I will give you the death penalty! "

You you silent for two seconds: "thank you, Lord long en!"

Long silence.

The strange atmosphere makes the Royal study breathless.

You and you are still standing calmly and calmly. It seems that if you don't open your mouth, he will be quiet for a long time.

"Che finally can't stand, angrily asked:" you don't ask me what is the third thing

You and you sighed, "Your Majesty said it. If you say one more word, you will die."

Che: "are you afraid of death?"

You and you: "who is not afraid of death? Is the emperor not afraid? "

Che: "..."

He used to be afraid.

But now it's different. He has a wife, a daughter and six children who haven't hatched.

He can't die. He can't make Shengning widowed, or make Zhaohe and his six children have no father.

His voice and color eased a little, facing you, patted his shoulder: "Zhaohe likes you, we are clear, the third thing I came here today is to know, do you have this heart to treat Zhaohe?"

You and you: "..."

He pressed his lips tightly, unable to bully the king.

But once he opens his mouth, he can't say what he wants.

He is a man of cultivating immortals. He knew early that all things have objective laws of their own development. If he disobeyed nature, he would get a bad result.

If someone does something against the law of heaven for the sake of his Nine Tailed Fox characteristics, then that person must also bear such consequences.

In order to prevent Citigroup citizens from suffering from natural disasters, Che was willing to suffer from the scourge of thunder. This evil effect can not be resolved, and he had to reincarnate.

Che is a man worthy of sunning's trust for life.

It will also be a father worthy of Zhaohe's respect and love.

However, you can't let Che bear anything for the happiness of him and Zhaohe again. In case Che has anything, what should Shengning do? What about Zhaohe? What about the Three Kingdoms?

You want more and more far, more and more deep.

He gazed at his painful expression and understood his heart.

"Emperor Hu, I will find a way." He looked at him with sincere eyes and sincere attitude: "although I don't believe that you are my son-in-law, I have to admit that you are really excellent.

Zhaohe is the lifeblood of xiaoning'er and I. apart from you, if we marry her to someone else one day, we will not rest assured or be stable.

Hu Di, you have to understand that you are a family that we really can trust and a family worthy of our friendship. "

In fact, let you take the dragon egg to leave, Che's heart is still some uncertainty.

After all, you are the enemy of love.

Can a rival be kind to his children?

But Shengning believes in you and Che chooses to believe in you because he believes in Shengning. He even thinks in his heart that if something happens this time, Shengning can see that you are not worthy of full trust.

However, when Che found that you actually use your own life to change the vitality of the dragon egg!

At that moment, Che was moved to tears.

Che is not a person who loves to cry. He may not cry last time in ten thousand years.

But that day, he looked at your broken Lingyu and wanted to cry.

This time, Che sincerely and completely trusts you. In jiuchongtian, all the immortal families think that Che is the mother of the empress in power. But Che knows that there are only a few courtiers who can make friends with each other since he ascended the throne. He rarely finds that you are the material that can be made, and he has a childlike heart. Naturally, he wants to focus on promoting and cultivating you 。

Che looked at you, is the last step forward, close to your ear said: "nothing in the world is absolute.

Hu Di, you have to believe me.

I can definitely find a way to change your identity without harming any of us.

There are no mountains that can't be reached, only steps that can't be taken!

For Zhaohe, for all the family members who yearn for your happiness, you can't give up! "

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