After you left from admiring here, you went to consult each immortal's family about building a palace.

I also finished my work early and came back to my family to tell you the good news.

As a result, while the family were in high spirits, they also began to feel sad.

"Father, I want to give the best to brother Huang and Zhao he, but I don't know what to send?" asked Chang Sheng

Mu Tianxing also has a headache: "what can I give you, adore?"

Liuguang also smiled. He was always proud of his medical skills. He was too short for the Immortals: "I don't need my medicine. Emperor Hu is afraid that they don't need it. They have the great medical skills of the secret school in Qingqiu. They really have problems that can't be solved. Your majesty and the Supreme Lord can solve them."

Even xiaomuu ran over and climbed to adore with his hands and feet. When adore sat down with his little ass around him, he also solemnly learned the look of an adult: "what can I give you?"

For a while, everyone was looking up and admiring.

Adoration is also helpless: "they are immortal family. Naturally, they can't see the things in the world. We don't need precious gifts. We just need meaningful gifts to let them think about us and cherish them."

Lojeb knew that it was not easy to admire him. Seeing Ni Xiyue's thoughtful appearance, he could not help grinning: "my little moon tooth has a blue heart, which makes little moon tooth think."

Ni Xiyue thought hard and asked weakly, "I I thought that the red and gold dragon we made for Zhaohe before was made of pure natural high-quality jewelry. Otherwise, we will make another one for you to make a pair. "

Shen Xinyi's eyes turned and said, "maybe you can make a family portrait.

The times of the ancestors will always pass, and so will our times. As immortal families, they have important functions. In the future, they will live their own small life, and they can't always come back.

It's better for us to be a set of family portrait, and make up for yours. "

Mu Tianxing is relieved at last. She thinks this method is very good: "we all take out the best jewelry we have collected, and then find someone to measure and customize it by hand. In the name of our family, we will give it to them."

Linglie nodded and praised: "even if we are not around them, we can let them know that we are a family, we are their family and will always support them."

Shen Xinyi's tears fell down, she wiped them, and asked, "I, I want to make a set for Qianyu, OK?"

Everyone: "..."

Shen Xinyi sheepishly wiped her tears: "Qing Yu grew up with me, because I always protect her. She doesn't need to think about the consequences of many things. She is willful and has a wild personality.

Fortunately, her husband is Xuehao. Xuehao will always spoil her and guide her when she is confused.

But she must also be homesick.

The father and the mother miss Qing Yu and always go for a walk at the statue beside the lake. The incense is burning year by year, but it's too hard for her to come back. I want to make a set for her, so that whenever she sees it, she can also remember how our families taught her in the past. "

Linglie: "good!"

After listening to Shen Xinyi's words, they all agreed.

Adore lightly sighed, open arms to hold Shen Xinyi in the bosom: "darling, don't cry."

He knew that she must have wanted to lean.

Time flies, keep moving forward.

Luoxi and ryin have been traveling abroad for two months, but they still have no sign of returning home.

Although they are still visiting countries, whether royal or party and government, they have received each other's warm hospitality, but they always feel something is wrong with their admiration. He even worries about whether these two people are happy and don't want to come back.

However, when they are middle-aged, they become stubborn.

He missed Luoxi, but he refused to call Luoxi.

Shen Xinyi always knew what her husband was thinking. Seeing that her husband was always unhappy behind others, she made a video call with Ryukin one day.

They chatted and chatted. Sure enough, the adoration pretended to be inadvertent and came over to greet ryin. Ryin gave Luoxi his cell phone again, and they chatted like this.

Although it's a small thing, I was in a good mood that night, and the lonely mood was swept away.

Sweet whispered to Shen Xinyi, "Your Majesty is like a child sometimes, thinking of the prince, but he is not willing to say it."

Shen Xinyi is happy: "even you can see it?"

"Who can't see?" she smiled? Just dare not break it down! "

Shen Xinyi nodded: "this is the worry of her daughter, whether it's common people or royal emperors."

Finally, the Luoxi couple decided to return home, and came back in three days.

Three days after the announcement, he actually came back that night, because the itinerary of the heir of the crown prince of a big country can't be announced effectively, especially when the crown prince is still abroad, he may be harmed indefinitely.Shen Xinyi starts a dinner party for Luo Xi and his wife. She invites all the people from the royal palace.

When Tiantian confirms the menu with her, she accidentally says, "empress, my mother-in-law just told me something."

At the moment, linglie and his wife are all beside Shen Xinyi. After Shen and his wife left, the responsibility of taking care of Xiao Zhenzhen is basically undertaken by linglie and his wife.

Shen Xinyi saw Tiantian's serious appearance, but she couldn't help being confused: "what did Shiyi say?"

"Sweet respectfully said:" the merit king in the morning for the Xuanxin Princess pulse, said, four women in the abdomen

Shen Xinyi's heart is thumping.

At the beginning of the operation, the doctor said that he left two fetal cysts, two children in each.

Only one embryo sac can be shared by the same egg, and all the children with the same egg have the same sex.

If you're lucky, it's two men and two women.

Otherwise, there are four boys or four girls.

Shen Xinyi looks at Tiantian: "are you sure?"

Sweetie nodded: "I asked my mother-in-law to inform the owners over there to come over for dinner tonight. My mother-in-law told me about it. She also said that Princess Xuanxin had been crying and was in a bad mood. She might not come here today, and she was not good to interrupt about the dinner at this time."

Shen Xinyi immediately got up: "after father and mother, I'll go to the Zunwang mansion to have a look. The mood of pregnant women is always unstable. Xuanxin wants to give birth to a successor to Dudu. Now that he knows the news, he's afraid..."

Linglie also got up: "we'll go too."

Linglie didn't say something in front of his daughter-in-law: This is a big or small thing. At the beginning, it was adoration that ordered Xuanxin to have a birth reduction operation. Adoration was to protect Xuanxin's life. But if you can't handle it well, the pot will fall on adoration.

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