The snow in the North month has been falling, admiring the news, sad can not.

It's so hard to meet Mu lie for once.

However, if they want to find a way, they have no better way. In such a heavy snow, airplanes can't fly, cars can't drive, and rescue work is particularly difficult. What should we do?

Admiration looked at Luoxi with a complicated face: "let all cabinet members come to the meeting and brainstorm."

This is really difficult to do, perhaps more people, more power, more ideas, can provide some solutions or inspiration.

Roxie: OK

North moon.

Qing Lan gambles like to let Qing Mu help to think of a way, but Chang Sheng can't wait any longer.

Looking at the snow in front of me, I feel more and more terrible.

What's more, this kind of snow is ferocious, and it will fall for another three months. I'm afraid there is no way to resist it!

Chang Sheng felt the fox hair in his arms and burned it quickly.

You came in a twinkling, holding his hands on his shoulders, he looked at him carefully: "Dudu? What's the matter with you? "

You are wearing a long robe of the fox emperor. Your hair is as white as frost, and your face is like snow. Your eyes are clean and clean. After you make sure that shangsheng is not injured, you look around again.

He is at his busiest hour.

Just after the design of Zhaohe palace was finalized, he searched the world for natural materials and treasures.

Now, in his heart, everything is not important to marry Zhaohe in a fair way.

Seeing him, Chang Sheng quickly said, "brother Dahuang, help! Help! I'm not hurt, but it's not far from the end. Come and have a look at the snow, look at the snow

Tilt blue quickly catch up, a pull you your arm, anxiously way: "you you, two Huangbo please, let the snow stop in the North moon! If it goes down again, I'm afraid the whole northern month will be filled with snow! So many people and creatures in Beiyue are going to die out! "


Your face is full of amazement.

How can it snow this season?

What's more, how can it snow so much?

Seeing that he had doubts, Chang Sheng briefly described the cause and effect of the matter.

You listen to, originally is the snow that admires to get, just carelessly wrong weight, immediately way: "father emperor now certainly should worry to die."

Qing Lan stamped his foot and said, "it's all he caused! What's the use of his grief? Can't solve the problem again! What's more, he is more anxious to have me? "

You twisted eyebrows and looked at Qing Lan with disapproval: "second emperor uncle, you can't say so.

I told Louis and Hippel that it would snow and hail, but you!

The father is kind to help you. What he can do has already been done. Now the heavy snow has become an accident, and it is not his intention. He must be remorseful.

If you didn't say it was snowing or hailing, you would have said something else

Qing Lan was speechless for a while: "good, good, it's all my fault! Then you all adore! All right, all right, I'm wrong, I'm wrong! Stop the snow for me

Your eyes twinkle: "I can't do it."

Pour blue: "you you!"

You you: "I should not interfere in human affairs."

Qinglan almost jumped up: "then you intervened before, don't forget?"

You think that when you were a child, you often helped everyone to move around in a flash, and you would also use magic to help your family.

But he still insisted: "I and I are now the emperor's son-in-law of heaven, and we should set an example by example. We should not let Xianyou feel that the Royal relatives and relatives of the celestial realm can ignore the rules of heaven, and can not give the emperor Tiandi and Zhaohe more trouble."

Qinglan was completely angry: "this is the accident caused by admiration!"

After the blue roar, Chang Sheng's voice began to tremble: "snow, snow, snow stop..."

Tilt blue with you you along his line of sight, see the snow outside the window really stopped.

Not only that, the heavy and gloomy sky outside the window became transparent and bright, and there were several thunders in the air.

Followed by a downpour from the sky, straight hit the land of white flowers.

The snow piled up so high was smashed by holes, and the shallow snow was even smashed directly by raindrops.

Blue shock, eyes burst out of a strong surprise!

He danced excitedly, regardless of the freezing rain outside the window, opened the window and jumped out. He opened his arms and circled in the shower of heavy rain.

Chang Sheng reacts to come over, rush into the rain with you, will pour blue to drag back.

You said: "it seems that the problem has been solved, I go back first."

The next second, before Qinglan talks to Chang Sheng, he has disappeared.

Qinglan was wet all over, his hands were on the window, looking at the heavy rain outside and smiling.

Chang Sheng went to the bathroom and put a jar of hot water. After coming out, he pulled the blue and sent it to the inside: "you go to the bubble. Since the snow stops, it should not fall again. You should go to the bubble quickly and don't freeze.""Achoo!" Pour blue: "good."

Chang Sheng: "what's more..."

On the spaceship.

Chuncan looks at the refreshing weather map of the North moon on the LCD screen and the street view of the North moon fed back by the satellite, and breathes a sigh of relief.

Just now she knew that her comrades had miscalculated the amount of cryogen put in. She called amo to plead guilty. Instead of investigating, she asked her to take good care of herself and her comrades.

Chuncan is distressed.

She deeply understood that Beiyue was the territory of Qinglan and shangsheng, and also the land of Ning's in laws.

Even if we don't mention this, the people of Beiyu are innocent.

Such a big accident, such a serious mistake, admiration actually did not blame.

Her tears fell, and her comrades came to ask for comfort. Finally, they thought that they could consider putting in a special desiccant. This drying opportunity would release heat after extremely cold, which could neutralize the extreme cold of cryoprotectants. However, the hidden danger was that there would be rainstorms for about half a month.

The rainstorm in this half month is not always falling, but intermittent, which gives the northern month a certain time to breathe.

When they had a small meeting, they did not ask about admiration.

They knew that the situation was urgent and urgent, so they took the risk of being admired and punished one by one and did it first.

At last succeed!

The comrades in arms held each other excitedly.

Chuncan dares to send an email to admiration.

Qingmu has just arrived at the imperial study, and before entering the conference room, she receives an email from Chuncan.

After he opened his eyes, a smile rose from the corners of his mouth.

Soon, conference room.

Admiration was in a good mood and said with a smile: "the northern month ushers in the rainstorm season. In view of the fact that they have built the Anlan bridge with China and have a close relationship with each other, we still need to support them to help them resist the possible flood disasters in the future."

All of them said, "well

It's weird to talk about the flood disaster with admiration and pleasure.

Luo Xi: "Keke, send the 5th group army and the 9th group army to help Beiyue fight against floods."

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