"My parents bought a villa for my sister-in-law today." Zegong said bluntly: "but my elder brother is my elder brother, I am me.

If my parents buy the same villa for me, I will only donate it to the military supplies for national construction, because my elder brother has already made achievements. He is my example, and he is also a person who is often praised by his royal highness. And I haven't done very well in the part that the prince gave me. My elder brother deserves to live in such a house. I don't deserve it. "

Qu Manman looked at him in disbelief: "however, those are all in the charge of the state. They are originally the state's. you can apply for reimbursement and take public accounts."

Zegong: "yes, my Royal Highness has urged me to pay more than once, but I don't want to.

Because when my elder brother started, his hands were blank. He only wanted his brothers and the place.

He is resourceful, he is not afraid of difficulties and dangers, he is calm and resolute, he has too much to learn from him.

I take him as an example in my heart. They are all born by the same parents. They are all quadruplets. Why can't I do what he can?

Manman, I hope you can understand and support my present work.

Of course, if you will marry me, I will not let you and your children suffer.

Five years at the most, you can give me a little time. After five years, when I make achievements and become the model that the prince often praises, I think I can be worthy of everything. "

Feng Xuan listened to Ze Gong's words, his eyes were very hot.

At the beginning, he followed Qinglan, but he was also bent on supporting Qinglan and doing a good job in Lingyun international.

But at that time, Qing Lan was unable to support ah Dou.

Today's Prince Xi is popular, and naturally it can't be compared with Qinglan. Therefore, Fengxuan can understand zegong's feeling of "a man's ambition has not been paid" and is very moved.

He looked at his wife, and both were obviously pleased by zegong's sincerity.

They like this son-in-law very much.

Qu Manman's tears fell down and couldn't believe it: "five years? What if you don't succeed in five years? "

"Manman, you have to believe in zegong." Feng Xuan looked at her: "also want to believe the prince's eyes."

Qu Manman was not convinced: "why do I have yuan Bing? Where can I compare with her? Or do you think I'm pregnant now, so I'm easy to handle, so I can ignore it? "

"I don't mean that." Ze Gong took her hand: "man man, I want to be very clear when I come. I am willing to be responsible for you and children. But the premise of responsibility, and our life in the next few years, I will always be honest with you

Qu Manman: "Yuanbing is pregnant. She is the daughter-in-law of Xiaoxian palace. She has a villa as a reward. I'm pregnant. I married you, but I didn't, or if I had one, I would be sold by you to develop military supplies. What have I become? What do you think of me? People will only laugh at me! And you? Have you ever thought about it for me? Have you ever thought about it for our children? Nothing in the world is impossible. Who can guarantee that you will succeed in five years

Ze Gong took a deep breath: "vine..."

Qu Manman pulled back his hand and wiped his tears: "if you have this attitude, it's needless to say, I don't want to have a baby!"

Zegong: "it's up to you."

Qu Manman: "you! You don't value me at all! "

Ze Gong looked at her in silence for a long time, then said in a warm voice: "Manman, you are still small, I can wait for you for a few years, and wait for you to be bigger."

"You say I don't know?" Qu Manman looked at him in disbelief: "Ze Gong, I have your child now. You are still so unfair to me. Do you have a conscience?"

Feng Xuan some can not see down: "Manman, a man's value is not in front of the interests can be measured."

Qu Manman turned around and left: "if I don't get married, it's meaningless. I'm blind. I'm wrong. Do I think I'm in bad luck?"


She slammed the door and the door slammed.

For a moment, Ze Gong is eager to coax her.

But he still stayed in the same place, because many things, really because of different ages, different experience, so the values and vision are not the same.

In five years' time, Qu Manman will think that she is unreasonable, or is she too pretentious?

But now, Ze Gong is willing to accompany her to wait for these five years.

He is willing to give her time to grow up because He is a man, and he is responsible for his every action.

Zegong undoubtedly liked Qu Manman, otherwise he would not fall in love with her. But now, the more he understands her temperament, the more he thinks she is not the one he loves.

Ze Gong dropped his eyes in frustration and said in a warm voice: "uncle and aunt, let man man down. I'm really sorry."

He stepped back and bowed to both of them.

After getting up, he said, "if she wants to have an operation, please call me in advance and I will accompany her."Feng Xuan gentle way: "I contacted the doctor, tomorrow morning for surgery."

Ze Gong hesitated for a moment, and then said: "if before this, man man changed his mind and was willing to marry me, I would be good to her and her children for a lifetime."

Feng Xuan: "she is still small, you also see, her own temper is like a child, where can you have another child?"


The door suddenly opened.

Qu Manman looked at zegong with tears: "luozegong, either you marry me like your elder brother married yuan Bing. Don't look down on me. I'll have some yuan Bing, or we'll break up and never have a future!"

Ze Gong was surprised: "break up?"

Feng Xuan and his wife agreed: "vine!"

However, Qu Manman did not pay attention to it. He raised his head and said seriously, "I would rather be proud to part than to love with compromise."

Feng Xuan collapsed and looked at her daughter: "you are simply It's naive! It's childish! Emotional things, where is the point on the points? Where can we threaten to break up when we are emotional? "

Xiao Mu also looked at her daughter with disappointment: "man man, break up is not to say casually."

Feng Xuan and his wife are very anxious.

They think zegong is really good, very good. As a man, he has ambition, plans for the future and takes responsibility for his feelings.

If Qu Manman is too young and sharp and stabs zegong, once missed, it may be a lifetime!

Feng Xuan carefully wants to help her daughter maintain this relationship: "Manman, you don't want to think about it any more. You can have a good rest. I'll take you to have an operation tomorrow. Zegong will accompany you. When you are well, you can practice dancing slowly. The marriage will be the same again in a few years."

Ze Gong took a deep breath and said slowly, "vine, don't be impulsive."

He is also adjusting his mood.

He is older than her, this is a little sister, willful is also normal, let her.

"I don't care!" Qu Manman said, "Ze Gong! You choose! If you break up with me today, you go! We have nothing to do with you from now on! "

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