"It's not business."

Ze Gong is very clear, his subordinates can not think business to find him in the palace.

"Neither of my brothers is an outsider, a mother's brother. Just say it. If it comes to your privacy, they are absolutely tight lipped."

This said, Zeli and Zeye are a little embarrassed.

They drink stomach fever, want to escape ah, visible second elder brother this posture is not allowed them to escape.

Nico hesitated and whispered, "chief, you and Qu man can't get married."

There was a dead silence.

Ze Ye wants to roll up his sleeves and beat people. This boy is really not open to mention which pot. His second brother is now sad because of the lovelorn thing!

Ze Gong sneered: "Oh."

Nothing more

Nie Ke began to sweat on his forehead and clenched his fists. He felt a sense of solemn and stirring: "I'm sorry, chief. I just learned that our table was drunk that day, and then we opened a suite..."

Hearing this, the three brothers finally found something wrong.

Ze Gong also changed the look of dispirited before, pick eyebrow to look at him seriously.

Niko: "in fact, the hostel of the military region opened two suites for us. The two suites each had two bedrooms. We drank too much and went into the same suite. At that time, you and a girl shared a room, and I shared a room with a girl.

I woke up that morning and I was scared away.

I didn't know you were in the next room. I thought you were in a different suite with tramman

Zeli: my God, what do you mean

Ze Ye's forehead is sweating.

Zegong: "keep talking!"

Nie Ke was almost crying, and he was ready to be beaten: "today, I arranged for several foreign aid technicians to check in. When I opened a room for them at the front desk, the front desk asked me why we opened two suites for you and me last time, but we only used one suite, and one suite was not visited all night.

I froze at that time, and then I settled the technician and went to the person in charge to ask for the surveillance video of that day.

The monitoring in the suite, only the door, and the living room, not in the bedroom.

I was the first one to run out of the guest bedroom, followed by the master bedroom where you were sleeping, and then I would bend the vines Qu Manman came out of my room, crying, looking for someone to settle accounts, and found your room You two were the only ones left in that suite

Zeli: lying trough

Nie Ke broke down: "I heard that Qu Manman was pregnant. I thought you had a lover. It's good. But today I found out that I was scared to death. The child must be mine. I must come here and tell you clearly that I'm I'm sorry! I'm really sorry! I didn't mean to. I'm... "

Nicole's freaking out.

He slept with the chief's girlfriend, and he only felt that his life was completely destroyed!

Ze Ye's hands are full of sweat: "what about the surveillance video? Show us

Zegong: "have you?"

Niko reached out his hand and handed the phone up: "yes."

The three brothers came forward and looked carefully. Sure enough, what Nie Ke said was not bad.

Zegong thought of the bright red flowers on the bed sheet that day, and he felt that the bleeding woman must be particularly painful. After all, he was a practitioner. He was drunk and rampant. He was certainly not as gentlemanly as he was sober.

So that day, Qu Manman came to find him crying. He also had the impression that they were together last night. There was no one else in the suite. He also went to see the bedroom next door. There were signs of love, but there was no red.

He apologized with a big hug.

Qu Manman was also unreasonable and unrelenting. He strongly condemned him for a long time.

At noon, Qu Manman had a dance rehearsal and had to go to the military area command of the next city to perform. All the members of the troupe had left, and only she was still in Shengjing.

Zegong bought her a ticket, but she refused.

Zegong bought her a train ticket, but she refused.

She cried and said it was too late, and she kept crying, crying to death.

At that time, zegong was just at the time of guilt, and he also loved her. He also worked as a driver for her. He drove more than 600 kilometers in person, and sent people safely. After less than half an hour's rest, he drove more than 600 kilometers back to deal with the work.

Looking back on that time, zegong wanted to smoke himself. How could he be so stupid that he didn't check the monitoring?

"You go to Mr. Qu's home to explain the situation."

Ze Gong's whole face is pale and his brain is not enough.

After finishing this sentence with Nie Ke, he realized Nie Ke's fear and panic. He said in a warm voice: "I just broke up with Qu man man man. You don't have any psychological burden. Oh, by the way, if you want this child, you'd better hurry up, because tomorrow morning, Lord Qu will take her to have abortion surgery. It seems that the doctor has arranged itNie Ke was stunned: "you..."

Ze Gong: "the character is different, divide. Before you explain it to me. In addition, I can tell you responsibly that Manman is still good, that is, she is a little younger. In addition to holding hands and hugging, I haven't even kissed her. You should not have any burden in your heart. "

Nie Ke Hua ground rises: "chief, then I went to Qu Lord's house."

He said, turning and running.

Ran to the gate of the courtyard, Ze Gong suddenly pulled up and rushed to shout: "stop!"

Nico looked back: "chief?"

Ze Gong asked: "the girl who came out of my room, do you know who she is?"

Nicole's face darkened a little.

He explained nervously, "that's Qu Manman's cousin in B city, mu Yunni. I wanted to pursue her.

That day, I thought I had drunk too much and slept with her. I got up in the morning and scared me to run away. But I was not irresponsible. I went to buy Contraceptives afterwards.

When I ran back, I didn't dare to face her. I was afraid that she didn't like me. I went to ask the front desk first. Did you see a beautiful girl in a yellow coat coming out? The front desk said that she had just left for three minutes and showed me the surveillance of her leaving the hostel. I left now. "

Ze Gong's head became big: "Mu Yunni? City B? Any other clues? "

Nie Ke knew that zegong must go to Mu Yunni, so he tried his best to explain what he knew: "yes, she runs a gallery in B city, called Daige, which seems to be an ancestral gallery. The shop was given to their home by the government.

She also has mixed blood. It seems that she has any relatives abroad.

She and Qu Manman are also relatives. Qu Manman's mother is her cousin. It seems that she has made several watches, but she is not too close.

Oh, she was holding a painting exhibition in Shengjing at that time. She stopped by to see Qu Manman's performance in the evening. We asked her to join her for dinner, but she didn't sit at a table with you. You may not have found her.

She is a very famous painter. She went back after the exhibition.

She has never contacted me. I thought she didn't like me, and I thought she was a little too high. I, I was lovelorn and depressed for a long time

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