Ze Gong stares at the beautiful shadow in front of her eyes and approaches quietly step by step.

With the distance closer, he can clearly see each other's delicate neck, and ice muscle flawless skin color.

It may have something to do with mixed blood. Her eyes are actually gray blue, embedded in her white face, like a snow-white Persian cat with a pair of glass eyes, which always radiates a kind of special cool and gorgeous high-level beauty.

She looked at the students in front of her with a smile: "are you a student of the Academy of fine arts?"

The other side blushed: "well, yes."

She added, "well, I have a class every Thursday at the Academy of fine arts, in studio 2031 of the teaching building. Now you have doubts. I'll explain to you that you may not be able to understand. It's better to wait in the classroom and I'll teach you how to draw with a brush. What do you think? "

Warm and soft voice, all of a sudden to close her distance with the public.

She is not cold in appearance.

The students laughed happily, took the cell phone to record the classroom number just now, for fear of remembering wrong, and then laughed to thank and left.

Mu Yunni watched them go far away and turned to leave.

Face to face, but saw a tall and handsome man in front of him.

She was stunned, gave a polite smile, and then bypassed him to go back to the fourth floor office.

However, Ze Gong moved quickly and still blocked in front of her: "Hello, I want to buy this painting."

Mu Yunni looked at him in surprise and went back to the painting just now. Wen Sheng said, "there is a price on it. The price of this painting is 80000 yuan."

Zegong: "well."

He took a deep look at her, rejoicing in her appearance, as if everything was growing in the way he wanted.

He took a deep look at the oil painting in front of him and asked, "would you please explain it to me?"

Mu Yunni only gave four words: "the work of the game."

Zegong: "huh?"

Mu Yunni: "painting for fun. I have cooperated with the Academy of Fine Arts in a number of paintings, which are used to demonstrate teaching materials for students. Each painting focuses on a painting method, so this is for painting and playing. The purpose is to show how to paint the feeling of ink and water painting in the form of oil painting."

After she explained, she added, "I'm sorry, you're not interested in art. Do you really want to buy this painting?"

Zegong wants to say that she doesn't want to steal money. She can paint for 80000 yuan?

Isn't her hands a money printing machine?

Looking at the way the two students adored him just now, he thought how precious the painting was.

"Well, I really don't understand." Ze Gong racked his brains and thought that since he wanted to buy it, he simply spent his money on the blade. He bought a piece that was at least worth the money. He took it back with him. He thought that his two younger brothers laughed off his teeth: "where is your most expensive painting? May I have a look? "

Mu Yunni:

Zegong felt that his appearance was not smooth.

He has a kind of feeling that he is regarded as a mentally retarded, ignorant, illiterate and speechless man.

When he blushed and thought he might be rejected, mu Yunni said softly, "my most expensive painting is collected in Ningguo Museum in Shengjing city. If you have a chance, you can visit Shengjing."

Ze Gong:

Mu Yunni politely smiles: "sorry, if you don't need this painting, I'll excuse you first."

She turned away again.

Ze Gong looked at her back, wanted to stop her, and felt embarrassed.

Art is not what he is good at. He doesn't even know it at all.

He regretted that he finally met people. He should talk about something else. How could he buy paintings?

Zegong looked at the painting in front of him and sighed.

Mu Yunni's office is in a large studio on the fourth floor. When she went back, she took off her coat, put on her apron and continued her unfinished painting.

From the Bluetooth headset came the voice of the shop assistant: "sister Yunni, someone bought your cheapest painting, the 80000 one."

Mu Yunni: "is it a man who is dressed in a suit, looks rigid and looks like a dog?"

Clerk: "yes."

Mu Yunni did not speak again.

After a while, the Bluetooth headset came again: "sister Yunni, the most expensive painting in your shop has also been bought, which is the 4.3 million one."

Mu Yunni: "who bought it?"

The shop assistant seemed to walk away, and his voice was very low: "it's the man who looks like a dog."

Mu Yunni:

After a while, the clerk called again: "sister Yunni, all the six paintings you put in the store have been bought, the same person."

This time, mu Yunni is not calm.

She is not short of money. Art is an art integrated into life and the most holy cause in her heart.

If her paintings fall into the hands of people who have a good understanding of them, whether they are men, women, young or old, at least the other side knows how to draw, it will not waste her painstaking efforts in painting.But just now that man, in addition to the handsome point, in addition to people stupid money, he really did not understand.

She suddenly had a melancholy feeling that a bosom friend was hard to find.

Put down the painting tools, she said in a warm voice: "don't pay for him, I'm down."


The shop assistants, who were preparing to pack the paintings, stopped their work.

The cashier regretfully returned the bank card to zegong: "this is the case, sir. The author of this painting said that he would come down to talk with you, so I will not swipe the card for the time being. You talked about it and made sure you want to buy it and brush it again."

Ze Gong:

He was confused. How could mu Yunni come down again?

He was a little afraid to see her. What to do?

I thought that since there is a lack of art knowledge and there is no common language with her, I would like to buy all her paintings back, ask some people who understand painting to help him study and tell him the conclusion. He has mastered some superficial knowledge and will come to B city to find her next time.

But I didn't expect, why did she come down?

Just thinking about it, the beauty has come down the stairs with her skirt.

She looks elegant like a precious Epiphyllum in her tight dress of cold gray and smoke purple.

Ze Gong eyes straight at her, with her closer and closer, his heart is also faster and faster, as if unable to control will blow up.

He never felt like that.

This feeling of unstoppable heartbeat made him blush when mu Yunni stood in front of him.

Several shop assistants chuckled.

Originally, they speculated that the buyer was attracted to their boss.

In the past, there were often talented young people and even older upstarts who wanted to get the favor of the boss by buying paintings. However, they had never been so embarrassed, and they were very smart when swiping cards.

Now, the boss downstairs, he looked directly at the boss came over, his face flushed like this, that must be really like.

Mu Yunni didn't expect him to look like this.

For a moment, both of them were embarrassed, and then she said something more embarrassing: "Sir, you blush."

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