Zegong had dinner with Ni Junzhi and longfengtai.

There was a princess Xiaoning in Xiaoxian's mansion, and the four twins in the mansion loved her very much.

So zegong has this kind of experience, very know how to get along with the children, a meal we eat is also very happy.

Because zegong didn't prepare any small gifts for the first time when he met with the two children, and it was tacky to give a red envelope. So he discussed with Ni Junzhi: "let's take them out for a walk. I want to buy them a small gift."

Ni Yun smile: "you accompany them to go."

As the king of South England, Ni Yun lost the qualification to go to the street at will.

If he really wants to go, he should report to the local officials, and martial law should be imposed on roads and shopping malls in advance Too much trouble, but also to others.

He still had some envy in his eyes. He put his arms around the two children at the same time and said in a warm voice, "listen to brother zegong well, you know?"

The children nodded in succession: "don't worry!"

They also like to go out and play.

He went out with zegong and sat around him from left to right. Nu Bao kept falling and talking. Nan Bao supplemented or corrected him from time to time. Zegong felt that he had lost a lot of fatigue in the past few days.

He likes children.

Therefore, she didn't agree with Qu Manman's abortion at the beginning, but she couldn't resist her dance dream.

Fortunately Everything turned around.

He looked at the mobile phone, ZeJian did not send any message.

He put his arms around the two children and asked, "what do you like? My brother saw you for the first time and wanted to buy you presents. "

"I don't know yet, but when I get to the mall, I'll know."

Ze Gong gently pulled nubao's braid: "what's your name?"

He knew that nubao's surname was Ni Fu, but he didn't know her name. When he had dinner just now, Ni Junzhi always called her "little orange", and he always called Nanbao "brother". Now he wants to know more about it.

"My name is..."

"Her name is Ni Fu cowboy!" Nanbao said it first, then covered his mouth and snickered: "ha ha ha!"

Little orange waved a small fist, from Ze Gong body pressure past, not polite to hit his brother.

Ze Gong stopped, crying and laughing: "I rarely bring you out, you can be good, you know? If we fight, we won't go out and turn around and go back at once

"Little orange immediately honest:" I call small orange! But he's called a little madman

Nanbao's grievance: "you are a little madman!"

Little orange: "you are a little madman!"

"You are!"

"You are!"

Ze Gong:

City B is very busy at night. People come and go on the street.

In order to avoid unnecessary trouble, zegong chose to bring them to the most high-end Yuge mall. All the things here are luxury brands, which can filter out most customers with less consumption power, and the flow of people will be less.

The children rushed into the toy area to choose. He also sent a text message to Ni Junzhi: "what are the names of the two children? I don't know what to call them. "

Ni Junzhi quickly replied, "Feng Licheng, Ni Fuqing."

Ze Gong read it in silence and wrote it down.

When I looked up, I saw that the two little guys were gone.

He was startled and stepped forward quickly: "little orange! Little orange! Brother

Two minutes ago.

When zegong sends a text message to Ni Junzhi, Xiao orange has already rushed out to find his favorite toy.

But just as she ran past a counter, the crystal balls on the counter fell to the ground with a slap and all were broken. She heard the movement and turned to look at it. She found that the glass was broken. She wanted to remind others not to come, because the glass could easily pierce people, and others would be injured.

But at this time, the cabinet sister but follow the sound, saw her standing in front of the counter, without saying a word to pull her: "children! You've smashed it. What about your family? "

Little orange frowned: "you let go! I didn't do it! "

Brother also rushed up: "let go of my sister, she did not do it!"

Cabinet sister: "did you learn to lie at a young age? You were the only one here just now. Do you know that this crystal ball is very expensive? What about your parents? You'll have to pay if you break something, you know? "

And mu Yunni just came to see this scene.

This pair of children's powder carving jade carving is lovely, which makes mu Yunni feel a little bit impatient: "why not transfer the monitoring out? When the incident just happened, you didn't see it with your own eyes, did you?"

Mu Yunni's classmate, whose child is one year old, is specially out to buy presents tonight.

But she never thought, just finished this sentence, Ze Gong looked anxiously for.

Ze Gong saw her, obviously stunned, but he soon saw the small orange that was held tightly by the cabinet sister: "little orange!"The children are still fighting with the cabinet sister. Hearing this, they quickly look at the past, and the little orange tears fall down: "brother zegong! Whoa! She framed me, Wuwuwuwu ~ "

my younger brother took zegong's hand and said angrily," when we rushed over, the ball fell down, so we stopped to have a look. She came over and asked us to compensate! Brother zegong, my sister won't lie! Our family will never lie! Brother zegong, do you believe us? Do you believe us

The younger brother said this, the tears also in the eye socket to turn.

Ze Gong clenched his hand and went to the cabinet sister: "I believe the children are not lying, adjust the monitoring bar."

Mu Yunni did not expect to meet this scene.

For a while, it's not like to leave or stay.

And Ze Gong goes up two steps, gently holds up the little orange's small hand, then raises his head, looks at the cabinet elder sister: "let go!"

Maybe she was scared by the man's aura in front of her, so she let go.

After the scene, the security guard came.

Mu Yunni was ready to leave, but was named by Ze Gong: "Miss mu, please take care of the children for me. I'll go to the monitoring room with them."

Mu Yunni: "Oh, OK."

It's really What kind of shit luck, you can run into him out of the door, and his Well, brothers and sisters?

After all, mu Yunni is a woman. She takes out a paper towel and helps the two children clean their faces. Then she takes them to the small sofa next to her and asks them to sit down and wait.

The cupboard sister stares at them for fear that they will run away.

But on the small sofa, before has been bickering the elder sister and the younger brother, actually specially loves each other.

"Sister, don't be afraid. Brother zegong will help us. There is no turtle in our family."

"Well, I'm not afraid that the shadow is slanting. What I'm not afraid of is that I'm afraid to add trouble to brother zegong."

Mu Yunni listened and felt warm in her heart.

It's so cute for the kids.

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