Bella cried in her parents' arms for a long time.

Originally thought good, only cries for a while, but she really cannot help!

All the people quietly pursued to the corridor. There was only a shallow cry on Bella's side, but there was a silence in the adoring room on the opposite side.

In his pajamas, he looked up at his sister's doorplate. His eyes were red, and he was unwilling to leave.

Ji Xuehao accompanies silently. As long as she wants, he will support silently.

Ling lie leaned over, raised her hand and patted her daughter on the shoulder. Then he said to Ji Qingchen and his wife, "brother Ji, let's go back to have a rest first. What can I do for you tomorrow?"

Ji Qingchen and his wife are really not young. It's not easy to stay up to more than one o'clock in the morning.

Seeing that linglie has opened his mouth, they can't refuse: "OK, let's talk about it tomorrow. Good night, your majesty. "

Linglie looks at his daughter and says to jixuehao, "take Qianyu back to sleep. Bella here, I used to wait with adoration

Ji Xuehao is calm and happy. In this way, his majesty agrees to associate with Qianyu and rest assured of his character. He immediately nods, "yes."

Pull the hand of tilt feather, Ji Xuehao advises in a low voice, take her back to his suite slowly.

Although linglie's gorgeous shadow is full of fatigue, it still dare not slack off. No one knows what the result will be after Shen's wife talks with Bella. Now, the youngest son must be very worried and suffering. He is a father who can say and do, and now he can only accompany his son, one minute, one second and so on.

Wait for an answer.

When linglie knocks on the door, it's the door that leans open.

"Father, I don't think it's good to admire you."

Linglie's eyes flicker slightly, but they don't speak.

Walking in slowly, I saw adoration lying on the bed, and the whole person fell asleep.

Obviously is asleep, but there is a clear transparent line on the bridge of the nose, obviously crying.

Linglie smiled knowingly: "if you can't sleep, don't force it. Our father and son can drink beer and chat. Time will pass before you know it."

Chueh Chueh chuckled.

Their three brothers also drink beer secretly, but they never drink it in front of their elders. In the dormitories of Yueya Bay, only the rice wine or fruit cocktail with very low alcohol concentration is allowed for their three princes to drink.

He immediately went to the refrigerator, looked for it, took three cans of beer, and said with a smile, "adore! Hurry up, my father said he would drink with us. It's a rare chance! "

Adoration twisted his eyebrows, turned over from the bed, took over a jar, followed them silently and drank one mouthful at a time.

Time is quiet.

Linglie changed the topic without trace, and looked at qianrong: "the military school reports one month in advance, military training, military training time is three months. Your summer vacation is shorter than that of your two brothers. So, after tomorrow's return, if you have any friends, teachers or classmates who want to meet for dinner and play, please hurry up. Don't go out on your own, let Yunxuan follow you, or take some personal protection with you. "

"Well!" "The person I admire most is my wife and grandpa," she smiled! I heard that the present Qiao family army is actually Luo family army, which was cultivated by his wife and grandfather, and then passed on to the Qiao family. "

Linglie nodded meaningfully: "when you come out of the Military Academy for four years, you will really become a big and small group. At that time, maybe your two younger brothers have already established their families and businesses. "

In Ningguo, in order to let the soldiers concentrate all their energy on learning the knowledge of national defense, the cadets of the army can't fall in love and will be punished.

The officers who graduated from the regular school are free to fall in love and can report to apply for military marriage.

In the mind of oblivion, I can't help but remember to think about it.

She was just like she was four years old. When she graduated from military school, she was 21, and she was 25.

"What do you think?" Linglie touched him with a beer and looked at his eldest son happily.

At first, I thought it was the most troubling thing, but I didn't expect that the child was more and more pleasant.

Can't help but raise his hand and rub his hair: "in a blink of an eye, you are all grown up, and the father and the Emperor didn't hold you enough."

Linglie still remembers that when she was a little girl, she was smart enough to tell who her mother was. She also domineered her arms around his neck, and her little body was in his arms crying for her father.

Linglie suddenly put the beer in his hand to the side, held his son's head, and leaned forward slightly: "look down, let me see if the scar on your scalp has gone down?"

The nose of tilt volume is sour all of a sudden: "father, it's too long, I can't remember whether it hurts or not. It doesn't matter if a man has a scar. His hair is covered. I don't think it's ugly. "

Under the bright light and shadow, linglie pianist's big hand poked open the hair on the top of his head. Although the scar of opening the scalp to take out the electronic chip was very shallow, it could be seen. And there was a trace that hurt the hair follicle, so that the narrow two millimeter one inch long head skin only had scar, not long hair.

But if you don't look closely, you can't see it at all.

Linglie always thought about this, but still felt very sad. When he let go of him, he said softly: "I'm good at military school. Don't be too competitive. The father and the emperor know that you are the eldest son and the elder brother of two younger brothers, so they always want to set an example. But you are also a child. You will work hard, you will be tired, and don't put too much pressure on yourself."

"Well." "I understand," she said with a smile

"If you meet a girl you like, tell your father in advance that if it's inconvenient for you to catch up in the military school, the father will help you find someone to stare at and keep other boys away from her."


A group of naive smile, and linglie is another deep-seated look at him, said: "you were downstairs in the hall, giggling what?"

"I didn't laugh." Leaning face touched his nose and sighed: "father, a good man is ambitious. He starts his career first. It's nothing to start a family. I'm not in a hurry."

Linglie took a deep look at him.

When I was in Ningguo, I never laughed like this.

And he laughs like this, but it's after he wants to meet on the terrace.

Linglie didn't say it when he saw him, and he couldn't get it out after two tests. He could only ask directly: "I want to be a good girl, but you are four years older than me. In China, there is a saying that women are big three and hold gold bricks. However, there is no such precedent in our family

Inclined to allow Leng for a while, suddenly looked up to meet father's unfathomable eyes.

He opened his mouth to say what he wanted to say, and felt that explanation was a cover up. He dared not say more.

Linglie dotes on him and looks at him: "you go to military school well first. When you graduate, who you like and who you want to be with, father and Emperor will not stop you and support you! No matter how old or what, the father believes in our eyes! "

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