After leaning to put it on, she put her hands around her waist.

Think of drooping eyes, picked up the pendant, looked at it, smiled: "you are small above, 12 years old?"

"Almost. This picture is embedded in sapphire, and it won't be polished. " Leaning to look at her one closed mouth, her eyes flashed, and she asked with a smile, "I've sent you two things this time, so you don't have anything for me, let me leave a thought?"

She looked up at him, thought for a moment, and said, "I, I have nothing to give to boys. Or shall I take you out to buy a watch now? Or... "

She said half, not more.

Because she found that the dark and bright pupils were staring at her mouth, which did not mean to move away at all, and was becoming hotter and hotter.

Think of hooking his lips, lifting his arms around his neck, and pulling him down a little bit.

The four lips are naturally touching each other. She chuckles and says, "close your eyes, I'll teach you!"

Just because you haven't eaten pork doesn't mean you haven't seen a pig run. Kissing, of course, men and women have no teachers. It's just that there is a difference between being astringent and proficient in technology!

Reclining to close her eyes, bending over and hugging her waist, she was very passive at the beginning. Later, with powerful arms, she directly pressed her small body into her arms and attacked her TANKOU.

After a while, he let go of her and gasped: "Oh, this gift is enough for me to remember forever!"

It's amazing to think about it. It turns out that he is the one who has been waiting for so many years!

When they came out of the terrace, they happened to see Xuehao come out of the suite with Qingyu's hand in his hand.

Both of them were stunned.

Especially Xuehao and Qianyu, they look at the red and swollen lips, and think about the hand tightly held with qianrong. They are all shocked and speechless in the same place!

"Da, Da Huang, DA and Da"

tilt Yu's finger and don't know what to say.

Think of the pale face, she is not afraid of anything else, afraid that Luo family can not accept their own age than tilt tolerance!

And tilt to allow, it is the big square to take over the shoulder that thinks, a station in front of the younger sister, way: "I think with you elder sister already formal association!"

"Qing Yu:" "

Ji Xuehao: "..."

"Later, I'll look at you. Help me to think about it. If there are flowers, plants, flies and mosquitoes around the girl, we will watch each other!"

Wen Yan, Ji Xuehao's eyes light up: "good!"

It's impossible for him to be in the palace all the time. Even if he entered the military academy, he was in the military academy in the capital. Maybe he could get a license and go home to have a look.

In the palace, with his own help, Ji Xuehao naturally felt relieved.

Two young boys clapped at each other's hands. Both girls were stunned. They soon chuckled and went to the basement for breakfast.

Soon, Ji Qingchen and his wife came to have breakfast.

Last night, when I was thinking about it, I still felt like a friend against me. I didn't talk to each other, and I didn't know anyone.

But now, it's really picturesque and beautiful. -

think about the habit of cleanliness. The eggs at home only eat fried ones, but they peel a tea egg by themselves and put it on the plate in front of tipping face. "Tea egg is a Chinese snack. There are a lot of boiled eggs in the soup. Try them."

Tilt to look at the egg that is not very eye-catching, bit, can not help but wonder: "it's similar to the Japanese and Korean brine eggs, but it's tasty, better than their country's!"

Think about it. I laughed because of this sentence. Then I peeled two prawns and put them all on his plate: "this is a drunk prawn. The cook in the garden is good at cooking. Every time I come to the VIP, I have to serve it. Try it. "

Just after the chopsticks of Qingrong were picked up, she brought him another bowl of white things. There was a delicious sauce in it. She mixed it with her own hands and it was even. Then she gave it to him: "this is bean curd brain, which is unique to China. Try it."

Ji Qingchen and Ji Xuehao are all stupid.

The princess of their family, who has eyes on her head, has always been proud of everything. When did she serve a person like this?

Is it true that the woman was left in the great disappointments?

When she had no time to finish eating, she brought a plate of things, adjusted the tone, and said gently: "there is a Shaanxi cook in our family. It's unique to make cold skin, which is called cold skin. Haven't you eaten it? Try it. "

Leaning face continuously nods, takes the small bowl of bean curd brain to raise the neck to move toward the mouth, swallowed not easily, and hurriedly takes chopsticks to eat cold skin.

In a word, he can eat whatever she gives him. If he has to talk, it must be praise: "it's delicious, it's delicious!"

Mrs. Ji saw it, smiled at her daughter, and said, "think about it. You don't have to feed him anything. You've ruined him."

Think about it: "he's growing up. He needs to eat more to develop well!"

That's what she said to Ji Xuehao on weekdays. She's about the same age as Ji Xuehao. Naturally, that's what she said.

But she almost choked on her words, and took a few sips of soy milk.

Think of the delicate jade hand and extended: "darling, and this, beef pot stickers, you can't eat in Ningguo! Boys need more beef to grow strong! "

Inclined to allow deeply to see her one eye, the ear root was slightly red, opened the mouth, one mouthful is stuttering!

After breakfast, the two children went to Ji Xuehao's suite to play dominoes.

Ji Qingchen and his wife are all very satisfied with qianrong.

Just, leaning up to think about it, he whispered, "I've been practising martial arts since I was a child, and I'm very strong. Don't worry, but I'm still young. How can I wait until I'm 18 to meet you?"

Think of Dun Bu and look at him deadpan.

Only then did she know that he thought she fed him so much because Is it because she wants to be dissatisfied?

And it's her expressionless face that makes Qingrong look flustered. After leading her up the stairs, he asks Qingyu to go ahead with Ji Xuehao. He leans in her ear and says, "just be patient. I and I will grow up soon."

"I'm not in a hurry!" Think of him: "you grow slowly, sister waiting."

"You are not in a hurry?" she said

"What do you mean?" Think of squinting.

Tilt to allow to shake head immediately: "have no, have no meaning. It's better if you don't hurry now. It's the same if you wait four years later. "

Think about it: "..."

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