Once upon a time, Mu Tianxing would open all of them to Jiang Xin without any precaution and cleverness.

But now, subconsciously, Mu Tianxing wants to escape.

She didn't want to show it to Jiang Xin. She felt that once these jewels were opened, they would cause a stir again!

If uncle's employment is successful, he is engaged. Everyone must have dinner together at noon. It will definitely affect the atmosphere if we have a fight here and shout to eat together.

Mu Tianxing's smile was so stiff on his face. Seeing Jiang Xin's approach, he felt more and more uneasy: in addition to Ni's treasure in the town, there were two sets of tribute sent by foreign guests, and two sets of diamond ornaments suitable for Bella's daily life, all of which were refined.

"Queen Mother!"

All of a sudden, the voice of tilt capacity swept over.

When they looked into the past, they saw that the tall and slender figure was approaching slowly.

He reached for Ni Xiyue's two boxes, and Mu Tianxing's three boxes. He held them in his arms and said, "is this for Bella? Qing Yu just wanted to see his sister. I'll take him with me. By the way, brother Doudou said just now that he has booked a hall in the star hotel. There are two tables in total. We will have lunch together! The father said, let the hotel pass the menu here, let you all go to see if there are any inappropriate places, or make changes in advance. "

"Tilt to allow finish saying, turn around, look at Jiang Xin, simple smile:" Grandma! "

After shouting, he passed Jiang Xin directly and did not stay at all.

And he left Jiang Xin first. When they met in the restaurant at noon, Qing Rong had sent the jewels to Shen's house and Bella's hands. Jiang Xin would never know what they had!

Ni Xiyue held back his smile and thought that his grandson was more and more pleasant. He took Mu Tianxing's hand and hurried away: "hurry up, isn't it all noon? Let's check the menu quickly!"

In this way, Jiang Xin is the only one left in the gallery.

She didn't react to it. When she turned around, mu Yize had already come: "how is the spy?"

Jiang Xin was confused: "no, I haven't seen anything!"

Mu Yize frowned, and Jiang Xin sighed: "it's estimated that it's gold ornaments, emeralds, and so on. After all, I've paid so much blood for the Shen family. Tianxing is not stupid. She won't pick out all the good ones for Bella. "

Mu Yize also thinks about it: "well, Tianxing she still has Qingyu, who is also a girl. In the future dowry, doesn't she know to keep her own daughter? I'm not going to be so stupid. I'm going to give you a treat! "

Shen family -

SHEN thought that people who go to the hotel in advance and wait for Yueya Bay are more polite than those who let Yueya bay wait for them to come.

So he suggested that they could start first.

Luo Jinrong agreed: "brother Huang is the emperor anyway. We should wait for him."

Mrs. Shen went upstairs and called for two children. Soon, everyone gathered in the living room and was about to walk out. At that time, the housekeeper came in laughing and led a couple of golden maids: "Your Majesty, your three Highnesses, your master, your highness and your little princess are here."

As soon as he came in, he smiled. He held several boxes in his arms. After everyone said hello one by one, he bent down and gently put the boxes on the coffee table.

He didn't have time to say that he had smiled: "these are all the jewels that the emperor and his mother prepared for Bella's sister when they were engaged. Are they the jewels that the man wanted to give the woman or the elder brother wise? They robbed them from Grandma's claws! Grandma's face is still muddled! "

When they heard the words, they were stunned and looked at him reproachfully.

As for tilted countenance, domestic ugliness should not be publicized. Especially at this time, some things told to Shen's family are rather embarrassing than not.

He immediately smiled and said: "it's not as exaggerated as she said. I asked. These are for Bella. After their mother, they went directly to the hotel and asked me to send it to Qianyu first. "

However, we all know that if we can, Mu Tianxing will send them in person. She can't make it. And if these jewels stay in Yueya Bay, there will be trouble. She will let Qing Rong send them to Bella first.

At this time, linglie's cell phone rang. He took a look and smiled: "Hello, little darling, well, here comes Qingrong, right, five boxes, all for Bella? All right. "

At the end of the call, linglie smiled: "what Qingrong said is right. Xiaoguai asked him to send out five boxes first."

Mrs. Shen thinks that the royal family is really intriguing. When she gets married, she has to be careful. She used to think that the Luo family was very generous, but now she feels a little uncomfortable. However, she is not comfortable. Her daughter is determined to marry, so she can't let the muyize couple knead the flat and round it!

She went to the front, opened all the boxes and looked at them. They were all brand-new. The label certificate was everywhere. She was very satisfied. Then she looked at Ling lie: "the Empress Dowager and the empress took pains for us, Bella."

Linglie saw that they were satisfied, and he was more down-to-earth: "yes."

"Sister, you take this! This green ring, earring, bracelet, a whole set is beautiful! " With a set in his hands, he presented it directly to Bella.

Admiring and frowning, he seemed to have some impression on this set of jewelry: "it's emerald, like the 50th birthday gift from the northern moon kingdom to the emperor's grandmother?"

"Tribute?" Mrs. Shen immediately took it over and put it away: "I want to help Bella lock the safe. I can take it out and wear it on important occasions in the future."

"This ruby suit goes well with Bella's skirt." Qing Rong smiled and said, "my grandmother knows this. When my mother was thirty years old, my father-in-law gave it to me. It was from Ni's family. So put it away. Today's goodbye."

"No!" Lady Shen suddenly said, "we Bela wear this today! Red, engaged, happy! "

"Ah?" He thought Mrs. Shen didn't hear what he said: "but my grandmother knows it. She has seen it."

"Just wear this!" As soon as Mrs. Shen's face sank, she took the Tassel Necklace with ruby and diamond, and put it on her daughter's neck. She admired her strength and rushed to her daughter: "I'll buckle it."

Mrs. Shen let go, took the ring and bracelet and put them on her daughter one by one.

Luo Jin, with a strange look, approached linglie's ear and whispered, "I think this fire extinguisher is redundant. My adored mother-in-law is so powerful!"

Ling lie looks at Shen Di Chen with the same interest.

And Shen Dichen is helpless to hook up the lip, and then dote on to say: "wear it, also very good."

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