Qingrong returns the mobile phone to Ji Xuehao.

They all stared at him and noticed something wrong, but they were afraid to ask.

Qing Yu is young and has a good relationship with Qing Rong. He doesn't have so many scruples. He can't help but say: "big brother? What's the matter with your sister? "

"It's OK. I'll have a spare tire. Now the palace is back. I want to make way. Ha ha ~ "tilted the face to smile awkwardly, stood up to take the red wine to pour another cup for oneself, looked up to swallow!

That kind of sadness and grievance in the moment when he looked up, just like the strongest brush in the ink painting, all at once!

When he dropped the cup, something shining in his eyes flashed away. I don't know if it was tears.

The young man who is just in love wants to marry his princess with full expectation, but he has just begun to dream, and his dream is broken.

All in his mind is the sweet time of short-term love. He suddenly shakes his head and wants to forget all!

"I don't think she's that kind of person," she said

"I was dumped." She shrugged and poured herself another glass of wine: "it's no big deal, I'm still young. Don't spoil your engagement, ha ha. "

Said, he stood up with a glass of wine to admire Bella and said in a loud voice: "as a big brother! I wish you a happy engagement! Grow old together! "

The elders at the next table clapped their hands when they heard and saw it.

The atmosphere was suddenly set off, admiration and Bella can't help, had to stand up and pick up a glass of wine to meet up, tilt face again: "I did, you free!"

The boy raised his neck and swallowed it again.

Now, tilt blue is a little bit covered. What they mean is: who has dumped tilt? Ji Xuehao's sister? Can't it?

Adoration took a sip, and Bella took a sip.

He took Bella and sat down, but found that tilt Rong poured another glass of red wine, directly facing Ji Xuehao and tilt feather: "brother, I wish your love blossom and bear fruit as soon as possible! Xuehao, you are good! Don't be crooked, or you will be beaten by three brothers and one elder sister! "

Ji Xuehao takes a deep look.

It's OK for him to drink red wine, and tipping feather is also a yoghurt.

But it's the fourth cup. He poured it to himself. It's full of wine. This kind of rare red wine has great potential. Can he really drink it?

Ji Xuehao sighed: "Your Highness, I remember that before, the most you can drink is fruit wine, rice wine and beer. The concentration of this red wine is very high. You haven't drunk it, or..."

Inclined to allow not to wait for him to finish saying, cheek crimson ground looks at him, full of bitterness: "you want to repent? Why don't you lean on us? "

Smell speech, Ji Xuehao took up the glass to drink directly.

Qing Yu also drank a big mouthful of yoghurt, for fear that big brother would not be happy.

With a bitter smile on the corner of his mouth, he raised his neck and swallowed it again.

He thought it was time to let it go. As a result, he poured himself another glass. He admired the sobering vessel and asked, "brother Doudou, how much did you put in it?"

A red wine should not be drunk until now.

Yunxuan also regretted: "I just think it's hard to get this wine. I want your highness to taste it more. I didn't think your highness would So I poured two. "

Qingrong smiles and looks at Qinglan with a glass of wine: "Qinglan, although you don't know anything recently, we are still brothers. I wish you find the spirit as soon as possible and grow old together!"

Qinglan likes to listen to Lingling's words. He asked mu Yize to explore linglie's words. Linglie means Lingling will be Luo's daughter-in-law. It's only a matter of time. During this time, Qinglan himself will think that Lingling's life experience is bound to have problems, and she is the daughter of an acquaintance.

He wants to look for adoration, because adoration is smart and helps him analyze problems.

But this time, he was very busy because of the employment, and he had no good intention to disturb his admiration.

Standing up, he took his glass and drank with him.

Their cups are all one-third of the crystal ones, but they are always full. One cup is worth three!

I was so fascinated that I knew that I couldn't drink any more. I immediately winked at Yunxuan. Yunxuan took away the little red wine left in the utensil and the bottle of red wine. I was afraid that Qingrong would borrow wine to relieve his worries because of his lovelorn.

Adore stands up with a smile, walks to the back of the reclining face, and helps him to sit down.

He saw that tilt face was slightly drunk. He smiled and bent over tilt face and said: "don't be afraid. Isn't Xuehao there? Let's have dinner later. You know I'd better use my brain. I've found Bella and tilt feather after losing them for 13 years. After going back, I'll help you analyze. Maybe things are not so simple!"

"Ha ha, I was dumped!"

Although he was slightly drunk, he also understood that he didn't dare to let Mu Tianxing know, so his voice was very small.

Adore rubbed his hair: "big brother, are you doubting your own vision? When you are with someone, does she like you or not? Is it true? Can't you feel it? "

Listen to your words, and you will be stunned!

That is to say, it's quiet.

The dishes for the wedding banquet are all the most expensive in the hotel. Many new dishes will be served at the end of the year, because their arrival has been put on the table.

Even linglie and Luo Jinrong, whose taste buds are extremely picky, are admired.

Mr. and Mrs. muyize are calm all the time. They should eat and drink. They haven't caused any trouble from the beginning to the end.

After lunch, the younger generation went back to Yueya Bay directly, while the older generation stayed and continued to drink and have fun until nearly three o'clock in the afternoon.

Yueya Bay -

will not be drunk and unconscious, but will let you feel that your brain is clear and the road under your feet is clear, but somehow, you can't walk in a straight line.

Qinglan and adore drive him from left to right, and he is also dizzy.

Even so, when he fell on the big bed, he said: "adore! Really, I'm really clear. I have a clear idea. It's just that I can't walk in a straight line! "

"That's drunk, too." Smile admiringly and heartily.

He didn't want his brother to fall in love on a day like his engagement.

It's not that he's afraid of misfortune or mildew. It's that he feels that he has happiness, but his brother is still in deep water. He's not stable in his heart.

Over and over again, he stroked his hair and comforted him like a little dog. He saw that his mood was clear and stable, and tears fell silent again.

Admiring and sighing, looking at Ji Xuehao: "your sister has never been in love? How did my big brother become a spare? "

Ji Xuehao is also embarrassed.

Looking at the situation, he thought about it. He went up and sat beside the bed, whispered and said seriously: "my sister doesn't have any boyfriend, she doesn't like anyone! My sister is sincere, very, like you, these two points, I can use my life to assure you

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