Leaning on the side of the car, the handsome and hideous face was a little pale.

He covered his stomach with one hand and held her car with the other, as if supporting his body.

Think of just looking at him like this, some nervously walked past, haven't spoken a word, the air has been filled with the smell of wine.

She frowned to say that we had broken up.

But she can't say it. This young man is not much younger than Xuehao. He can fly from one country to another. He can think that she will come after her when she breaks up. She is so touched that he doesn't want to.

But she didn't want to show too much concern for him.

She looks at her face with heavy makeup. Her eyebrows are more wrinkled than hers. Is this woman really going to date someone for dinner? It's so showy!

"I," he said, raising one hand and changing it from the hand he had covered his stomach before, "think about it, I miss you, and I'll come!"

Think about clearly seeing a little blood stain on the back of his hand, as if there were pinholes.

When he was angry, he raised his hand and thumped on his shoulder: "why don't you cherish yourself so much! It's just a breakup. How many days do we know each other? What kind of girl can't find you in such a good condition! I have to rely on an old girl to do something! "

As a child, Qingrong practices martial arts with adoration, and easily catches her wrist.

Looking at the anxieties in her eyes, she was pulled back to her arms with a single hand.

Chin on her shoulder, whispered painfully, "think, I'm not comfortable. Don't make trouble with me. I miss you. Let me hold you for a while. If you break up with me firmly, I will depend on you, but I just miss you. I can't control it. You are all in my mind. I can only come to see you. Think about it. Even if I break up, if I miss you later, I will still come to see you. Don't be angry with me. After a long time, I may get better slowly. I will also restrain myself and control the number of times I come to see you. But I, you can't let me completely lose your news, I can't stand it! "

I love her as much as a weaned child.


He took advantage of holding her, his hands in the gap behind her, and quickly wiped the lines he adored in his hands!

That's right now, the cell phone in my bag rings.

Her voice was a little hoarse. She pushed her hands on his chest and said, "get out of the way, I'll take the call."

Tilt face carefully let go of her, clearly see her eyelashes wet, she turned to take out the mobile phone: "snow Hao, what's the matter?"

"Elder sister, if your highness contacts you, you must tell us! He used to infuse in the ward, so he sneaked out of the hospital and disappeared for more than two hours. All of us were looking for him and were crazy! "

Ji Xuehao's voice was obviously flustered. His voice had just fallen, and there was also admiration and Bella's voice coming in. -

"no, I've looked for them. What should I do

"Do you want to check the flight records? Will it fly to China?"

"Fly to China? How is that possible? He's bleeding from his stomach. How can he fly to China? He won't die if he likes my sister any more

Ji Xuehao said to adore and Bella, and then thought to the phone: "elder sister, if your highness contacts you, you must stabilize him first, then set out his address and tell us the address!"

"He's here!"

Think of the impatiently closed eyes, and then open, you can see a pair of arms on the waist, and her back closely, is a young man's strong and broad chest!

"He's here. Don't worry. I'll take him to have a rest now. Call!"

As for whether to buy a ticket for tilt Rong, let him leave quickly. It's not until tilt Rong goes to the hospital and is seen by the doctor. Think about not promising to his brother on the phone.

It seemed that she was afraid that her brother would ask too many questions, and she could not answer, so she hung up the phone directly.

Drooping eyes, looking at the arm on the waist, think of some helplessness: "tilt, let's not talk about the emotional things, I will send you to the hospital now, OK?"

Leaning face stood straight, chin on her head, hands around her shoulder: "think about it, you take me to the hotel. I'm all right. I'll sleep and fly back in the evening. "

The necklace he gave to me, the Sapphire Pendant with the picture of him climbing to the top of the mountain when he was a child, was hanging around her neck!

At such a close distance, when Ji Xuehao called, he saw it.

She has him in her heart.

However, her firm voice floated in the air: "tilt, we have nothing to do now. You are not suitable for me. If something happens to you, I will take responsibility. You'd better go to the hospital, then live in the hospital and have doctors and nurses to take care of you. I'll buy you a ticket and take you back. Don't do such a foolish thing in the future! "

He ignored, just slowly pulled her body, hands holding her face: "but, I miss you."

In order to avoid meeting with colleagues and causing traffic jams, think about going downstairs ten minutes in advance every day and driving away.

But today, because of the delay of time, there are more and more colleagues coming to pick up the car.

Some saw that they did not dare to mind the business of the female boss, so they quietly watched and whispered.

Think about it and know that it's not the way to wear it. Her BMW is a sports car. Pull him around half the front of the car, put him in the front passenger's seat belt, and then help him close the door.

She drove him in her own car, so she left the company building.

Along the way, they were speechless, and Qingrong had been thinking about the reason why she had to break up with herself.

It's impossible for such a strong woman to meet a bad person, lose her body and feel unworthy of him!

So, after thinking about it, I gave her a look with some trepidation.

He will not forget that Ji's family has another genetic disease. When he was on the plane, Ji Xuehao seemed to think of something and specifically told him: "if my sister is determined to divide, don't force her, she may not feel well. You come back first, I will go back and help you explore."

Ji Xuehao's words have been pondered all the way.

Rush hour, passing by the most prosperous section of the city, traffic jam seems to be a daily practice.

Think of slightly twisted eyebrows, looked at his face.

She believed in stomach bleeding.

But tilt face is the perfect cheek, eyes focused on her: "will you die?"

Infinite panic spread, think of some dare not see his wrong eyes: "do not know what you are saying."

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