Linglie knew from the beginning that it was a fake for her little son to leave Ji Xuehao to Qianyu.

Deep eyes look not far away, and Ji Xuehao's arm is pulled by Qianyu. He says something to Qiao Yekang beside the car, while Qianyu is pulling him, standing on tiptoe and looking at linglie.

Her daughter's eyes were blazing and her heart was soft.

When I think of Ji Xuehao's character, it seems to be the same as adoration and tolerance. I will never bully him.

Raise your hand and put it on his son's shoulder, linglie said solemnly: "OK, let Xuehao be in your house! Chat with you! "

The admiration is well known, the father let them go, they will naturally do things beautifully, will not let others see to chew the tongue: "Hmm! Don't worry, father! "

Return to lean feather side again, admire just brush past, the sharp lean feather is wringing small eyebrow, small appearance is very pitiful.

Ji Xuehao smiled and rubbed her hair: "no problem."

Just look, I admire what I said to Qiao Yekang. Qiao Yekang makes an OK gesture to Ji Xuehao. Then he gets in the car and leaves without Ji Xuehao.

Tilt feather to take off at the same place, happily.

On the surface, she pulls Bella and runs to the gate of the dormitory, but every few steps, she will look back and hope that the second brother will bring Ji Xuehao to her!

Bella was afraid that she would fall down when she looked forward, so she carefully led her.

Adore and Ji Xuehao look at each other in the same place.

Adore way: "you rest in my room tonight, my clothes, you certainly can wear."

Ji Xuehao nodded and said, "please, your highness."

Admiring hands on Ji Xuehao's shoulders. They look like brothers. Qi Qi goes to the villa. Everyone looks at this scene and knows it's Ji Xuehao. They are going to get together in the evening.

Mr. and Mrs. muyize went back to their room to have a rest after dinner. They didn't accompany them to watch fireflies by the lake.

So that Qinglan now stands alone by the lake, who wants to talk to, and feels uncomfortable.

Looking at the adoration and Ji Xuehao walking in, he couldn't help admiring.

Linglie saw it and said to Luo Jinrong without expression, "then please uncle Jinrong. Let's go to the chess and card room on the third floor and wait."

Luo Jin's face was filled with a playful smile.

Mr. and Mrs. rajeb, Mr. and Mrs. linglie, and Mr. and Mrs. Shen Dichen all entered the palace with warm smile.

When Qinglan wanted to catch up with them, she saw Luo Jinrong, who was most afraid in his heart, coming to her. In the night, she said hello to herself! Boy~! "

Tilt Blue English again bad, these two words are understand.

Some wooden ground stands in place, looking at him: "Jin Rong grandfather."

Luo Jin came to stand in front of the young man, looked at him from the bottom up, and then said, "there is almost no difference between you and your adored face in the night, but the temperament of your eyes is different."

"I can't compare with adoration at all. I am clear in my heart. Grandpa Jinrong, I'll go back first. "

It can be seen that Luo Jinrong likes admiring, and she will stand up for admiring.

But if Luo Jinrong doesn't come to him to humiliate him because he doesn't want to admire shares, then he won't accompany him. After all, shares are not his own. He has grandparents on them.

However, tilt blue to go, Luo Jin Rong did not stop.

He just waited for the young man to walk two steps, then said to the young man's back: "you know, in the eyes of the whole family, you are the one who can't miss the most?"

Tilt Lanton step.

Luo Jinrong's voice is melodious and graceful, with a magnetic force penetrating into people's hearts, so that tilt blue involuntarily turned over and stared at him: "what?"

Luo Jin looks up at the sky, takes out a box of cigars and a lighter gracefully with her hands. After lighting it, she spits out a blurred cigarette ring, and the fireflies in front of her eyes just disappear.

He was in such a night, the noble figure of the world looked blue in his heart.

Luo Jinrong walked towards him slowly, stood only one meter away from him, and then said: "you are the best to admire from childhood, and qianrong could not be integrated in, but he has always been with the adoration. Have you ever thought that after your three brothers go to school, they are all under a lot of pressure and busy. The only time they have to relax and get together is winter and summer vacation. But at this time, you always leave them and go to m city. "

Tilt blue to sip lips, no words.

Luo Jinrong said: "are you strange now? Why is the relationship between you and your brothers like this? In fact, even the inclination and admiration have never thought that one day, you will be strange. "

He took another sip of his cigar, spit out his cigarette ring, and said: "the biggest difference between you and Fanrong over the years is that they have achieved their ability to think independently, judge independently and distinguish right from wrong, and you have not! No matter what you do, you rely on it. When you encounter difficulties, you depend on admiration, your grandparents and everyone around you. Qinglan, you ask yourself, how many things did you accomplish independently from small to large? "

Tilt blue: "..."

Luo Jinrong said again: "when I was a child, I was better to admire you, and you were better to admire you, but I was not good to you, so I became the bond of your three brothers. Do you know that good people always bring their own magnetic field, which makes people around them want to be close? After every study, you finally have a holiday. When you were supposed to take part in family activities, you ran to m city and were offered by your grandparents in a honey pot. The feelings of love and admiration were thus established, and the gap between you and them was thus created! "

Tilt blue: "..."

Luo Jinrong chuckled and asked him, "your grandparents are always afraid that you will suffer losses, that you will be wronged, and that the elders will not be fair to you, but have you ever thought about why your father and the emperor only took the shares of the two companies you want to inherit as dowry to adore?"

"Tilt blue small voice way:" father emperor partiality admires

"You are wrong! You fool! Your father is partial to you! Because you are spoiled by your grandparents! Because worry about your future! Because adore the future is the emperor, he is helping you to strengthen the relationship between you and adore, he is helping you pave the way for the future! But your grandfather and grandmother are very short-sighted, and they have failed to live up to your father and the emperor's painstaking efforts to pave the way for you! "

Luo Jin looks at him speechlessly, and the eyes are no different from looking at an idiot: "if you still think your grandparents are right, then you can go! But tilt blue, you are not hurt by others, is the heart of admiration, is the heart of the future emperor, can you have a little brain? Even Ji Qingchen, a relative like him, knew more than ten years ago that he would give his shares to your father, who was still the emperor's Saver, as a wedding gift. Were they stupid? And you are stupid! "

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