I admire the appearance of leaning blue, sitting still, eyes lax, and finally sighed.

He raised his hand and rubbed his blue hair.

Facing each other, everyone has the illusion of looking at themselves. After all, they look too similar.

The blue eyelashes are stained with wet ideas, and the thoughts are transferred from the beloved girl to the younger brother. The young man's newly grown Adam's apple slides up and down, and he finally says guiltily, "I'm sorry, I admire you."

The admiration is just staring at him for a long time. Then he said: "the matter of my next appointment has passed, so I will not mention it. I know your ears are soft. My grandparents are used to it. In fact, they are also right. In order to cultivate you, they didn't even say that they wanted another child of their own after their infertility was cured. With this, you are obedient and filial. But you listen blindly to everything. That's your foolish filial piety. "

"Adore said, in tilt blue body side to sit, raise hand to put on his shoulder, as before side by side:" Grandpa and grandma is who? They are self-made businessmen in the small county. From birth to the age of 30, their lives have never left that small county. Haven't you been to Qingcheng? You don't know what the Mu family relatives are like? If you think about it again, who are the father, what are the Luo family, what are the Ni family, what are the Shen family, the Qiao family and the Ji family, the elders from the family with a hundred years of profound cultural background, how can they be on the same level with grandma and grandma? "

Tilt blue: "..."

Adoration suddenly turned to his face and stared at him: "and you, who you learn from, who you listen to, who you take as an example, determine what kind of person you will become in the future!"

Tilt blue: "..."

"Adore white his one eye:" tell you a secret again


Qinglan only thinks that this night is an extremely magical night. He also thinks that his past life is vague and full, but after tonight, he has a feeling of living and understanding. Talk with Luo Jinrong and adore. This kind of mood and feeling is not found in the conversation with mu Yize and his wife.

It's as if it's really what adoration says: different levels.

Jixuehao and Beira, as well as Qingyu, all put up their ears.

Everyone wants to know what the secret of adoration is.

Then he listened to his admiring eyes and looked at the blue. After a while, he said, "father, tomorrow I should try my best to appease me. Because he used to pave the way for you. He wanted me to accept your affection, but he failed. Not only failed, but looked on coldly. Tilt blue, at that time, on the matter of marriage, they looked on coldly, that is, falling into a trap! At that time, grandma Huang and grandma quarreled like that. They all ignored. From the positive understanding, they didn't feel the failure of my next hiring. From the negative understanding, they expected and watched my next hiring failure! "

In the blue's mind, Luo Jinrong's words suddenly came to mind: "admire this kind of mind. When you meet it, you should hold it tightly. You still offend him and make him sad. What do you think? Adore this kid. It's dark! You are stupid! "

Just as Qinglan was sweating, Ji Xuehao smiled: "I suddenly think of Uncle Feinan in Jiyuan. He has been with my father all his life. When I was born, uncle Feinan tried to persuade my father to give the garden to me, but my father insisted on using my brother, because my brother didn't inherit this kind of kidney disease. My father was selfless and unrepentant We want to pass on the century old foundation of Jijia. From childhood, my eldest brother lives at home as an heir. Uncle Feinan doesn't like him at all. He thinks his existence has taken away what I should have. In fact, what's the matter with my eldest brother? However, people have their own preferences, which is impossible. Later, my elder brother accidentally bumped into people while driving. The dash cam broke down that day. The road was still a blind area for monitoring. Uncle Feinan saw that the man was out of compliance with the traffic rules, but he didn't want to testify to my elder brother. He also said that it was foggy and didn't see clearly. "

Admiring and laughing, Ji Xuehao really understood his meaning.

Bella also slightly understood: "so, on the positive side, your uncle doesn't care if your elder brother has anything, on the negative side, your uncle is looking forward to and watching your elder brother's accident."

Ji Xuehao nodded, and Qingyu also understood: "because the third brother was born in the cap of emperor Chu, his grandparents thought that he took the light of the second brother. In their hearts, the second brother is always the best, so..."

"Just know something." Admiring Ning Mei and looking at Qing Yu, he is very fond of his sister: "Qing Yu is not afraid. No matter how the relatives are, our sisters will not be brothers and sisters."

With that, he looked at tilt blue: "right?"

After listening to the words of adoration, Qinglan feels that she is a fool. It looks very simple, but in other people's eyes, it will become something deep and several levels.

He was a little unconvinced, and lost in admiration. He admitted: "do you think of what you said?"

I fell in love with the music and chuckled out.

Bella also smiled, and she saw that although tilt blue used to listen to biased, but tilt blue is really no mind.

And tilt feather is to twist a small brow, way: "big brother will think, I don't know, but in the night when big brother came to me to get money, he also said this: if the admiration can't pass this time, Grandpa and grandma will be very unlucky in the future, and tilt blue will also be implicated, so how much we can help, how much we can take, don't leave anything in our hands "

Ji Xuehao said: "Your Highness looks simple, honest and polite, but in fact, he knows it."

"I learned an idiom from my eldest brother last night. It's called home and everything!"

After one incident, Qinglan really felt that it was necessary to use his brain.

"I'm a little tired. Go back first. You go on playing cards. "

He got up to go back to his room and digest everything tonight.

To leave, the admiration suddenly stopped him: "you go back to the room and remember to call the big brother to show concern. When you were sad with Lingling, the eldest brother always stood by you. "

Isn't it so close between people?

Admiration is to teach him how to be a man and how to redeem everyone's slightly embarrassed brotherhood.

Tilt blue also think of the past, think of last night after everyone went upstairs tilt allow to scold him, nodded: "Oh, I will."

As soon as he left with his front feet, adoration took up the card before him, sat down at the table and looked at them: "come on, who's going out? Let's go on! "

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