The evening wind is slow and the sunset is beautiful.

I have been living in the hospital for several days. In the daytime, I think I will do various tests and receive various treatments. On the whole, it's pretty good. At least the current look is very good.

Every morning and evening, it's time to take a walk in the garden behind the inpatient department.

"I heard it's only a few kilometers away from the entrance of Badaling Great Wall. It's very close. When you are well, I will take you to climb the Great Wall. If you can't walk, I will carry you on my back, or borrow a retractable wheelchair from the hospital and push you! "

Her imagination is always beautiful, and she participates in every wish.

Think of listening to my heart's longing, looking up at the sky's rays, and then looking at the young people around me, who are clear and childish, but seem sophisticated and steady, and said: "don't wait for me to get well. If you want to go, we will go when there is less inspection in one day. Anyway, you also said it. It's very close. "

Her disease, inherited by her family, is well known to her.

Entering this program, we will really develop step by step.

What she did was to give her a chance to seek miracles and a chance to feel at ease. If she is not there, she will feel that he has done his best and he has no regrets for her.

She didn't want him to live with regret.

Qing Rong understood her idea, but said, "no! I'm going to say a lot of plans, beautiful ones, and then I don't take you there. I have to wait for you to get well before I take you there! If you don't get angry, I can only take other women with me in the future. Don't regret it! "

Think of Puchi a smile, the heart hate teeth itch, and think he is in the abdomen black lovely.

He is trying his best to create an atmosphere for her to live. He does not want her to be decadent, and he is willing to stimulate her will to live at all costs, so that she can actively face the treatment and believe that the future life will be more wonderful.

Leaning on the side of the marble carved handrail, Qingrong bought two bags of fish food and accompanied him to think about feeding the koi in the pool here.

He thought about this period clearly. If he asked Uncle Xiao Qiao to talk about international exchange students, he could come to the military academy in Beijing. In fact, the undergraduates in the military academy are much more relaxed than volunteers. After the first three months of military training, every weekend, each dormitory will be allocated two places to go out.

The person who gets the quota to go out, writes the leave request, signs to the leader of the dormitory, the platoon leader, the company commander, and the team leader, and issues a small blue pass. Then the cadets of the military academy walk in and out of the sentry gate with the green student pass and the blue pass, and the Sentry can release them after checking the signatures and certificates one by one.

He thought that if there are eight people in a dormitory, and there are only two places a week, he has no other way, but he has more money.

It's a big deal. Every time we discuss the quota in the dormitory, he will spend money on it!

A lot of people don't like going out very much. They are very homestead. They want to stay in the military school after the holidays. There are many people there. Let them help them to grab the places.

Qingrong has thought about the future so far. He came to Beijing with the determination to spend the most difficult period with him.

Soon, two packs of fish were fed.

The sky is also tinged with light blue, with sporadic but twinkling stars blinking. The night wind is gradually rising, and they hold their hands to think about it. They walk on the path covered with pebbles. The figure of love is plated with holy silver white, which is like a picture.

They live in the convalescent ward of the hospital. The daily expenses are considerable, but the environment and service are very good.

There is a supermarket and a bakery on the inner floor of the inpatient department, all of which are pasted with take out telephone and specific commodity price list behind the door panel of the ward.

Even if you are hungry in the middle of the night, you can call someone in the supermarket and send up a box of quick-frozen dumplings. Then you can cook two large plates of dumplings in an electromagnetic oven in the ward and go to sleep after you think about it.

The doctor specially explained with tilt volume, and carefully remember to think about the number of times of urination every day.

Because kidney disease develops to the back, urine is less and less.

For this reason, she broke her heart. Every time she went to the bathroom, he took off his shoes and walked to listen quietly through the door.

He would laugh when he heard the patter of water. It was the sound of peeing in it.

In other people's eyes, this kind of behavior is abnormal, but for Qingrong, it is full of his love for his beloved girl.

-- have a good weekend --

after the linglie couple arrived in Beijing, they only took Zhuo ran and ten undercover members of the special team for secret protection.

At first, everyone went to eat Beijing roast duck happily, and said that they would try the authentic old Beijing hot pot in the evening. As a result, Mu Tianxing suddenly refused to accept the local conditions and vomited up and down. This made Ling lie feel bad.

Looking at her pale face, Zhuo ran rented a Rolls Royce in the car shop and drove Mu Tianxing directly to the hospital.

Because they don't want to announce their identity, everything about them is based on the law of people's daily life.

Mu Tianxing's nest was in Ling lie's arms. Zhuo ran came back very soon. Standing by the door of the car, he held a card in his hand and said, "Your Majesty, this is the nearest hospital to the Badaling Great Wall. The specialty is the most famous kidney disease department. It opened a convalescent ward for the queen in the back inpatient building, which is far away from the masses and has a good environment."

After listening to zhuoran's narration, linglie gets off with Mu Tianxing, and strides to the emergency room directly with zhuoran.

After the test, the doctor said that Mu Tianxing was an acute gastroenteritis and needed transfusion.

Linglie is not happy to say: "you Chinese people a little small thing will infusion! The essence of infusion to human body is the same as small operation like appendicitis, which has trauma! "

The doctor stroked his glasses, looked at the visitor with a sharp voice and smiled: "aren't you going to be hospitalized? I thought you were nervous, so I prescribed the infusion medicine. In fact, it's OK to inject and take medicine! "

Linglie's eyes sank slightly: "then inject and take medicine!"

The doctor smiled: "ha ha, actually you don't need to be in hospital."

"We are tourists. Staying in a hotel is no different from staying in a hospital!" Linglie's voice is very cold. His heart is tied to the safety of Mu Tianxing now. In many cases, he will die of minor illness. So as long as it's a problem of Mu Tianxing, even a sneeze is a big problem for linglie!

The doctor saw that linglie couldn't speak, so he shut up completely.

Zhuo ran quickly paid for the fee. Some soldiers in plain clothes pushed the wheelchair rented from the hospital. Ling lie carefully put his queen on it and pushed her towards the inpatient department.

He smiled a little and looked at the picture in front of him, sighing with emotion: "you pushed me back then, now I push you back."

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