When linglie returned to the ward, Mu Tianxing was still in the bathroom.

He was lying on the edge of the bed, holding his mobile phone to look at the photos sent by tilting face one by one, and then sent the mobile phone number of the medicine doctor.

He also attached a message under the photo: "the photo is confidential and cannot be transmitted outside."

After about five or six minutes, the medicine doctor's message replied: "this is nephritis, and all kidney diseases are uremia. If it is not hereditary, we can strive for treatment and control of the disease. If it is a woman, she cannot bear children. If it's hereditary, find the kidney source directly. Even if you find it, you can live or not

This result is similar to linglie's psychological expectation.

At this time, the door of the washroom opened, Mu Tianxing changed his clothes, blew his long hair to half dry, and directly wiped some skin cream on his face, without makeup.

Like a clear cloud, she stood there, her blue sea skirt was wrapped in her blue sky, with her sweet smile, which made people feel that the haze was swept away and the miles were clear.

Linglie walked up to her, took her hands and looked at her from the bottom to the top: "Yo Yo, who is this new girl, who can be so sweet?"

Mu Tianxing glanced at him coyly and held his arm: "let's go out for breakfast with you. It's not easy to come here. You can't stay in the hospital all the time. Unlucky! "

Linglie took a deep look at her, bent over her forehead and kissed: "if you feel better, we will climb the Great Wall!"

Anyway, it's very close to the Great Wall, and take her to leave here quickly, so as to avoid them and reduce the crisis. As for other things, let's wait until the crisis is over!

Mu Tianxing smiled: "of course, my queen is as strong as a cow!"

He soon bought all the snacks, bread and snacks that he often ate in the dormitory. The water is pure water, and the milk is the brand that Mu Tianxing used to drink.

She sat in Rolls Royce, tearing bread and eating it, waiting for Zhuo ran to go through the discharge formalities.

Linglie's hand is always on her waist and her body is slightly sideways. She doesn't know what she is doing with her mobile phone.

As long as Mu Tianxing's little head moved slightly, he immediately put the mobile phone in his arms.

The doubt in Mu Tianxing's heart is more and more intense.

Half jokingly came a sentence: "furtive, is not in the outside to raise a little lover?"

"Heaven and earth conscience! Nothing! " Linglie retorted immediately, and showed her her her her mobile phone: "look! It's all about military affairs. Uncle Joe sent it to me. "

Naturally, Mu Tianxing knows that he will not betray himself.

All the way through such wind and rain, if linglie can support her lover, there is no real love in the world.

However, she was still confused and did not ask questions. She observed quietly.

This Rolls Royce is parked downstairs in the inpatient department convalescent ward or in the back door. In this way, if they really enter and leave, they will not choose here. They will go out at the front door and avoid Mu Tianxing.

However, the air in the morning is very good. The temperature in midsummer hasn't risen yet. It's most suitable for opening windows.

Think of the room window is facing the back door, and the convalescent ward of this hospital is decorated with the taste of Chinese classical architecture. The window is retractable, very poetic.

Think of standing in the window in a pink silk short sleeved nightdress, showing a small face and looking out at the scenery.

With a twinkle and a smile, the dark eyes are crafty and bright, especially smart. The early morning sunshine covers her small face over the mist, so peaceful and beautiful.

Mu Tianxing tore the bread and ate it. Suddenly, the whole man grilled at the window and said loudly to Ling lie, "uncle! Uncle! Look, there are beauties! "

Linglie totally ignored: "the most beautiful women are in Yueya Bay."

In his heart, mother, wife and daughter are the most beautiful women in the world.

Mu Tianxing stretched out his hand and patted him: "no, it's really a beautiful woman. It's a rare grade, a beautiful woman! What a temperament! "

Linglie was hit by her little hand, unable to cry or laugh, so she had to look closely.

I can't see it. I see it and think about it!

Mu Tianxing has never been to Ji's home. Naturally, he doesn't know what Ji wants to look like, but it's not so nice to meet him in such a way and in such an environment!

Linglie anxiously looked at the back door of the door. Zhuoran had not come out yet. He immediately pulled Mu Tianxing and said, "my dear, don't look. Where can a woman pull her husband to see a beautiful woman?"

"Uncle, you're not that kind of person. The pleasant things are naturally to be shared!"


"Uncle, this girl looks like she's only 20 years old. She's so young. It's said that this is a special hospital for kidney disease. She has reached the point of living in a hospital. Must it be very serious?"


"Uncle, do you think she will die? I suddenly thought of the genetic disease of Ji's family. I really hope that Xuehao will be fine in ten, twenty and thirty years


Mu Tianxing said these things without knowing, which made linglie worry a thousand times, unable to answer!

Seeing zhuoran's figure finally come out from the back door, linglie immediately patted Mu Tianxing's arm gently: "little darling, sit well, zhuoran is back."

He didn't want to look at the stars again.

Mu Tianxing nodded. Just to look back, he saw that the girl suddenly had a pair of arms behind her and held her in his arms.

Mu Tianxing is very curious about what kind of man will never give up on a seriously ill woman. However, if you think about it carefully, this woman has a good appearance and temperament, and she must have a good upbringing. If you have a man who loves her deeply, it's not surprising.

Thinking, Zhuo ran came over and opened the cab door to get on.

Linglie tried to pull the body of Mu Tianxing, but did not pull her eyes. Suddenly, the man in the window seemed to push the girl inside nervously. He stood in front of the window and stretched out his arms to close the window!

That's the face!

A mother will never forget her child's face!

Within a second, Mu Tianxing's brain quickly recalled everything. Together, she suddenly screamed, "ah ~!"

The husband lied to her!

The children lied to her!

Linglie and zhuoran are both surprised!

Linglie looked up at the past. Through the dark glass window, she could see that her face was getting smaller and smaller covered by the gap of the folded window.

Zhuo ran also saw it!

He was shocked to be there with his mouth half open. In order to avoid them, he parked his car at the back door. Unexpectedly, he ran into him!

Linglie immediately covers Mu Tianxing's mouth and hugs her: "wife! Listen to me! Listen to me! "

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