Under the moonlight, the manager suddenly sent the debit note written by Mu Tianxing from his pocket.

Bai Liqiu took a look at her eyes and quickly handed them to linglie's palm: "brother Huang."

He is also flustered now. He has never seen linglie's angry appearance. In the past, when the royal family gathered, he had one or two opportunities a year. Relying on his grandfather's relationship with Joe, bailiqu would also approach and joke with linglie's condom, just like when he saw linglie at the airport.

But now, he dare not relax.

Linglie's face was calm, and she took the note and took a look.

The font on it is really cute, but it is full of a clear and meaningful atmosphere. The order is to let off a feeling. Even on the last signature, the handwriting is still a little lively.

This lively signature, combined with her sadness before disappearing from the airport, is not directly proportional.

What kind of situation can make a person's mood change like this?

Following the couple's years of tacit understanding, linglie still smelled the girl's revenge!

People are still waiting for linglie's advice, and the manager is still kneeling there shivering. In the summer, under the warm light and shadow, the more mosquitoes gather, the more they turn around in front of their eyes, which makes them a little fidgety.

Linglie just took back his legs, so he came out again.

The tall figure came down from the car little by little and showed up in front of the crowd. The tall body was close to the manager, which made him shiver even more.

Linglie looked down at him and said, "give me her room number!"

Everyone was surprised at the words!

Bai Liqiu was even more confused: "brother Huang, sister Huang has left. It's better to get the number plate of the taxi she's taking, and then follow her lead to find it as before! "

Linglie ignored him, just staring at the people on the ground: "I count to three, otherwise, you will be responsible for the consequences!"

The manager really cried out. He was scared. His whole face was white and not wrinkled together. He was very tangled and painful. He didn't explain, which made linglie's exploration get real feedback and made bailiqiu feel a trace of disbelief.

For linglie, it's understandable that little darling will do so.

He made a mistake, disobeyed the original oath not to deceive her, didn't apologize, just wanted to muddle through, and misunderstood that she only knew that she was playful and didn't care about the life and death of her child.

In fact, if she didn't take life and death as one thing, she wouldn't think her sky was falling.

He didn't admit his mistake in time. This time, it was he who hurt little darling's heart.

At this time, Mu Tianxing has no cell phone or wallet, so she can only come here. She knows the value of identity and has been taking the overall situation into consideration for many years, so she won't really let herself go on the street.

She must have put pressure on the manager!

"If you want to come, you are poor. You dare not offend the queen or me. But you should also know that the hotel is the property of Luo family. If you don't say it, you can call Luo Jinrong and let Luo Jinrong tell me! "

Linglie folds up the loan slip of admiring the sky star, and puts it in the pocket with the shirt right on the end.

That position, it happens to be his heart.

The palm of his hand goes up. He puts his mobile phone in his heart with great understanding and silently serves.

Seeing that linglie was about to make a phone call, the manager cried out: "your majesty! The queen is in room 8806! It's a normal business standard room! Your majesty, I grew up in the mountains. When I was in junior high school, because there was no education condition in the village, I was visited by the empress and Mrs. Yueya in person. The loving junior high school that I invested in allowed me to study. When I was in senior high school, I thought I couldn't go on studying. I didn't have the money to pay the tuition. The senior high school was also in the county and the city. I couldn't afford the house there. There was no account corresponding to it Our school district just caught up with the education reform. It is also the mountain area registered permanent residence vigorously supported by the queen that the children's education expenses are all exempted. And I have the freedom to choose a school within my jurisdiction without Limited registered permanent residence, so that I can be admitted to the best high school and the University for hotel management. My majesty, I am the first college student in our village to leave the mountain. I can't disobey the order of the queen, Wuwu ~ I really can't disobey it. "

I'm very moved.

Xiaoguai has done a lot of practical work for his people over the years, and has accumulated a lot of merits and virtues.

Pick eyebrows, his voice is more warm: "give me a room card in Queen's room."

Sideways, he pointed to Zhuo ran and said, "put all my people in place!"

"Yes, yes!" The manager nodded.

He hurriedly got up, went to the front desk to get some cards, and then came to hand linglie one: "Your Majesty, this is an internal card. It's used by the cleaner. It can open the door of every room in the hotel."

Linglie took over, turned his head and looked at them: "housework, let us laugh. I wish I could go myself. Let's have a rest! "

Bailiqu's face was deep and thoughtful: "before, sister-in-law Huang told me that brother-in-law Huang is the best and most knowledgeable person in the world, so she is the happiest when she is with brother-in-law. I used to think that there were people out there and there were days out there, but today, brother Huang can see the clue just because of the font of his sister-in-law Huang, which makes autumn admire him very much. "

Linglie is slightly shocked at the smell of his words.

In Xiaoguai's heart, I am the best one who knows her best.

And he?

But really misunderstood her!

Originally listened to hundred Li Qiu's words should be pleasantly surprised, but linglie's heart actually buried a layer of guilty shadow.

"Your Majesty." The manager cried again, and he took an envelope out of his pocket with tremble: "the queen confessed, if it is revealed, it will be given to you. I'm also scared. I dare not give this to you, so I have the courage to help the queen. "

Linglie reaches for it and opens it.

It's a letter paper at the beginning of a rental company. It's also a common ballpoint pen. Even the handwriting is a little crooked. It should have been written by her on the way from the airport.

The content of the letter is very simple, only two sentences: "the divorce agreement, I and Ling lie married for 18 years, now because of the trust crisis, personality incompatibility, as well as a variety of get along with the malpractice, all have an irreparable impact on the marriage, I am willing to leave the house to end this marriage. Mu Tianxing, mm / DD / yyyy. "

The handwriting on it is very heavy!

Just like linglie's heavy mood at the moment!

"Room phone." Linglie will take out his mobile phone and gently say, "03 * * - 6129 * * turn to 8806."

Ling lie walked and pressed.

There was a slight sound of footsteps behind him. He turned around and saw Zhuo ran and his soldiers, and Bai Liqiu followed him. He immediately frowned: "they all said housework, don't disturb me!"

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