"In particular, the activity of NAG in this test sheet has increased a lot. Nag is an enzyme that is unique to urinary system. Under normal circumstances, a small amount of Nag can be measured in urine, but the activity of Nag is significantly increased in nephrosis, which is also a sign of kidney damage and repair... "

The old man was thinking about two test sheets, one for Ji Qingchen and his wife.

Linglie and his wife are listening carefully.

Don't say Ji Qingchen and his wife are suffering, even linglie and his wife are heartbroken!

The old man almost completely analyzed his illness. Seeing that Ji Qingchen and his wife could not stand it, linglie relaxed the atmosphere and said: "the food is going to be cold, let's eat it first! Eat some more! "

Everyone picked up chopsticks, but the appetite was not very good.

The old man is old and doesn't eat much. It's more restrained to be with so many big people.

"If we can find a reasonable and effective way to treat her iron deficiency anemia, then it is not necessarily negative to delay a few months to do renal dialysis to see the data changes. My former patient, who had dialysis for five years, survived. "

"Direct blood transfusion!" Mu Tianxing is in a hurry: "if you are anemic, how fast is the blood transfusion! One bag is not enough to lose two bags, three bags, so much blood in the blood bank and so many people in Ningguo. Can't you cure a anemia? "

The old man sighed: "queen, when you are seriously anaemic, you have high blood pressure. You can't easily transfuse blood, and you will die. Usually in this case, the patient's body can't bear it, and there will be symptoms of nosebleed. Now I look at this data, it should have slightly urinated blood, and urine decreased! "

Half the lunch time, linglie looked at Ji Qingchen and his wife and said, "it's not the way to live with Qingrong in Beijing. Do you think it's for us to come to Ningguo for treatment, accompanied by you, or for us to think about treatment in China? "

Ji Qingchen and his wife are silent.

They feel very painful. Ji Qingchen looks up at the old man in front of them: "you are an expert in this field. Where do you think the child is better to treat the kidney disease?"

The old man was stunned for a moment, and then said frankly: "China has world-famous traditional Chinese medicine, Ningguo also has world-famous medicinal diet. The medical equipment of each country is basically the same as that of Western medicine, and the key point is to see our disease and which regional characteristics are suitable for it. As far as I am concerned, I am more in favor of Ningguo, because in clinical practice, I have witnessed too many cases of recovery due to medicated diet. Although Chinese traditional medicine is famous, it is very harmful to the stomach. It is the third poison of medicine. Medicated diet belongs to dietotherapy. To find a medicine doctor in Ningguo, and to form a treatment group with kidney disease experts from western medicine to take over Miss Ji's case. I think it's hard to say. If it is destined to die, it may live for two or three months in China. In Ningguo, it can last for half a year. If you have the kidney of the right relative, it's better to match it quickly. "

The old man stroked his glasses and suddenly looked at the linglie and his wife meaningfully.

Then he said to Ji Qingchen and his wife, "what's more, the most realistic problem: China's living kidney donation must be between the immediate family members, otherwise it's illegal! You are no longer a wealthy tycoon in China. You can't buy kidney illegally, can you? But in our country of Ning, if the kidneys of your other children are not suitable for Miss Ji, then look for a suitable kidney source. As long as it is suitable for use, with your majesty and the queen, what are you afraid of not breaking the law? "

The old man spoke and took another sip with the cup in his hand.

She also saw that her majesty and the empress seemed to feel the same thing about Ji's family, which showed that the two families had a very close relationship.

Therefore, she would give such a suggestion and boldly say the most realistic problem.

Ji Qingchen and his wife listen, it's really the same thing.

Ji Qingchen closed his eyes and said: "Ziyan is back. I will not go back this time. Let Ziyan take care of everything in the company for a while. Anyway, all these things should be handed over to him."

By implication, he will accompany his daughter in Ningguo for treatment!

Linglie nodded immediately: "OK! I asked people to prepare a charter flight, and then I picked up the right medicine doctor. I have one in my bedroom! As for the appropriate kidney source, I will come to find it after the doctor brings it to me! "

After lunch, the mayor of Fangze sent the old man back.

Ji Qingchen and his wife, together with Ling lie and his wife, took the chartered plane prepared for them by Bai Liqiu and went to the capital of Ningguo.

On the plane, Ji Qingchen was still worried: "I don't know if Xuehao's kidney can match what I think."

Linglie said: "after getting off the plane, I'll tell you to go down. All the prisoners who are going to be executed in Ningguo will be taken to the hospital for examination. If there is a kidney source that matches the body you think about, that's hope."

Mrs. Ji was deeply moved: "so, please your majesty. Just, will the family members of death row inmates make trouble or not... "

"No." Mu Tianxing looks at Mrs. Ji and explains gently: "in the law of Ningguo, once a prisoner is sentenced to death, the corpse capital should be treated as a medical treatment. Otherwise, there are so many medical universities, so many autopsy classes every day, where are the corpses from? These prisoners made mistakes while they were alive and made some contributions to the people when they died, which is also the right way to die. "

Ji Qingchen said with emotion, "constitutional monarchy has its advantages. In terms of constitution and civil law, it can be more willful than that of the Republic."

"Hahaha." Linglie smiled and explained to Ji Qingchen and his wife with some pride: "the queen was a student of Medical University. When she visited her alma mater once, the alma mater raised the problem of insufficient cadaver specimens. She went back to the palace and thought about it all the time. At that time, several children died because they couldn't wait for proper organ transplantation. The queen was very sad. She then drew up such a law that once all death row inmates were sentenced to death, the corpses were used for medical treatment. If there was a patient who needed to be saved by living, the local doctor would submit the patient information level by level application. If the body condition of the death row inmates met the requirements, then the death row inmates would be changed from shooting to euthanasia, and the organ removal operation would be completed in the operating room. "

Mu Tianxing smiled: "I'm glad that this plan was approved by all votes at the conference, and everyone supports me very much. Moreover, in the past decade, 300 murderers have donated their corneas to make more people bright again; many children with leukemia have received appropriate bone marrow donations from death row inmates and survived, and many other people who need living donor help have also been reborn through death row inmates' channels. "

Linglie held her shoulder and kissed her on the forehead: "darling, come on, be a queen with the best achievements! I believe your name will be recorded in history, and many people will adore you and remember you! "

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